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of June 16, 2014 No. 332

About approval of the Regulations on requirements imposed to arrangement of the territory of free economic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 06-02-2017)

For the purpose of determination of procedure for arrangement of the territory of free economic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic, according to article 6 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About free economic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic", being guided by articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on requirements imposed to arrangement of the territory of free economic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. This resolution becomes effective after three months from the date of official publication.

Prime Minister

J. Otorbayev

It is approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 16, 2014 No. 332

Regulations on requirements imposed to arrangement of the territory of free economic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic

1. General provisions

1. This Provision determines requirements to barrier, arrangement and the equipment of the territory of free economic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - SEZ) and the territories of location of subjects of SEZ.

2. In this Provision the following concepts are used:

the subject of SEZ - the legal entity registered (re-registered) by authorized state body and who underwent accounting registration in general directorate of SEZ according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

the territory of location of subjects of SEZ - the territory of location of production rooms and warehouses of subjects of SEZ in SEZ created for the purpose of the accelerated development of regions which territories are located in the established borders of administrative and territorial units where 50 and more percent of settlements are determined by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic as the settlements located in the mountain and/or remote zones of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. Action of this provision extends to the territories of SEZ or the territory of location of subjects of SEZ which is subject to customs control on which customs procedure of free customs zone is applied.

3-1. The border of the territory of SEZ which is subject to arrangement and barrier for the purpose of implementation of customs control on which customs procedure of free customs zone is applied is determined by general directorate of SEZ.

4. The territory of SEZ or the territory of location of subjects of SEZ shall be protected, equipped and equipped with system of video surveillance so that:

1) to ensure safety of goods;

2) to exclude access for the strangers who do not have powers concerning goods or not being representatives of persons having such powers;

3) to provide possibility of carrying out concerning goods of customs control;

4) to conform to the requirements of fire safety, sanitary and epidemiologic and technical regulations established by regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

5. Compliance of barrier or other conditions for implementation of customs control of goods of subjects of SEZ is confirmed by the act of authorized state body in the field of customs affairs.

6. In case of non-compliance with conditions, stipulated in Item 4 this provision, the general tax regime according to the tax legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic is applied to subjects of SEZ.

7. Arrangement and barrier of the territories of SEZ is provided with general directorates of SEZ according to this Provision.

2. Requirements to barrier, arrangement of the territory of SEZ and territory of location of subjects of SEZ

8. The territory of SEZ or the territory of location of subjects of SEZ shall be protected, designated and protected, have paving for ensuring safe movement of vehicles.

9. The barrier of the territory of SEZ shall represent continuous design from steel concrete, concrete, brick, metalwork or from combinations of these materials, barbed wire on metal or concrete columns and to be height of at least 2,2 of meter, except for barriers of rooms of subjects of SEZ located in the protected territory of SEZ ensuring safety of goods.

The territory of location of subjects of SEZ shall be protected on all perimeter of location with the barrier representing continuous design from steel concrete, concrete, brick, metalwork or from combinations of these materials and to be height of at least 2,2 of meter.

10. The following requirements are imposed to arrangement of the territory of SEZ and the territory of location of subjects of SEZ:

1) availability of sidings (depending on mode of transport);

2) availability of service premises for the customs officers making the customs transactions connected with goods placement under customs procedure, and customs control;

3) availability of the equipped platform, platforms (or customs holes) for carrying out customs goods inspection and vehicles;

4) availability of protection of the territory for ensuring safety of goods of subjects of SEZ and vehicles transporting goods for time necessary for completion of customs transaction of transportation of goods using the automated system of the goods delivery;

5) availability of system of video surveillance;

6) availability in the territory of SEZ and the territory of location of subjects of SEZ or near the place of their arrangement of sanitary and household conveniences (toilet, shower and others);

7) availability of the approved plan of interaction, the operating plan of fire extinguishing between SEZ and authorized state body in the field of fire safety on suppression of the possible fires.

11. The goods of subjects of SEZ requiring special storage conditions shall be stored in the territory of SEZ or the territory of location of subjects of SEZ in the warehouses which are specially equipped for this purpose, if necessary - with availability of refrigeration equipment.

12. On barrier facade (near entrance gate or at check-points) the signs of the established form designating the customs control zone in the state, official and foreign languages, according to the Procedure for creation and designation of customs control zones approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic shall be hung out.

13. The territory, buildings of construction and the room of SEZ shall conform to requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of fire safety.

3. Requirements to hardware of the territory of SEZ and territories of location of subjects of SEZ

14. The following requirements are imposed to hardware of the territory of SEZ and the territory of location of subjects of SEZ:

1) availability of telephone and fax connection, office equipment and multiplying equipment, computers, with access to the global Internet, availability of local network in service premises;


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