of October 12, 2012 No. 229
About approval of "Rules of goods placement under customs procedure of reimport"
For the purpose of ensuring execution of subitem 1.1.19 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic" of September 15, 2011 499, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides No.:
Approve "Rules of goods placement under customs procedure of reimport" (are applied).
Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
A. Rasi-Zade
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of October 12, 2012 No. 229
1.1. These rules are prepared based on Article 165.6 of the Customs code of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - the Customs code) and determine rules of goods placement under customs procedure of reimport.
1.2. Reimport is release of the exported goods in free circulation with full relief from import customs duties and taxes and without application of measures of trade policy in case of their return completely and partially on customs area within 3 (three) years from the moment of export in the same condition, i.e. without carrying out any conversion in the foreign country.
1.3. Goods placement under customs procedure of reimport is allowed irrespective of whether customs authorities were warned when exporting about possibility of their return.
2.1. For the room under customs procedure of reimport goods shall answer the following conditions:
2.1.1. be the internal goods which are exported from the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic;
2.1.2. are returned on customs area within 3 (three) years from the moment of export;
2.1.3. there are in the same condition in which were exported, except for of changes owing to natural wastage, losses under normal conditions transportations and storages, and also other cases established in Item 2.7 of these rules.
2.2. Delivery date of the exported goods shall be estimated from the date of adoption of the documents necessary for customs clearance.
2.3. Changes owing to natural wastage, loss under normal conditions of transportation and storages shall be established according to the legal regulations concerning goods of this category.
2.4. When placing goods, exported from the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, under customs procedure of reimport their identity, time and the fact of export shall be proved to the official of customs authority, and also the fact that they are internal goods. The proof of the specified circumstances is assigned to the customs applicant.
2.5. Use of goods outside the Azerbaijan Republic cannot interfere with the room of these goods under customs procedure of reimport.
2.6. In case of reimport of goods customs authorities resolve return of goods not by that person who exported them, and other person having the appropriate authority for reimport and capable to provide identification of goods with proofs and arguments.
2.7. In the time spent of goods outside the Azerbaijan Republic with them also other operations for ensuring safety, including small repair and arrangement can be performed. The cost of goods owing to such transactions shall not exceed the cost established at the time of export.
2.8. The cost relations at the time of export and commodity importation are established on the basis of national currency. Recalculation on national currency of the cost specified in the agreement or other documents in any other currency is made on the official rate established by the Central bank of the Azerbaijan Republic for this day.
2.9. For ensuring control of goods placement under customs procedure of reimport customs authorities have the right to demand presentation of the reimported goods in that customs authority from which territory they were exported.
2.10. The goods which were in free circulation or underwent to internal conversion within the country can be also placed under customs procedure of reimport.
3.1. The customs clearance of the reimported goods is performed in the customs authorities located in zones of activities of the importer or his structural division.
3.2. When placing goods under customs procedure of reimport the customs applicant shall submit the following documents to customs authorities:
3.2.1. the statement in the form established in appendix to these rules and the customs declaration;
3.2.2. stipulated by the legislation permission of state bodies in cases when it is required concerning the reimported goods;
3.2.3 copy of the customs declaration which was drawn up when exporting of the reimported goods.
3.3. In the absence of confirmatory data or documents goods placement under customs procedure of reimport is not allowed.
The note is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of 12.03.2024 No. 137
to "Rules of goods placement under customs procedure of reimport"
Application form
1. Name customs органа_________________________________________
2. Details заявителя______________________________________________________
3. Customs procedures and transactions ____________________________________________
4. Data on goods
The country from which the goods are imported the Description of goods Quantity Weight Invoice cost
(to which it is taken out)
5. Number of the way bill _______________________________________________
6. Fulfillment of requirements of customs procedures and customs authorities will be executed.
7. It is approved as the applicant
Authorized person ________________
M.P. Signature __________________ Date "____" _____________ 20 ___.
8. Marks of customs authority _________________________________________________
The chief of customs authority or the replacing his face
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