Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  January 1, 2020, except provisions on the organization and carrying out intermediate elections and replacements of the People's Deputies of Ukraine elected in the nation-wide constituency which powers are ahead of schedule stopped, the regular or early elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine operating in the following  according to part 2 of the Section XXXXII of the Law of Ukraine of  December 19, 2019 No. 396-IX


of July 14, 2015 No. 595-VIII

About local elections

(as amended on 19-09-2019)

This Law determines the basic principles, the organization and procedure for elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district in the cities, village, settlement councils, rural, settlement, city chairmen and heads.

Section I General provisions

Article 1. Legislation on local elections

1. The organization and procedure for elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district in the cities, village, settlement councils, rural, settlement, city chairmen and heads (further - local elections) are regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, it and other laws of Ukraine, and also other acts of the legislation adopted according to them.

Article 2. Basic principles of local elections

1. Local elections are free and happen on the basis of guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine and this Law general, equal and direct suffrage by secret vote.

2. Elections of deputies of village, settlement councils are carried out on majority system of relative majority in single-candidate constituencies into which the territory according to the village is divided (several villages which residents voluntarily united in agricultural community), the settlement, the territory of Ukraine formed according to the Law "About voluntary consolidation of territorial communities" the integrated agricultural, settlement territorial community (further - the territory of the integrated agricultural, settlement territorial community).

3. Elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district councils in the cities are carried out on pro rata electoral system in the multimandatory constituency according to the electoral lists of the local organizations of political parties (further - the electoral lists) with fixing of candidates on territorial constituencies into which the multimandatory constituency is divided, matches the territory according to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, area, the area, the area in the city, on the city territory according to the existing administrative-territorial device or the territory created according to the Law of Ukraine "About voluntary consolidation of territorial communities" the integrated city territorial community (further - the territory of the integrated territorial city community).

4. Elections city (the cities, the number of voters in which equally or more than 90000) the chairman is carried out on majority system of absolute majority in the single single-candidate constituency that matches according to the city territory according to the existing administrative-territorial device or the territory of the integrated city community (further - the city territory).

5. Elections rural, settlement, city (the cities, the number of voters in which less than the 90th 000) the chairman are carried out on majority system of relative majority in the single single-candidate constituency which includes the territory of the respective village (several villages which residents voluntarily united in agricultural community), the settlement, the territory of the joint rural, settlement society (further - the territory sat down, the settlement), the city territory.

6. By-election of deputies of village, settlement councils is carried out on majority system of relative majority in single-candidate constituencies into which the territory of territorial community which joined the integrated territorial community according to the procedure is divided, determined by the Law of Ukraine "About voluntary consolidation of territorial communities".

7. Elections of the head are held on majority system of relative majority in the single single-candidate constituency which includes the territory of one or several settlements (villages, settlements) determined by village, settlement, city council of the integrated territorial community for the purpose of providing representation of interests of inhabitants of such settlement (settlements) with the head (further - the starostinsky district).

8. Information on the number of voters whose selective address is carried to the territory of each city and also about the electoral system on which elections of the city chairman according to parts four and the fifth this Article are held, is published by Central Election Commission on its official site, and also in nation-wide and/or appropriate means of mass information not later than 5 days about day of the beginning of the electoral process of the corresponding regular, early local elections as of 1 number of current month.

Article 3. Universal adult suffrage

1. On elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have the right to vote and live in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea within the respective territorial constituency.

On elections of deputies of regional council citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have the right to vote, treat the corresponding territorial communities in the territory of this area and live in limits of the respective territorial constituency.

On elections of deputies of regional council citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have the right to vote and live in the territory of the respective areas, the cities of regional value which are part of this area within the respective territorial constituency.

On elections of deputies of village, settlement, city council, elections of rural, settlement, city chairmen citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have voting power, treat the corresponding territorial community and live in limits of the respective constituency.

On by-election of deputies of village, settlement council citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have voting power, treat territorial community which joined the integrated territorial community according to the procedure, determined by the Law of Ukraine "About voluntary associations of territorial communities", and live in limits of the respective constituency.

