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The document ceased to be valid since April 19, 2021 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation on ecological, technological and atomic supervision of  November 25, 2020 No. 454

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On October 8, 2015 No. 39229


of August 11, 2015 No. 305

About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II And III classes of danger

(as amended on 30-06-2017)

According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. 373 "About development and approval of administrative regulations of execution of the state functions and administrative regulations of provision of the state services" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; No. 35, Art. 5092; 2012, No. 28, Art. 3908; No. 36, Art. 4903; No. 50, Art. 7070; No. 52, Art. 7507; 2014, 5, of the Art. 506) I order to No.:

1. Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger.

2. Declare invalid the order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of December 12, 2012 No. 714 "About approval of Administrative regulations of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation of explosion-fire-hazardous production facilities" (registration No. 28432 is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 16, 2013; Bulletin of regulations of federal executive bodies, 2013, No. 26).


A. V. Alyoshin

Approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation on ecological, technological and atomic supervision of August 11, 2015, No. 305

Administrative regulations of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II And III classes of danger

I. General provisions

Subject of regulation of regulations

1. These Administrative regulations of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger (further - Regulations) determine terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures (actions) of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and its territorial authorities, order of interaction between structural divisions of Rostekhnadzor and territorial authorities of Rostekhnadzor by provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation, their officials, interactions of Rostekhnadzor and territorial authorities of Rostekhnadzor with applicants, other public authorities and local government bodies, organizations and the organizations by provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III classes of danger.

2. Subject of regulation of Regulations are the relations arising between Rostekhnadzor (territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor) and legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) by provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger.

Circle of applicants

3. Applicants on receipt of the license for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger are the legal entities created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the individual entrepreneurs brought in the Unified State Register of Private Entrepreneurs (further - the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs), planning to perform (license applicant) or performing activities (licensee) in the field of industrial safety in the territory of the Russian Federation and in other territories over which the Russian Federation performs jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and rules of international law <1>.


<1> Part 2 of article 9 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ "About licensing of separate types of activity" (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716; 2013, No. 9, Art. 874).

If receipt of data from the register of licenses is result of provision of the state service, applicant is physical (individual entrepreneur) or the legal entity.

Requirements to procedure for informing on provision of the state service

4. Informing on procedure for provision of the state service is performed:

directly in premises of structural division of Rostekhnadzor (territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor) responsible for work with applicants;

with use of means of telephone communication, means of the electronic equipment, including by means of e-mail (the e-mail address:;

with use of the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)": (further - EPGU);

by means of placement of information in information and telecommunication networks public, including on the official site of Rostekhnadzor ( on the Internet (further - the Internet);

by means of the publication in mass media, editions of information materials (brochures, booklets).

5. On the official site of Rostekhnadzor, information stands in premises of Rostekhnadzor (territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor) the following information is placed:

statements from the legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing the regulations regulating activities for provision of the state service;

the text of Regulations with appendices;

the list of the documents submitted by the license applicant for provision of the license, the licensee for renewal of the license, cancellation of the license, issue of the copy and the duplicate of the license and also persons interested in receipt of the statement from the register of licenses;

models of filling of the statements and other documents necessary for provision of the state service;

schedule (mode) of work with applicants;

bank details for payment of the state fee.

Information stands are equipped in case of entrance to the structural division of Rostekhnadzor (territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor) responsible for work with applicants.

5.1. On EPGU the following information is placed:

1) the exhaustive list of the documents necessary for provision of the state service, the requirement to execution of the specified documents, and also the list of documents which the applicant has the right to provide on own initiative;

2) circle of applicants;

3) term of provision of the state service;

4) results of provision of the state service, procedure for submission of the document which is result of provision of the state service;

5) the amount of the state tax collected for provision of the state service;

6) the exhaustive list of the bases for suspension or refusal in provision of the state service;

7) about the applicant's right to pre-judicial (extrajudicial) appeal of actions (failure to act) and the decisions made (performed) during provision of the state service;

8) the forms of statements (notifications, messages) used by provision of the state service.

Information on EPGU on procedure and terms of provision of the state service based on the data containing in the federal state information system "Federal Register of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" is provided to the applicant free of charge.

The information access about terms and procedure for provision of service is performed without accomplishment by the applicant of any requirements, including without use of the software which installation on technical means of the applicant requires the conclusion of license or other agreement with the owner of the software providing collection of payment, registration or authorization of the applicant or provision of personal data by it.

6. Within provision of the state service by officials of Rostekhnadzor (territorial authority of Rostekhnadzor) addresses on the following questions are considered:

explanation of the rights and obligations of the officials providing the state service;

explanation of the rights and obligations of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

procedure and terms of provision of the state service;

procedure for appeal of actions (failure to act) for Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and its territorial authorities, their officials made during provision of the state service;

provision of information on the course and results of provision of the state service, except for data of confidential nature.

7. Information on the locations, contact telephone numbers, the official sites, e-mail addresses of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and its territorial authorities is given in appendix No. 1 to these Regulations and is posted on the official sites of territorial authorities of Rostekhnadzor on the Internet.

8. Schedules (modes) of work of territorial authorities of Rostekhnadzor are posted on the official sites of territorial authorities of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on the Internet.

9. Working schedule of Rostekhnadzor, including structural division of Rostekhnadzor responsible for provision of the state service:


Monday - Thursday

09.00 - 18.00


09.00 - 16.45.


Time of acceptance of declarative documents:


Monday - Friday

09.00 - 16.00.


