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The document ceased to be valid since  January 3, 2019 according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 29, 2018 No. 978


of February 3, 2015 No. 69

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for holding republican competition for achievement of high rates of overall performance in the field of agricultural industry

(as amended on 25-05-2018)

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure for holding republican competition for achievement of high rates of overall performance in the field of agricultural industry.

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 3, 2015 No. 69

Regulations on procedure for holding republican competition for achievement of high rates of overall performance in the field of agricultural industry

1. This Provision establishes procedure for the organization and holding republican competition for achievement of high rates of overall performance in the field of agricultural industry (further - republican competition).

2. The republican competition appears the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (further - Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production) by placement of the corresponding data on the official site in the global computer Internet and (or) finishing information on its carrying out by other available methods and is held annually, since republican competition for 2014, for the purpose of stimulation to increase in cost efficiency of work in the field of agricultural industry.

3. The republican competition is held among:

areas - one area can be acknowledged as the winner;

areas - as winners about one area from each area can be acknowledged;

agricultural organizations * - as winners three agricultural organizations from each area (across the Minsk region taking into account agricultural organizations of Minsk) on one in each of the following nominations can be recognized:

the agricultural organizations performing industrial conversion of agricultural products;

the agricultural organizations having poultry farm, and (or) the complex on fattening of cattle, and (or) complex on fattening of pigs which are not performing industrial conversion of agricultural products;

other agricultural organizations.


* For the purposes of this provision the baking plate is understood by agricultural organization the legal entity, the isolated structural division of the legal entity having separate balance which core activity is production of agricultural products (on groups 011-015 of the nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus of OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity").

4. Agricultural organizations in the presence are not allowed to participation in republican competition:

loss from sales of products, goods, works, services and (or) net loss for accounting year * (according to annual accounting records);

within the year of overdue debt on salary payment on the 1st following reporting;

the areas of farmlands less than 700 hectares (according to structural division of the relevant district executive committee performing state powers of authority in the field of use and protection of lands);

the labor accidents which entailed the death of workers because of the employer in reporting year (according to the certificate of interdistrict department of Department of State Labour Inspection of injury rate condition).

Areas in the presence are not allowed to participation in republican competition:

loss from sales of products, goods, works, services and (or) net loss for accounting year on the area;

labor accidents in the agricultural organizations located in the territory of the respective area, which entailed the death of workers because of the employer in reporting year;

in the agricultural organizations located in the territory of the respective area, overdue debt on salary payment for accounting year.


* For the purposes of this provision the baking plate is understood accounting year calendar year for which the results of republican competition are summed up.

4-1. The winner of republican competition among areas is not determined in case of the received loss from sales of products, goods, works, services and (or) net loss for accounting year * in general by the form economic activity "Agricultural industry" ** by the Republic of Belarus.


** For the purposes of this provision under the guise of economic activity "Agricultural industry" the types of economic activity relating according to the nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 005-2011 "Types of economic activity" to groups 011-015 are understood.

5. The work efficiency evaluation in the field of agricultural industry is performed by determination of the greatest total indicator of rating of area, the area, agricultural organization by ranging method on the indicators specified in Item 6 of this provision and carried out:

on areas and agricultural organizations - the commissions created by regional executive committees (further - the commissions of regional executive committees);

on areas - the commission created by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production.

6. The following indicators are applied to determination of winners for achievement of high rates of overall performance in the field of agricultural industry for accounting year for areas, areas and agricultural organizations:

6.1. profit on sales of products, goods, works, services per one ballo-hectare of farmlands of agricultural purpose;

6.2. profitability of sales;

6.3. proceeds from sales of products, goods, works, services counting on one average worker;

6.4. ratio of growth rate of proceeds from sales of products, goods, works, services on one average worker to growth rate of the nominal added average monthly salary of workers;

6.5. growth rate of overdue financial liabilities.

7. For measure calculation, specified in Item 6 of this provision, the following procedure is accepted:

7.1. the profit on sales of products, goods, works, services per one ballo-hectare of farmlands of agricultural purpose is calculated by the following formula:


where Prbg - profit on sales of products, goods, works, services per one ballo-hectare of farmlands of agricultural purpose, rubles (accuracy to two signs after comma);

Prp - profit on sales of products, goods, works, services, thousands of rubles;

Bgskhz - the number of ballo-hectares of farmlands of agricultural purpose calculated by formula


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