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of September 1, 2015 №112

About approval of the Procedure for forming and maintaining the unified register of authorized bodies (organizations) state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the organizations - manufacturers of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), the self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment performing execution of passports (electronic passports) of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment

(as amended on 27-12-2023)

According to the paragraph the 2 article 4 of the Agreement on introduction of single forms of the passport of the vehicle (the passport of the vehicle chassis) and the passport of the self-propelled machine and other types of the equipment and the organization of systems of electronic passports of August 15, 2014 the Board of the Eurasian economic commission decided:

1. Approve the enclosed Procedure for forming and maintaining the unified register of authorized bodies (organizations) state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the organizations - manufacturers of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), the self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment performing execution of passports (electronic passports) of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment.

2. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission

V. Khristenko

Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of September 1, 2015 №112

Procedure for forming and maintaining the unified register of authorized bodies (organizations) state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the organizations - manufacturers of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), the self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment performing execution of passports (electronic passports) of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment

1. This Procedure is developed according to article 4 of the Agreement on introduction of single forms of the passport of the vehicle (the passport of the vehicle chassis) and passports of the self-propelled machine and other types of the equipment and the organization of systems of electronic passports of August 15, 2014 and determines rules of forming and maintaining the unified register of authorized bodies (organizations) state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the organizations - manufacturers of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), the self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment performing execution of passports (electronic passports) of vehicles (the chassis of vehicles), self-propelled machines and other types of the equipment (further respectively - the unified register, authorized bodies (organizations), the organizations manufacturers).

2. Forming and maintaining the unified register are performed by the Eurasian economic commission (further - the Commission) in electronic form based on national parts of the unified register.

The commission provides publication of the unified register on the official site of the Eurasian Economic Union on the Internet.

The unified register is part of general information resources of the Commission.

3. Forming and maintaining national parts of the unified register include collection and introduction in them of data, storage, systematization, updating and change of data, and also protection against unauthorized access to them.

Forming and maintaining national parts of the unified register in electronic form are performed by authorized bodies of the states of members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further respectively - national authority, state members) based on software and hardware of national authorities. National authorities provide possibility of access to national parts of the unified register from the official sites on the Internet.

4. National parts of the unified register consist of the following Sections:

"Authorized bodies (organizations)";

"Organizations manufacturers".

5. National parts of the unified register join the following data on authorized bodies (organizations), the organizations manufacturers (including the physical persons registered as individual entrepreneurs):

a) concerning authorized body (organization):

full name of authorized body (organization), location (address of the legal entity), actual address, phone number, e-mail address, surname, name, middle name (in the presence) head of authorized body (organization);

data on powers of authorized body (organization) on registration of one or several following types of passports:

passport of the vehicle;

passport of the vehicle chassis;

passport of the self-propelled machine and other types of the equipment;

electronic passport of the vehicle;

electronic passport of the vehicle chassis;

electronic passport of the self-propelled machine and other types of the equipment;

b) concerning the organization manufacturer of vehicles:

full name of the organization manufacturer, the location (the address of the legal entity), the actual address, phone numbers, the e-mail address, surname, name, middle name (in the presence) the head of the organization manufacturer - for the legal entity or surname, name, middle name (in the presence), the residence, phone number, the e-mail address - for the physical person registered as the individual entrepreneur;

full names of the organizations authorized by the organization manufacturer (the physical person registered as the individual entrepreneur) on realization of products made by it, the locations (the address of legal entities), the actual addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, surnames, names, middle names (in the presence) of heads of such organizations - for legal entities or surname, names, middle names (in the presence), residences, phone numbers, e-mail addresses - for the physical persons registered as individual entrepreneurs;

data on the document confirming assignment of the international identification code of the manufacturer of the vehicle (WMI) (with indication of the WMI code);

data on the operating approval like the vehicle (approval like the chassis) certifying compliance of the vehicle (chassis) to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of wheel vehicles" (TR CU 018/2011) accepted by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of December 9, 2011 №877, and (or) the existing documents on assessment of conformity to the mandatory requirements established by the legislation of state member issued concerning products which are object of technical regulation of the specified technical regulation about day of entry into force of this technical regulation (with indication of effective periods or amount of batch);

data on availability of the agreement between authorized body of state member and the organization manufacturer about the preferential mode of assembly (with indication of the preferential mode, effective periods of such agreement and quotas provided in it) (in the presence);


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