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of October 1, 2015 No. 1050

About approval of requirements to programs of complex development of social infrastructure of settlements, municipal districts, city districts

(as amended on 28-11-2023)

According to Item 4.1 of article 6 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed requirements to programs of complex development of social infrastructure of settlements, municipal districts, city districts.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2015 No. 1050

Requirements to programs of complex development of social infrastructure of settlements, municipal districts, city districts

1. These requirements determine structure and contents of programs of complex development of social infrastructure of settlements, municipal districts, the city districts including objects of local value of the settlement, municipal district, city district in the fields of education, health cares, physical culture and mass sport and culture (further - respectively the program, objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district).

2. The program establishes the list of actions (investment projects) for designing, construction, reconstruction of objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district which are provided by the state and municipal programs, the strategy of social and economic development of the municipality and the actions plan on strategy implementation of social and economic development of the municipality (in the presence of data of strategy and the plan), the plan and the program of complex social and economic development of the settlement, municipal district, city district, investing programs of subjects of natural monopolies, agreements on development of the built-up territories, agreements on complex development of the territories, concluded about day of entry into force of the Federal Law "About Introduction of Amendments to the Town-planning Code of the Russian Federation and Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation for the purpose of Ensuring Complex Development of the Territories", and also agreements on complex development of the territory, other investing programs and agreements providing obligations of builders on completion at the scheduled time of actions for designing, construction, reconstruction of objects of social infrastructure.

3. The program provides:

a) safety, quality and efficiency of use by the population of objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district;

b) availability of objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district to the population of the settlement, the municipal district, the city district according to standard rates of urban design according to the settlement, the municipal district or the city district;

c) the balanced, perspective development of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district according to the established needs for objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, the municipal district, city district;

d) achievement of settlement level of security of the population of the settlement, municipal district, city district with services in the areas specified in Item 1 of these requirements according to standard rates of urban design according to the settlement, the municipal district or the city district;

e) efficiency of functioning of the operating social infrastructure.

4. If the master plan of the rural settlement is approved by local government bodies of the municipal district in the territory of which there is rural settlement, the program concerning such rural settlement is subject to development and approval by local government bodies of the specified municipal district.

Local government bodies of rural settlements can perform development and approval of programs if appropriate questions of local value are assigned to such rural settlements the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation and accepted according to them the charter of the municipal district and charters of rural settlements.

5. If the representative body of local self-government of the rural settlement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation makes the decision on lack of need of preparation of the master plan of the rural settlement, the program concerning such rural settlement is not subject to development and approval.

6. Programs are developed for the term of at least 10 years and no more than on effective period of master plans of the settlement, municipal district, city district. Actions and target indicators (indicators) provided by the program shall be specified for the first 5 years with breakdown by years, and subsequent period (before the termination of effective period of the program) - without breakdown by years.

If at the time of development of the program the master plan is implemented less than 5 years, the program is developed on remaining period of action of the master plan, at the same time actions and target indicators (indicators) are specified with breakdown by years within the first 5 years, and subsequent period (before the termination of effective period of the program) - without breakdown by years.

If at the time of development of the program the term of implementation of the master plan constitutes 5 years and more, the program is developed on remaining period of action of the master plan, at the same time actions and target indicators (indicators) are specified with breakdown by years.

7. The program includes:

a) passport;

b) the characteristic of the existing condition of social infrastructure;

c) the lists of actions (investment projects) for designing, construction and reconstruction of objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district (grouped in types of objects of social infrastructure) with indication of the name, locations, technical and economic parameters (type, assignment, capacity (handling capacity), the area, category, etc.), realization terms in planning period (with breakdown by years), executives in charge;

d) assessment of amounts and sources of financing of actions (investment projects) for designing, construction and reconstruction of objects of social infrastructure of the settlement, municipal district, city district;

e) the target indicators of the program including technical and economic financial and socio-economic indexes of development of social infrastructure (are established on each action and for each type of objects of social infrastructure);

e) efficiency evaluation of the actions included in the program including from the point of view of achievement of settlement level of security of the population of the settlement, the municipal district, the city district with services in the areas specified in Item 1 of these requirements according to standard rates of urban design according to the settlement, the municipal district, the city district;

g) the suggestions for improvement of normative and legal and information support of development of social infrastructure directed to achievement of target indicators of the program.


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