of May 24, 2010 No. 267
About the additional measures connected using the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About environmentally friendly agricultural industry"
For the purpose of ensuring application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About environmentally friendly agricultural industry" I decide:
1. Determine that:
1.1. the powers of "relevant organ of the executive authority" provided by articles 5.0.13 and 20.3 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About environmentally friendly agricultural industry" are performed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic;
1.2. powers of "relevant organs of the executive authority", stipulated in Article 12.1 specified the Law in the field of accreditation of bodies of ecological observation the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic, in the field of accreditation of certification bodies - the State committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on standardization, metrology and the patent performs;
1.3. powers of "relevant organs of the executive authority", stipulated in Article 14.2 specified the Law in the field of preparation and approval according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation standards environmentally friendly agricultural and provisions within the powers perform the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic and the State committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on standardization, metrology and the patent;
1.4. powers of "relevant organs of the executive authority", stipulated in Article 14.4 consumers specified the Law in the field of providing with different means complete and reliable information about standards environmentally friendly agricultural and provisions and conducting educational work in this sphere within the powers perform the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Economics of the Azerbaijan Republic the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic, and in the field of informing the public on the list of subjects of environmentally friendly agricultural industry by its publication in seal - the State committee of the Azerbaijan Republic on standardization, metrology and the patent.
2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic in three-months time to establish procedure of scientific providing environmentally friendly agricultural industry, the stipulated in Article 20.3 Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "About environmentally friendly agricultural industry" and to inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
I. Aliyev
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