of August 11, 2015 No. 492
About approval of Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from the processed plastic intended for contact with foodstuff
Based on Article 5, parts (1) and (9) article 9 of the Law on foodstuff No. 78-XV of March 18, 2004 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 83-87, 431), with subsequent changes and amendments, article 6 of the Law on the state supervision of public health No. 10-XVI of February 3, 2009 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 67, the Art. 183), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve:
Sanitary regulations about the materials and products from the processed plastic intended for contact with foodstuff according to appendix No. 1;
Additions which are made to the Sanitary regulations about proper production practice for the materials and products intended for contact with foodstuff approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 594 of July 17, 2014 according to appendix No. 2.
2. The sanitary regulations about the materials and products from the processed plastic intended for contact with foodstuff become effective after 6 months from the date of its publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
3. Sale and use of materials and products from the processed plastic which part the processed plastic received as a result of conversion process before entry into force of these Regulations is is allowed before the termination of inventories of these materials and products.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Ministry of Health, work and social protection.
Prime Minister |
Valeriu Strelets |
Countersigns: Minister of Health |
Ruksanda Glavan |
Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 11, 2015 No. 492
The sanitary regulations about the materials and products from the processed plastic intended for contact with foodstuff (further – Regulations), shift provisions of Regulations of the Commission No. 282/2008/EC of March 27, 2008 about the materials and products from the processed plastic intended for contact with foodstuff and about modification of Regulations (EC) No. 2023/2006 and No. 1935/2004, subitems a), c), d), e), f), h), i) and j) Item is specific measure in the context of Regulations (EU) (1) Article 5, transferred to the national legal system by Sanitary regulations on the materials and products intended for contact with foodstuff, the approved Order of the Government No. 308 of April 29, 2011.
1. These Regulations are applied to materials and products from plastic and to their components intended for contact with foodstuff as it is specified in Item 1 of Sanitary regulations on the materials and products from plastic intended for the contact with foodstuff approved by the Order of the Government No. 278 of April 24, 2013 which contain the processed plastic (further – materials and products from the processed plastic).
2. Action of these Regulations does not extend to the following materials and products from the processed plastic if they were made according to the regulations of proper production practice established by Sanitary regulations about proper production practice for the materials and products intended for contact with foodstuff, the approved Order of the Government No. 594 of July 17, 2014:
1) the materials and products from the processed plastic made of the monomers and raw materials received by chemical depolymerization of materials and products from plastic;
2) the materials and products from the processed plastic made from the waste formed as a result of cutting, and/or the waste received owing to production process according to the Order of the Government No. 278 of April 24, 2013 which are processed on site productions or are utilized in other place;
3) materials and products from the processed plastic in which the processed plastic is used behind functional barrier from plastic as it is specified in the Order of the Government No. 278 of April 24, 2013.
3. Action of the Order of the Government No. 278 of April 24, 2013 continues to extend to materials and products from the processed plastic to which requirements of these Regulations extend.
4. For the purposes of these Regulations the following concepts are used:
the scheme of distribution of materials in the closed and controlled chain – cycles of production and distribution in which products circulate within controlled system of reuse and distribution and in which the processed materials come only from chain elements so that inadvertent introduction of external material corresponded to engineering procedure;
raw materials from the processed food plastic – the materials and products from the processed plastic collected and uses sorted later which are used as raw materials in the course of conversion;
conversion process – process within which it is made processed plastic;
the processor – the physical person or legal entity responsible for ensuring compliance with these Regulations concerning conversion process which will be executed at the companies under its management;
the test of efficiency – demonstration of efficiency of process of conversion for exception of chemical pollution of materials or products of plastic.
5. Materials and products from the processed plastic are placed in the market only in case they contain the processed plastic received as a result of the authorized engineering procedure of conversion according to these Regulations.
6. The engineering procedure of conversion having sanitary authorization according to Item 5 of these Regulations is controlled by means of the system of quality assurance guaranteeing that the processed plastic conforms to the requirements established by the sanitary conclusion.
This system of quality assurance shall correspond to the detailed conditions given in Items 7 and 8 of these Regulations.
7. For receipt of sanitary authorization process of conversion shall correspond to the following conditions:
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