On elections of deputies of regional council citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have the right to vote, treat territorial community of the respective city and live in the territory of the respective area in the city within the respective territorial constituency.

On elections of the head citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine have the right to vote, treat the corresponding integrated agricultural, settlement, city territorial community and live in the territory of the respective village, the settlement (villages, settlements) within the respective starostinsky district.

Citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote on the corresponding local elections are voters.

2. The identity document confirming nationality and certifying the residence of the voter on local elections are:

1) passport of the citizen of Ukraine;

2) the temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine (for persons which are recently accepted in citizenship of Ukraine).

3. The citizen's belonging to the corresponding territorial community and its accommodation in the corresponding territory is determined by the registered residence.

4. The basis of realization by the voter of the voting power on local elections is its inclusion in the electoral register on the polling precinct.

5. Voters have the participation right in work of the electoral commissions as their members, carrying out election propaganda, implementation of observation of elections and in other actions connected with the organization and elections, realized by them according to the procedure, determined by it and other laws of Ukraine.

6. Any straight lines or indirect privileges or restrictions of the voting rights of citizens of Ukraine on signs of race, skin color, political, religious and other convictions, floor, ethnic and social origin, property status, the residence, on language or other signs are forbidden. Restrictions of participation of citizens in the electoral process, except the restrictions provided by the Constitution of Ukraine and this Law are not allowed.

7. The military personnel of conscription service, citizens of Ukraine living abroad and also persons recognized by court incapacitated and citizens of Ukraine who according to the court verdict are in places of detention are considered such which do not belong to one territorial community and have no right to vote on local elections.

8. The military personnel having the right to vote on the corresponding local elections it agrees with part one of article 3 of this Law, vote on the regular polling precincts located outside military units (forming). For providing conditions for free declaration of will by such serviceman in ballot day leave for participation in vote for 4 hours is granted at least.

Article 4. Equal suffrage

1. Local elections are equal. Citizens of Ukraine take part in the corresponding local elections on an equal basis.

2. Each voter on the corresponding local elections has one voice.

The voter on the corresponding local elections can use the voice only on one polling precinct on which it is included in the electoral register.

3. All candidates of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district in the cities, village, settlement councils, candidates for position of the rural, settlement, city chairman, the heads registered in the procedure established by this Law (further - candidates), have the equal rights and opportunities to participate in the electoral process of the corresponding local elections.

The representation of same-gender persons in the electoral lists of candidates of local councils in multimandatory constituencies shall constitute at least 30 percent of total quantity of candidates in the electoral list.

All local organizations of batches - subjects of the electoral process have the equal rights and opportunities to participate in the corresponding electoral process according to the procedure and in the limits set by this Law.

4. The equal rights and opportunities of participation in the electoral process are provided:

1) prohibition of privileges or restrictions for candidates on signs of race, skin color, political, religious and other convictions, floor, ethnic and social origin, property status, the residence, on language or other signs;

2) prohibition of intervention of public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government bodies in the electoral process, except as specified, provided by this Law;

3) the equal and impartial relation of public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government bodies, their office and officials to candidates, the local organizations of batches - subjects of the electoral process;

4) use prohibition for financing of election propaganda of other means, than the means provided by part six of article 54 of this Law;

5) the equal and impartial attitude of news agencies, mass media towards candidates, to the local organizations of batches - subjects of the electoral process.

Article 5. Direct suffrage

1. Local elections are straight lines. Voters directly elect deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district in the cities, village, settlement councils (further - deputies), the rural, settlement, city chairman, the head by vote for the candidates proposed and registered according to the procedure, provided by this Law.

Article 6. Free elections

1. Participation of citizens of Ukraine in local elections is voluntary. Nobody can be forced to participation or nonparticipation in local elections.

2. Local elections are free. Conditions for free forming of the will and its free manifestation during the vote are provided to voters.

3. Use of violence, threats, deception, bribery or any other actions interfering free forming and free declaration of will of the voter is forbidden.

