Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  December 19, 2017 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of  December 18, 2017 No. 992


of September 14, 2015 No. 264

About measures for further enhancement of holding tenders

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 20.06.2017 No. 392)

For the purpose of further increase in efficiency and rational use of means within the investment projects realized in the corresponding industries of economy and the social sphere, accelerations of procedures of projects implementation, and also enhancement of system of the organization and holding tenders on selection of suppliers of goods, works and the services Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Form the industry interdepartmental tender commissions on purchase of goods, works and services within the investment projects realized in the corresponding industries of economy and the social sphere (further - the interdepartmental tender commission), in structure according to appendices No. No. 1 - 7.

Assign to chairmen and members of the interdepartmental tender commissions responsibility for the effective organization and carrying out the tender (competitive) biddings, including international.

2. Determine that:

the interdepartmental tender commission on joint basis holds the tender (competitive) auction and determines winners by results of the biddings on purchase of goods, works and services within the investment projects realized in the corresponding industries of economy and the social sphere on the amount in equivalent more 5, of 0 million US dollars by one contract;

carrying out the tender (competitive) biddings on the amount under one contract less 5, in 0 million US dollars is performed by the tender (competitive) commissions created by customers according to the legislation;

earlier begun and consisting of several stages, but the incomplete tender (competitive) biddings are performed acting before entry into force of this resolution by the tender (competitive) commissions.

under the import contracts signed based on the positive decision of the interdepartmental tender commission (under which there is the approved protocol), which is approved it (is vised) from the chairman/vice-chairman Goskominvestitsy, - members of the interdepartmental tender commission, the conclusions are issued or are registered from outside Goskominvestitsy within 3 working days without conducting their additional examination. At the same time assessment of price parameters of the arrived offers is performed Goskominvestitsy during evaluating the arrived offers from the working body created under the interdepartmental tender commission within the held tenders;

the interdepartmental tender commission makes decisions based on the conclusions of the worker of body and the carried-out assessment of price parameters of the arrived offers from outside Goskominvestitsy.

3. Approve Regulations on the interdepartmental tender commission on purchase of goods, works and services within the investment projects realized in the corresponding industries of economy and the social sphere according to appendix No. 8.

4. Assign to chairmen and secretaries of the interdepartmental tender commissions responsibility for:

development and approval of schedules of holding meetings of the commissions, having provided holding meetings taking into account the approved network schedules of implementation of investment projects;

timely consideration from working bodies of packets of tender (competitive) documentation;

the direction from working bodies of materials according to the agenda of meeting to all members of the interdepartmental tender commission in 10 days prior to their carrying out;

ensuring permanent participation at meetings of all members of the interdepartmental tender commission;

execution of protocols of meetings of the interdepartmental tender commission is strict in day of their carrying out;

monthly, no later than the 5th following the accounting period, provision of information to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the held meetings and the made decisions

5. To information analysis departments of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with leading design institutes in two-month time to implement procedure on obligatory forming and system updating by the ministries and departments - initiators of investment projects of the full industry database by producers - technology leaders, including information on their reliability and goodwill, with subsequent its use by preparation of packets of tender (competitive) documentation, and also in the course of work of the interdepartmental tender commissions.

5-1. To the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments quarterly to enter information on the course of holding meetings of the interdepartmental tender (competitive) biddings for consideration it at meetings of Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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