of October 12, 2015 No. 716
About National council on reform of public management
According to article 22 of the Law on the Government No. 64-XII of May 31, 1990 (repeated publication: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2002, Art. No. 131-133, 1018), with subsequent changes and amendments, and also for the purpose of establishment of strategic objectives of reform of public management, coordinating and monitoring process of its realization DECIDES: the Government
1. Create National council on reform of public management.
2. Approve:
Regulations on activities of National council for reform of public management according to appendix No. 1;
staff of National council on reform of public management according to appendix No. 2.
3. Determine that in case of release from posts of members of council of their obligation in its structure persons who are again appointed to the corresponding positions without edition of the new order of the Government will carry out.
4. In item 4 of appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Government No. 838 of July 9, 2008. "About creation of Interdepartmental committee on strategic planning" (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, Art. No. 127-130, 848), with subsequent changes and amendments, to exclude the words "and processes of upgrade of the central public management, regional development".
Prime Minister |
Valeriu Strelets |
Countersigns: Minister of Finance |
Anatol Arapu |
Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 12, 2015 No. 716
1. The regulations on activities of National council for reform of public management (further – the Provision) establish legal status, structure, powers and procedure for the organization of activities of National council for reform of public management (further – Council).
2. Council is functional structure of general power, without the status of the legal entity, under the leadership of the Prime Minister.
3. Council will perform monitoring of activities of the commissions, councils, committees or the working groups of the Government which participate directly or indirectly in reform of the central public management.
4. Council is created of representatives of the Commission of Parliament on public management, regional development, the environment both climatic by changes and the Commissions of Parliament on economy, the budget and finance, the Ministries of Economics, the Ministries of Finance, the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the State office.
5. The mission of Council consists in ensuring complex strategic planning process, realization and monitoring the politician of the Government in the field of reforming of public management, both on central, and at the local level, by coordination in the effective way with national priorities industry the politician, the assumed international obligations, and also internal and external resources.
6. Council performs the following functions:
1) considers strategic priorities for the following components of reform of public management – increase in professionalism and integrity of public service, development of state policies on the basis of accounting, reforming of public services, administrative decentralization, management of public finance, fight against corruption in the sphere of public management, and also other relevant areas;
2) makes decisions concerning the purposes and actions which will be undertaken and financed;
3) establishes priorities of the external help in area of reform of public management;
4) the politician and the projects financed by means of the external help in area of reform of public management exercises control of the course of implementation of documents;
5) is considered by the list of public services which are subject to process of reengineering and digitization;
6) considers the submitted reports in the field of reform of public management;
Coordinates 7) and performs monitoring of activities of consultative bodies (committees, the commissions) created for the purpose of realization of certain components of reform of public management;
8) the politician of the state provides coordination of reform of public management with other reforms and documents.
7. The Prime Minister who is the chairman of the board who is helped by the vice-chairman and the secretary directs council.
8. In the absence of the chairman the vice-chairman presides over meetings of Council.
9. The chairman of the board performs the following functions:
1) directs activities and provides accomplishment of functions of Council according to this Provision;
Convokes 2) and holds meetings of Council;
3) approves the agenda of meetings;
4) carries out other obligations according to this Provision.
10. Obligations of the secretary of Council are performed by the deputy secretary general of the Government who is member of council.
11. The secretary of Council will organize work of Council and provides preparation of materials for meetings of Council, constitutes protocols of meetings, carries out orders of the chairman or the vice-chairman of Council and the order of Council according to functions of Council, conducts clerical work.
12. Meetings of Council are convened at least once in three months or are more often according to the proposal of the chairman, vice-chairman or upon the demand of one third of members of council. In the latter case the secretary of Council who consults with the chairman of the board and declares convocation of Council is informed.
13. The agenda of meeting and required materials are brought to the attention of members of council at least in 3 calendar days prior to convocation of meeting.
14. Meetings of Council are competent if the simple majority of members of council participates in them.
15. Also other persons responsible and interested in the questions discussed at meetings on initiative or of the decision of members of council can participate in meeting of Council.
16. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote the members of council who are present at meeting.
17. The decisions of Council made within its competence are obligatory for the central public authorities and have advisory nature for public authorities.
18. Meetings of Council are entered in the protocol constituted by the secretary of Council and signed by its chairman.
19. Protocols of meetings of Council go the secretary of Council to the interested and specified bodies and organizations within 5 days from the date of holding meeting.
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