Article 7. Secret vote

1. Vote on local elections is secret: control of declaration of will of voters is forbidden. Photography, video fixing in any manner of results of declaration of will of voters in cabin for secret vote, and also demonstration by the voter of results of declaration of will indoors for vote is forbidden and is violation of mystery of vote.

2. Members of the electoral commissions, other persons are forbidden to make any actions or to disclose the data giving the chance to establish content of declaration of will of the specific voter.

Article 8. Personal vote

1. Each voter votes on local elections personally. Vote for other persons or transfer by the voter of voting power to any other person is forbidden.

2. The help to the voter with special needs who cannot independently fill in the ballot or lower it in the ballot box, in accomplishment of these actions according to its declaration of will and according to the procedure, established by part nine of article 77 of this Law, it is not considered vote instead of this voter.

Article 9. The right to be elected

1. The citizen of Ukraine having the right to vote according to article 70 of the Constitution of Ukraine can be elected the deputy, the rural, settlement, city chairman, the head.

2. The citizen of Ukraine having criminal record for making of heavy or especially serious crime, crime against the voting rights of citizens or corruption crime cannot be elected the deputy, the rural, settlement, city chairman, the head if this criminal record is not extinguished or is not removed in the procedure established by the law.

Article 10. Right of promotion of candidates

1. The right of promotion of candidates belongs to citizens of Ukraine who have the right to vote. This right is exercised by citizens of Ukraine respectively through republican the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the regional, district, city, district organizations of political parties in the cities (further - the local organizations of batches) or by self-promotion according to this Law.

Article 11. Principles of the electoral process

1. The electoral process of local elections (further - the electoral process) is implementation by subjects of the electoral process of the corresponding local elections determined in article 12 of this Law, the selective procedures provided by this Law.

The electoral process is performed on the principles:

1) respect for the principles of the voting right specified in articles 3-8 of this Law;

2) legality and prohibition of illegal intervention someone in this process;

3) political pluralism and multi-party system;

4) publicity and openness;

5) freedoms of election propaganda, equal opportunities of access to funds of mass information, irrespective of pattern of ownership, except mass media, founders (owners) of which are batches, the local organizations of batches, candidates;

6) impartiality of public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local government bodies, courts, the companies, organizations and the organizations, their heads, others official and officials in the local organizations of batches, candidates.

2. The beginning of the electoral process appears the relevant electoral commission in terms and according to the procedure, determined by this Law.

3. The electoral process includes the following stages:

1) formation of single-candidate, territorial constituencies;

2) education (in case of need), forming of structure of territorial election commissions, formation of precinct election commissions;

3) creation of electoral registers, their check and refining;

4) promotion and registration of candidates;

5) carrying out election propaganda;

6) vote in the election day;

7) counting of votes, establishment of results of vote and results of local elections.

4. In the cases provided by this Law, the electoral process includes also following stages:

1) repeated vote;

2) counting of votes, establishment of results of repeated vote and results of local elections.

5. The electoral process comes to the end in 15 days after day of official promulgation of results of local elections according to the procedure, provided by this Law.

6. Early, intermediate, first elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local councils and rural, settlement, city chairmen, heads, by-election of deputies of village, settlement council can be carried out along with the election of the president of Ukraine, elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine, referendum.

Article 12. Subjects of the electoral process

1. Subjects of the electoral process on the corresponding local elections are:

1) voter;

2) Central Election Commission;

3) the electoral commissions created (formed) according to this Law or other laws of Ukraine authorized to provide the organization and carrying out the corresponding local elections;

4) candidates, candidates for positions of the rural, settlement, city chairman, old age;

5) the local organization of batch which proposed the candidate (candidates) for participation in the corresponding local elections;

6) the official observer from the candidate, from the local organization of batch - the subject of the corresponding electoral process, from public organization, registered according to the procedure, established by this Law.

2. The local organization of party concerning which by the central executive body realizing state policy concerning state registration of legal entities, registration (legalization) of associations of citizens, the public unions, other public forming the decision on its discrepancy or batch in general of activities is admitted in the procedure determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, names and/or symbolics to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About condemnation communistic and national socialist (Nazi) the totalitarian modes in Ukraine cannot be the subject of the electoral process and will lock promotion of their symbolics".

