of September 8, 2015 No. 683
About redistribution of some expenses of the government budget, to the provided State committee of television and broadcasting for 2015, and modification of Item of 1 appendix to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 1, 2014 No. 65
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. According to part eight of Article 23 of the Budget code of Ukraine to perform within the total amount of budget settings, to the provided State committee of television and broadcasting for 2015, expense reallocation on the general fund of the government budget for ensuring in the current year purchase of the necessary equipment for resumption of work of the Donetsk and Luhansk regional state broadcasting companies with the way:
reduction of amount of expenses of consumption according to the program 1701080 "Production and broadcast of teleradio programs for the state needs, collection, processing and distribution of official information products, creation and functioning of the Ukranian-language version of the international channel "EuroNews" on 4753, 2 thousand hryvnias;
increase in amount of expenses of development in the program 1701080 "Production and broadcast of teleradio programs for the state needs, collection, processing and distribution of official information products, creation and functioning of the Ukranian-language version of the international channel "EuroNews" on 4753, 2 thousand UAH.
2. Provide:
To the state committee of television and broadcasting - coordination of expense reallocation of the government budget, stipulated in Item 1 this resolution, with Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning the budget;
To the Ministry of Finance - introduction after the specified coordination of corresponding changes into list of the government budget.
3. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 11.10.2016 No. 710
Prime Minister of Ukraine
A. P. Yatsenyuk
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