of September 22, 2015 No. 35
About approval of the Instruction about procedure for development and approval of schemes of the address with the waste which is formed in consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships and also on lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment
Based on part two of Item 2 of article 21 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 20, 2007 "About the address with waste" and Item 9 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 20, 2013 No. 503 "About some questions of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus" the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
2. This resolution becomes effective since October 23, 2015.
A. M. Kovkhuto
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus of September 22, 2015 No. 35
1. This Instruction determines procedure for development and approval of schemes of the address with the waste which is formed in consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships and also on lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment (further, unless otherwise specified, - the scheme of the address with waste).
2. Schemes of the address with waste determine procedure for collection and waste disposal of consumption in consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships, on lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment.
3. Schemes of the address with the waste which is formed in consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships are developed and affirm governing bodies of consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships in coordination with territorial authorities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
The scheme of the address with the waste which is formed in consumer cooperative and gardening partnership shall be developed for newly created consumer cooperative and gardening partnership according to the procedure, established by this Instruction, within sixty days from the date of state registration of consumer cooperative and gardening partnership.
4. Schemes of the address with the waste which is formed on lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment are developed and affirm users of lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment in coordination with territorial authorities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
Users of lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment shall develop according to the procedure, established by this Instruction, the scheme of the address with the waste which is formed on lands of improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment within sixty days from the date of state registration of right to use by lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment.
5. Schemes of the address with waste are developed taking into account requirements of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 20, 2007 "About the address with waste" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 183, 2/1368), this Instruction and other acts of the legislation on the address with waste, including technical regulatory legal acts.
6. Schemes of the address with the waste which is formed on lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment are developed taking into account the mode of protection and use of lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment set by the legislation.
7. Development of the scheme of the address with waste includes:
determination of procedure for collection of waste;
determination of procedure for temporary storage of waste;
determination of procedure for their transportation on subjects to burial, neutralization of waste and (or) on objects for use of waste.
8. The procedure for collection of waste shall provide separation of the formed waste by types, including separation into secondary material resources, extremely dangerous, highly hazardous, moderately dangerous wastes.
9. Temporary storage of waste is performed in the authorized storage locations of waste.
The procedure for temporary storage of waste shall provide creation of places of their temporary storage with containers or without containers according to technical regulatory legal acts.
For gardening partnerships, country cooperatives the organization of temporary storage of waste at source of formation of waste (on sites of members of gardening partnership, country cooperative) on condition of the organization of planned export of waste by special transport for burial, neutralization, use is allowed.
The number of platforms for accumulating of waste and amount of accumulating of waste on these platforms are determined proceeding from the actual amount of formation of waste of different types for certain period of time (days, week, month, year) and frequency of transportation of waste on burial, neutralization, use.
10. The procedure for transportation of waste on subjects to burial, neutralization and (or) on objects for use of waste shall be performed according to the service provision agreements on waste disposal signed by governing bodies of consumer cooperatives and gardening partnerships and also users of lands of nature protection, improving, recreational and historical and cultural appointment with the legal entities or individual entrepreneurs rendering such services.
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The document ceased to be valid since December 9, 2019 according to item 4 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus of November 20, 2019 No. 39