Article 13. Publicity and openness of the electoral process

1. The organization and carrying out local elections are performed publicly and openly.

2. The electoral commissions inform citizens of Ukraine on the structure, the location and operating mode, on constituencies and the polling precincts, on basic rights of voters (including about the right of appeal of decisions, actions or failure to act of the electoral commissions, public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government bodies, companies, organizations and organizations, their heads, others official and officials who limit or violate the voting rights), on procedure for filling of ballots, provide opportunity for acquaintance of voters with electoral registers, information about candidates, will promulgate protocols on counting of votes, on results of vote and results of local elections, provide other information in the cases provided by this Law.

3. Decisions of public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local government bodies, their official and the officials concerning local elections and the affecting legitimate rights of citizens, and also the decision of the electoral commissions are brought to the attention of citizens through printing mass media or will be promulgated in in a different way in three-day time from the date of their acceptance if other is not provided by the law.

4. All mass media, irrespective of pattern of ownership, shall fairly, is balanced and impartially to light the course of preparation and carrying out local elections in news, information releases, talk-show, debatable and other programs. Easy access on all public actions connected with local elections, and on meeting of the electoral commissions and on the polling precinct in ballot day (repeated vote) - on the conditions determined by this Law except the cases provided by the laws of Ukraine is guaranteed to their representatives. The electoral commissions, public authorities, authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local government bodies, official and officials of these bodies shall within the powers and to provide competences to them information on the course of preparation and carrying out local elections.

5. Data which are transmitted to Central Election Commission through information systems means of electronic communication, are information which has no legal value.

Section II Types of local elections, procedure and terms of their carrying out

Article 14. Types of local elections and procedure for their appointment

1. Local elections can be next, extraordinary, repeated, intermediate, additional or the first.

2. The regular local elections are held at the same time in all territory of Ukraine last Sunday of October of the fifth year of powers of councils, chairmen, the heads chosen on the previous regular local elections.

The decision on carrying out regular elections of deputies regional, district, city, district in the cities, village, settlement councils, rural, settlement, city chairmen, heads is accepted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The decision on carrying out regular elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is made by the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea according to the Constitution of Ukraine.

3. Early local elections are appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in case of early termination of powers of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district in the city, village, settlement council, the rural, settlement, city chairman, and also in other cases provided by the laws of Ukraine "About local self-government in Ukraine", "About voluntary consolidation of territorial communities". Such decision is made by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine not later than in devyanostodnevny time from the date of early termination of powers of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the relevant local council, the rural, settlement, city chairman.

Early elections of the head are appointed by council of the corresponding integrated territorial community in case of early the termination of powers of the head.

4. Repeated elections of deputies (deputy) in the respective multimandatory, single-candidate constituency are appointed by the relevant territorial election commission according to the procedure, established by this Law, in case of recognition of the corresponding elections in this constituency cancelled, on the bases determined by this Law or in case of recognition of person elected in the respective single-candidate constituency the deputy who refused the deputy mandate in the respective single-candidate constituency.

Repeated elections of the rural, settlement, city chairman, head are appointed by the relevant territorial election commission according to the procedure, established by this Law, in case of recognition of the corresponding elections such which did not take place, or in case of recognition of person elected the rural, settlement, city chairman, the head, such which refused position of the rural, settlement, city chairman, the head.

5. Intermediate elections of the deputy of village, settlement council are appointed in the single-candidate constituency territorial election commission according to the procedure established by this Law in case of early termination of powers of the deputy of the village, settlement council elected in the respective single-candidate constituency.

6. By-election of deputies of village, settlement councils from territorial community which joined the integrated territorial community according to the procedure determined by the Law of Ukraine "About voluntary consolidation of territorial communities", is appointed by Central Election Commission according to the procedure, determined by the law.

7. The first elections of deputies, rural, settlement, city chairmen are appointed by Central Election Commission according to the procedure, determined by the law.

