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of March 27, 2015 No. 353

About approval of Rules of application of authorization system of motor transportations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international message

(as amended on 11-02-2025)

According to subitem 23-11) of article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About road transport" and the subitem 1) article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state services" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of application of authorization system of motor transportations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international message.

2. To committee of transport of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Asavbayev A. A.) provide:

1) in the procedure established by the legislation state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printed publicity materials and information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies;

4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of Item 2 of this order.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after twenty one calendar days after day of its first official publication.

The acting minister on investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Zh. Kasymbek

It is approved

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

May 22, 2015


________________ B. Sultanov

It is approved

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

June 10, 2015


________________ E.Dosayev

Approved by the Order of the acting minister on investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2015 No. 353

Rules of application of authorization system of motor transportations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international message

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of application of authorization system of motor transportations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international message (further – Rules) are developed according to subitem 23-11) of article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About road transport" (further – the Law) and the subitem 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state services" and determine procedure for application of authorization system of motor transportations in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international message.

2. Rules extend to the domestic and foreign carriers owning on the property right or on other legal causes the following vehicles:

1) by buses, minibuses;

2) cargo vehicles (which admitted total weight, including trail car, more than 6 tons, or admissible useful load, including trail car, more 3,5 of tons);

3) specialized cars (the certain types of loads intended for transportation);

4) the special equipment vehicles (intended for accomplishment different, mainly not transport works).

3. In these rules the following concepts are used:

1) admission card on the vehicle – the document resolving use of the vehicle in the international motor transportations of loads;

2) trip – journey of vehicles from the point of departure to destination and return back to the point of departure;

3) the certificate of the admission to implementation of the international motor transportations of loads – the document granting the right to automobile carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan to perform the international motor transportations of loads;

4) uslugopoluchatel – physical persons and legal entities, except for the central state bodies, foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local actuators of areas, the cities of republican value, the capital, areas, the cities of regional value, akims of areas in the city, the cities of district value, settlements, villages, rural districts;

5) the service provider – the central state bodies, foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local actuators of areas, cities of republican value, the capital, areas, cities of regional value, akims of areas in the city, the cities of district value, settlements, villages, rural districts, and also the physical persons and legal entities rendering the state services according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) domestic permission – permission to driving through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan by carriers of foreign state according to the international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan (the universal entry visa, departure and transit, and also transportations from the third countries on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the third countries);

7) domestic carrier is the physical persons and legal entities performing the international motor transportations on the territory of foreign state in compliance international treaties on the international automobile communication between the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign states ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan;

8) run – journey of vehicles from the point of departure to destination;

9) the allowing document – the document (domestic or foreign permission, special permission) confirming the right of driving through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) quota of exchange of forms of the allowing document (further – exchange quota) – the number of the foreign permissions approved for exchange with foreign states;

11) transit (transit) – journey of vehicles with load or without load on the territory of the state under which the points of departure and assignments are out of the territory of this state;

12) authorized body – Committee of road transport and transport control of the Ministry of transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

13) information system of authorized body (further – IS) – the information system providing automatic processing of data for forming of results of rendering the state services "Issue of the Entry Visa (Departure) on the Territory (From the Territory) Foreign State to the Carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Performing Regular Motor Transportations of Passengers and Baggage in the International Message" and "Issue of Permission to Driving through the Territory of Foreign State to Carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the International Treaties Ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan".

14) transportations from the third countries on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan or from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the third countries – public conveyance, baggage or loads between two states which are not vehicle State of Registry;


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