Time of issue of result of provision of the state service (in case of obtaining it is direct on hands):


Monday - Thursday

10.00 - 17.00


10.00 - 16.30.


In the day preceding non-working holiday, duration of the working day is reduced by one hour.

Duration of break of the working day for rest and food (meal) 13.00 - 13.45.

Phone for receipt of certificates of passing of documents and results of provision of the state service (495) 645-94-79 (ext. 51-69, 25-38).

10. Telephone numbers for enquiries of structural divisions of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and its territorial authorities participating in provision of the state service are specified on the official sites of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and its territorial authorities.

II. Standard of provision of the state service

Name of the state service

11. State service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger.

12. It is forbidden to demand from the applicant of implementation of actions the, including coordination necessary for receipt of the state service and connected with the appeal to other state bodies and the organizations, except for receipts of the services included in the list of services which are necessary and obligatory for provision of the state services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The name of the federal executive body providing the state service

13. Provision of the state service is performed by Rostekhnadzor.

14. Ministerial procedures and operations are performed by federal government civil servants of central office of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and its territorial authorities.

Description of result of provision of the state service

15. Results of provision of the state service in licensing of activities for operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger are:

1) provision (refusal in provision) licenses;

2) renewal (refusal in renewal) licenses;

3) provision of the duplicate of the license;

4) provision of the copy of the license;

5) provision of data from the register of licenses or the certificate of lack of required data;

6) decision making about cancellation of the license according to the statement for the termination of implementation of the licensed type of activity;

7) decision making about return of the documents submitted for provision of the state service in the statement for the termination of provision of the state service.

Term of provision of the state service

16. Provision (refusal in provision) licenses is performed in time, not exceeding forty five working days from the date of acceptance of properly issued application and provision in full of the documents specified in Item 26 of these Regulations.

17. Renewal (refusal in renewal) licenses in cases of reorganization of the legal entity in the form of transformation, reorganization of legal entities in the form of merge, change of the name of the legal entity or the place of its stay, and also in case of change of the residence, surname, name and middle name (if is available) the individual entrepreneur, details of the document proving his identity, the terminations of activities for one address or several addresses of places of its implementation specified in the license of the termination of accomplishment of one or several work types (services) which are carried out as a part of the licensed type of activity is performed in time, not exceeding ten working days from the date of acceptance of properly processed documents specified in Items 27 - 28 Regulations.

18. Renewal (refusal in renewal) licenses in case of intention of the licensee to perform the licensed type of activity to the address of the place of its implementation which is not specified in the license and also in case of intention of the licensee to make changes to the list of the performed works specified in the license, the rendered services constituting the licensed type of activity is performed in time, not exceeding thirty working days from the date of acceptance of properly processed documents specified in Items 27 - 28 Regulations.

19. Decision making about cancellation of the license is performed in time, not exceeding ten working days from the date of acceptance of properly processed documents specified in Item 30 of Regulations.

20. Provision of data on the specific license from the register of licenses is performed within five working days from the date of receipt of the statement for provision of such data.

21. Execution of the duplicate or copy of the license is performed within three working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding statement.

The list of the regulatory legal acts governing the relations arising in connection with provision of the state service

22. Provision of the state service in licensing of operation explosion-fire-hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities I, II and III classes of danger is performed according to:

part one of the Civil code of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation Code, 1994, No. 32, Art. 3301; 1996, No. 9, Art. 773; No. 34, Art. 4026; 1999, No. 28, Art. 3471; 2001, No. 17, Art. 1644; No. 21, Art. 2063; 2002, No. 22, Art. 1093; No. 48, Art. 4737, Art. 4746; 2003, No. 2, Art. 167; No. 52, Art. 5034; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 31, Art. 3233; 2005, No. 1, Art. 18, Art. 39, Art. 43; No. 27, Art. 2722; No. 30, Art. 3120; 2006, No. 2, Art. 171; No. 3, Art. 282; No. 23, Art. 2380; No. 27, Art. 2881; No. 31, Art. 3437; No. 45, Art. 4627; No. 50, Art. 5279; No. 52, Art. 5497, Art. 5498; 2007, No. 1, Art. 21; No. 7, Art. 834; No. 27, Art. 3213; No. 31, Art. 3993; No. 41, Art. 4845; No. 49, Art. 6079; No. 50, Art. 6246; 2008, No. 17, Art. 1756; No. 20, Art. 2253; No. 29, Art. 2418; No. 30, Art. 3597, Art. 3616, Art. 3617; 2009, No. 1, Art. 14, Art. 19, Art. 20, Art. 23; No. 7, Art. 775; No. 26, Art. 3130; No. 29, Art. 3582, Art. 3618; No. 52, Art. 6428; 2010, No. 19, Art. 2291, No. 31, Art. 4163; No. 7, Art. 901; No. 15, Art. 2038; No. 49, Art. 7015, Art. 7041; No. 50, Art. 7335, Art. 7347; 2012, No. 29, Art. 4167; No. 50, Art. 6954, Art. 6963; No. 53, Art. 7607, Art. 7627; 2013, No. 7, Art. 609; No. 19, Art. 2327; No. 26, No. 3207; No. 27, Art. 3434, Art. 3459; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4078; No. 44, Art. 5641; No. 51, Art. 6687; 2014, No. 11, Art. 1100; No. 19, Art. 2304, Art. 2334; No. 26, Art. 3377; No. 43, Art. 5799; 2015, No. 1, Art. 52; No. 14, Art. 2020);


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