The first elections of the head are appointed by the relevant council of the integrated territorial community.

Article 15. Terms of purpose of local elections and announcement of the electoral process, rule of calculation of terms

1. The regular local elections are appointed not later than 90 days till the election day, early local elections are appointed not later than 60 days till the election day.

The electoral process begins in 50 days prior to day of the regular, early local elections.

2. Repeated local elections are appointed to the last Sunday of sixty-day term from the date of decision making about their appointment, and the electoral process begins in 50 days prior to day of repeated local elections.

The decision on purpose of repeated elections of deputies (deputy) in the respective multimandatory, single-candidate constituency is accepted by territorial election commission not later than in ten-day time from the date of decision making about recognition of the corresponding elections in this constituency cancelled, or in case of recognition of person chosen in the respective single-candidate constituency, refused the deputy mandate.

The decision on purpose of repeated elections of the rural, settlement, city chairman, head is accepted by territorial election commission not later than in ten-day time from the date of decision making about recognition of the corresponding elections such which did not take place, or in case of recognition of person elected the rural, settlement, city chairman, the head who refused position.

3. Intermediate elections of the deputy of village, settlement council are appointed to the last Sunday of sixty-day term from the date of decision making about their appointment, and the electoral process begins in 50 days prior to day of intermediate local elections.

The decision on purpose of intermediate elections of the deputy of village, settlement council is accepted by territorial election commission not later than in ten-day time from the date of early termination of powers of the deputy, the electee in the respective single-candidate constituency.

4. By-election is appointed not later than 70 days till the election day, and the electoral process begins in 50 days prior to day of by-election.

5. The first local elections are appointed not later than 70 days till the election day, and the electoral process begins in 50 days prior to day of the first local elections.

6. Local elections are appointed to Sunday.

7. The body which according to article 14 of this Law made the decision on purpose of repeated, intermediate or first local elections not later than for the third day from the date of its acceptance publishes the decision in printing mass media or in case of impossibility will promulgate by other method determined by it, and also brings the specified decision to the attention of Central Election Commission in the same time.

8. The Central Election Commission by adoption of the relevant decision announces the beginning of the electoral process of the regular local elections, the first elections of deputies of local council, the rural, settlement, city chairman, by-election of deputies of village, settlement councils, and territorial election commission - the beginning of the electoral process of early, repeated, intermediate local elections, the first elections of the head at the meeting about what it is noted in the minutes of the commission. The official announcement is adoption by the relevant electoral commission of the decision on the beginning of the electoral process of the corresponding type of local elections. The decision of the relevant electoral commission on the announcement of the beginning of the electoral process of the corresponding type of local elections will be promulgated no later than the next day after day of its acceptance respectively in nation-wide or local mass media or other method determined by it.

The official announcement decision path about the beginning of the electoral process is performed by Central Election Commission not later than five days about day of the beginning of the electoral process of local elections, territorial election commission - within five days from the date of decision making about purpose of early local elections, and in case of appointment of repeated or intermediate local elections as territorial election commission - along with adoption of such decision by it.

The official announcement decision path about the beginning of the electoral process of the first local elections of the head is performed by the relevant territorial election commission within five days from the date of decision making about purpose of the first elections of the head.

9. In case of failure to carry out of requirements of this Law by territorial election commission (failure to act of the electoral commission) on purpose of repeated or intermediate local elections such elections are appointed by Central Election Commission in five-day time from the date of identification of failure to act of the relevant territorial election commission. In case of failure to act of territorial election commission the decision on the beginning of the electoral process is made by Central Election Commission.

10. The terms determined in this Law are estimated in calendar days; in some cases terms are estimated in hours or minutes.

11. In the first afternoon of term which according to this Law shall begin in connection with approach of certain event the day following behind day of approach of such event is.

12. Last afternoon of term which according to this Law shall end in connection with approach of certain event the day preceding day of such event is.

13. The last day of term in which the action provided present or other laws of Ukraine shall be made is considered day of making of failure to act.

