Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  November 28, 2017 according to Item 5 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of  November 24, 2017 No. 119


of February 24, 2015 No. 129

About some questions of activities of banks

(as amended on 29-12-2015)

For the purpose of creation of conditions for ensuring stable activities of banks of Ukraine, considering influence on banking sector of difficult economic situation, fighting in the certain areas of Ukraine, being guided by Articles 6, of 7, of 15, of 55, 56 Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", Articles 66, of 67, 73 Laws of Ukraine "About banks and banking activity", the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:

1. Provide to banks according to requirements of the Regulations on procedure for forming and use by banks of Ukraine of reserves for compensation of possible losses on active banking activities approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of January 25, 2012 No. 23, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 15, 2012 on No. 231/20544 (with changes) (further - No. Provision 23):

proper risk assessment of failure to carry out by debtors/partners of obligations on all active banking activities and the financial liabilities provided by bank taking into account all events and circumstances which can affect timeliness and completeness of debt repayment, including availability at debtors/partners of general economic risk;

forming of reserves for compensation of possible losses on active banking activities in full that corresponds to the level of their risk, as of March 01, 2015.

2. Not apply to banks of corrective actions for violation: economic standard rates of the minimum size of the regulatory capital (N 1), sufficiency (adequacy) of the regulatory capital (N 2), current liquidity (N 5), short-term liquidity (N 6), the maximum extent of credit risk on one partner (N 7), large credit risks (The N 8), limit of common short open foreign exchange position connected with revaluation of accounts in foreign currency and bank metals in connection with growth after February 6, 2014 of the foreign exchange rate to national currency of Ukraine and/or called by forming of reserves for compensation of possible losses on active banking activities after February 6, 2014 on condition of observance of standard rates of H7, H8 by bank for date of the conclusion of agreement/implementation of transaction and requirements of Items 5 and 6 of this resolution;

restrictions on transactions between bank and the faces tied with the investor on subordinated debt, stipulated in Item 3.10 Chapters 3 of the Section III of the Instruction on procedure for regulation of activities of banks in Ukraine approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of August 28, 2001 No. 368, registered in the Ministry of Justice Ukraine on September 26, 2001 at No. 841/6032 (with changes) (further - the Instruction No. 368), under the signed agreements / to the performed transactions till June 15, 2015.

3. Allow banks which implement the actions plan approved by the National Bank of Ukraine for elimination of the violations specified in Item 2 of this resolution perform:

calculation of the standard rate of short-term liquidity (N 6) without the fact of the restructuring of the credits which is carried out till January 1, 2017;


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