Article 16. Determination of general structure of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local councils

1. The general structure (the number of deputies) of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is determined by the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

2. The general structure (the number of deputies) rural, settlement, city, district in the city, regional, regional council is determined according to parts three and the fourth this Article depending on the number of voters who belong to territorial communities of villages, settlements, the cities living in the territory of the area in the city, the area, area.

3. The general structure (the number of deputies) of local council constitutes with number of voters:

1) to 1 000 voters - 12 deputies;

2) from 1000 to 3 thousand voters - 14 deputies;

3) from 3 thousand to 5000 voters - 22 deputies;

4) from 5000 to 20000 voters - 26 deputies;

5) from 20 000 to 50 000 voters - 34 deputies;

6) from 50 000 to 100 000 voters - 36 deputies;

7) from 100 000 to 250 000 voters - 42 deputies;

8) from 250 000 to 500 000 voters - 54 deputies;

9) from 500 000 to 1 million voters - 64 deputies;

10) from 1 million to 2 million voters - 84 deputies;

11) over 2 million voters - 120 deputies.

4. If the number of deputies provided by part three of this Article for regional council is smaller, than quantity rural, settlement, city (the cities of district value) councils which territorial communities are located within the respective area, the general structure of the given regional advice is equal to quantity corresponding rural, settlement, city (the cities of district value) councils.

5. The general structure of village, settlement council of the integrated territorial community increases over determined by part three of this Article as a result of carrying out by-election of deputies of village, settlement council in addition on the number of newly created single-candidate constituencies which is determined as the relation of number of voters of the territorial communities which joined the number of voters of territorial community which joined, increased by the general structure of council determined by part three of this Article, but it is at least quantity of territorial communities which joined.

Section III Constituencies and the polling precincts

Article 17. Constituencies

1. The Central Election Commission according to article 16 of this Law and parts two - the eighth, eleventh this Article based on data of the State register of voters determines the number of territorial, single-candidate constituencies which shall be formed by the relevant territorial election commissions in the territories of administrative and territorial units for the organization of elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, elections of deputies of all local councils after purpose of the next, first local elections, by-election of deputies of village, settlement councils, but not later than 50 days about day of the next, first local elections, instantly posts these data on the official site and provides their bringing to data of the relevant territorial election commissions.

2. For elections of deputies of village, settlement council the relevant rural, settlement territorial election commission not later than 38 days about day of the next or first local elections forms single-candidate constituencies with approximately equal number of voters in everyone in the quantity equal to the general structure of the relevant local council determined according to part three of article 16 of this Law and part one of this Article.

The approximate average number of voters in single-candidate constituencies in the territory of the village, the settlement is determined by the relevant territorial election commission based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the respective village, the settlement represented by body of maintaining the State register of voters to the relevant territorial election commission not later than 40 days till the election day.

3. Total quantity of territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of the multimandatory constituency, to equally general structure according to the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city, district council in the city which is determined according to parts three, the fourth article 16 of this Law and part one of this article.

4. For elections of deputies city (the cities without district division, the city which part other city is the village, the settlement), district council in the city the corresponding city, district territorial election commission in the city not later than 38 days about day of the next or first local elections forms territorial constituencies with approximately equal number of voters in everyone, in the quantity equal to the general structure of the relevant local council determined according to part three of article 16 of this Law and part one of this Article.

The approximate average number of voters in territorial constituencies is determined by territorial election commission based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the respective city, the area in the city which move body of maintaining the State register of voters in the relevant territorial election commission not later than 40 days about day of the next or first local elections.

5. For elections of deputies city (the cities with district division, the city which part other city is the village, the settlement) council the relevant city territorial election commission not later than 37 days about day of the next or first local elections will form in the territory of each area in the city, the cities, villages, the settlement which is part of this city, territorial constituencies. The number of voters in such districts shall be whenever possible as close as possible to the average number of voters in the territorial constituency of the respective multimandatory district, is estimated by division of number of voters whose selective address is carried to the respective multimandatory constituency, into general structure of the relevant local council (further - so-so the number of voters in the territorial constituency of the respective multimandatory district).

In the territory of each village, the settlement, the area in the city, the city entering other city one territorial constituency at elections of deputies of city council or several territorial constituencies at elections of deputies of city council with approximately identical number of voters is formed. The territorial constituency at elections of deputies of city council of the city (the city with district division, the city which part other city is the village, the settlement) can include the territory of one area in the city, the cities, the village or the settlement which are part of the respective city or one part of the area in the city, the cities, the village or the settlement.

The number of the territorial constituencies within the multimandatory district which are formed in the territory of each area in the city, villages, the settlement, the city is determined according to parts one and third this Article.

The approximate average number of voters in the territorial constituencies within the multimandatory district which are formed in the territory of the respective area in the city, villages, the settlement, the city is determined by territorial election commission based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the respective area in the city, villages, the settlement, the cities which move body of maintaining the State register of voters in city territorial election commission not later than 40 days about day of the next or first local elections.

6. For carrying out by-election of deputies of village, settlement council the relevant rural, settlement territorial election commission not later than 38 days about day of by-election in the territory of the territorial communities which joined the integrated territorial community forms single-candidate constituencies with approximately identical number of voters in everyone in the quantity equal to the number of newly created districts determined according to part five of article 16 of this Law.

The approximate average number of voters in single-candidate constituencies is determined by territorial election commission based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the corresponding territorial community which joined the integrated territorial community according to the procedure, determined by the Law of Ukraine "About voluntary consolidation of territorial communities" who move body of maintaining the State register of voters in territorial election commission not later than 40 days till the election day.

7. For elections of deputies of regional council the relevant district territorial election commission not later than 37 days about day of the next or first local elections will form in the territory of each village (several villages which residents voluntarily united in agricultural community), the settlement, the city that is part of this area, territorial constituencies, the number of voters in which shall be whenever possible as close as possible to the average number of voters in the territorial constituency of the respective multimandatory district.

In the territory of each village, the settlement, the city of district value one territorial constituency at elections of deputies of regional council or several territorial constituencies at elections of deputies of regional council with approximately identical number of voters is formed. The territorial constituency at elections of deputies of regional council can include the territory of one village (several villages which residents voluntarily united in agricultural community), the settlement or the city of district value which are part of the respective area, or one part of the territory sat down, the settlement or the city of district value.

The number of territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of each village (several villages which residents voluntarily united in agricultural community), the settlement, the city, is determined according to parts one and third this Article.

The approximate average number of voters in territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of the respective village (several villages which residents voluntarily united in agricultural community), the settlement, the city, is determined by territorial election commission based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the respective village, the settlement, the city which move body of maintaining the State register of voters in district territorial election commission not later than 40 days about day of the next or first local elections.

8. For elections of deputies of regional council the relevant territorial election commission not later than 35 days about day of the next or first local elections forms in the territory of each region, the city of regional value territorial constituencies, the number of voters in which shall be whenever possible as close as possible to the average number of voters in the territorial constituency of the respective multimandatory district.

In the territory of each region, the city of regional value one territorial constituency at elections of deputies of regional council or several territorial constituencies at elections of deputies of regional council with approximately identical number of voters is formed. The territorial constituency at elections of deputies of regional council can include the territory of one area or city of regional value which is part of the respective area, or one part of the territory of the area or the city of regional value.

The number of territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of each area, the city of regional value is determined according to parts one and third this Article.

The approximate average number of voters in territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of the respective area, the city of regional value is determined by territorial election commission based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the respective region, the city of regional value which move body of maintaining the State register of voters in the electoral commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional territorial election commission not later than 40 days about day of the next or first local elections.

9. For elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea the electoral commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea not later than 35 days about day of the next or first local elections forms in the territory of each area, the city of republican value in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea territorial constituencies, the number of voters in which shall be whenever possible as close as possible to the average number of voters in the territorial constituency of the respective multimandatory district.

In the territory of each region, the city of republican value which are part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea one territorial constituency at elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or several territorial constituencies at elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea with approximately identical number of voters is formed. The territorial constituency at elections of deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea can include the territory of one area or city of republican value or one part of the territory of the area or the city of republican value.

The number of territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of each area, the city of republican value is determined according to parts one and third this Article.

The approximate average number of voters in territorial constituencies which are formed in the territory of the respective area, the city of republican value is determined by the electoral commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea based on the information of the State register of voters about the number of the voters living in the territory of the respective region, the city of republican value which move body of maintaining the State register of voters in the electoral commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea not later than 40 days about day of the next or first local elections.

10. The single single-candidate constituency at elections of the rural, settlement, city chairman the territory according to the village, the settlement constitutes, the cities. The single single-candidate constituency at elections of the city chairman in the cities with district division is divided into the selective territorial districts which borders match borders of areas in the city. If other village, the settlement, the city in which the relevant village, settlement, city council is elected is part of the city, then it is the selective territorial district at elections of the city chairman of the city whose part it is. Decisions on formation of such constituencies are not made.

11. The single single-candidate constituency at elections of the head is constituted by the territory of the respective village, settlement (villages, settlements) located in the territory of the respective starostinsky district.

12. Constituencies are formed by territorial election commission taking into account borders of regular polling precincts which are used for preparation and carrying out vote and counting of votes. In case of inclusion of the regular polling precinct in borders of the territorial constituency of its limit are not broken off, except as specified, when the number of the polling precincts are less, than the number of territorial constituencies.

Territorial constituencies within the multimandatory district at elections of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city (the cities with district division, the city which part other city is the village, the settlement) council are formed taking into account borders of constituencies at elections according to district, city, district in the city, settlement, village council, formed in the corresponding territory.

The number of territorial constituencies at elections of deputies of regional council which are formed in the territory of the city, the area cannot exceed 20 percent from total quantity of territorial constituencies which are formed on elections to the relevant regional council.

Borders of single-candidate, territorial constituencies shall be indissoluble.

13. The decision on formation of single-candidate, territorial constituencies with indication of their numbers, borders, the approximate number of voters in each constituency instantly on papers both in electronic form in form and according to the procedure, established by Central Election Commission, is transferred to body of maintaining the State register of voters and will be promulgated by the relevant territorial election commission in local printing mass media or other method determined by this electoral commission no later than the next day after decision making about creation of the respective constituencies.

14. Contents of the decision on formation of territorial constituencies with indication of their numbers, borders, the approximate number of voters in each constituency are instantly transferred to Central Election Commission through bodies of maintaining the State register of voters on established by it form and procedure. The Central Election Commission publishes these data on the official website. Also territorial election commissions send to Central Election Commission on papers relevant decisions about creation of territorial constituencies.

Article 18. The polling precincts

1. For preparation and carrying out vote and counting of votes the regular and special polling precincts in stationary healthcare institutions formed on permanent basis according to the Law of Ukraine "About elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine" are used.

2. Regular polling precincts are intended for preparation and carrying out vote and counting of votes in the place of their residence.

3. Special polling precincts are intended for vote of voters with limited traficabilities in stationary organizations.

Section IV the Electoral commissions

Article 19. System of the electoral commissions

1. The system of the electoral commissions performing preparation and carrying out local elections is constituted:

1) Central Election Commission which is the electoral commission of the highest level for all electoral commissions from all local elections;

2) territorial election commissions:

a) the electoral commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

b) regional electoral commissions;

c) district electoral commissions;

d) City Elections Commissions;

ґ) district the commissions, electoral in the cities (in the cities with district division);

e) settlement, rural electoral commissions;

3) precinct election commissions.

District the commissions, electoral in the city, in the cities with district division where the district councils in the city created for implementation of the powers provided by this Law in the respective selective territorial district at elections of deputies of city councils and city chairmen are formed.

2. Powers of the electoral commissions on preparation and carrying out local elections extend:

1) Central Election Commission - on all territory of Ukraine;

2) territorial election commission - on the territory of the respective constituency or the selective territorial district within administrative and territorial unit of rather corresponding local elections;

3) the precinct election commission - on the territory of the respective polling precinct concerning each local elections which are held in its territory.


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