of July 24, 2015 No. 193
About the museums and Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 25, 2015
This Law determines features of legal status of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also procedure for creation and functioning of the museums in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on the museums and Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic consists of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, bases of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on culture, this Law adopted according to it the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also which came in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
In this Law the following concepts are used:
1) the State catalog of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic - the state accounting document which contains data on the museum objects and museum collections included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic and their owner;
2) the state museum policy - set of the main directions and the principles of activities of the state in the field of museum case;
3) preservation - implementation of complex of organizational, evidence-based actions for ensuring protection of museum objects and objects of museum value from further destruction, preserving their authenticity with the minimum intervention in their existing type;
4) cultural value - the subject of religious or secular nature important for history and culture of both national, and world value;
5) the museum - the non-commercial cultural institution created for storage, studying and public representation of museum objects and museum collections, except for the departmental museums;
6) the departmental museum - the museum created by state bodies without formation of legal entity;
7) museum collection - set of cultural values which acquire properties of museum subject only being connected together in strength of mind of the origin, specific relationship or on other signs;
8) museum case - the special type of scientific and cultural and educational activities including completing, accounting, storage, protection and use by the museums of cultural values and objects of cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz Republic, including their preservation, restoration, museumification, scientific studying, exhibiting and promoting;
9) museum subject - cultural value, quality or special signs of which do necessary for society its preserving, studying and the publication;
10) museum fund - set of the museum objects and museum collections which are stored in the museum;
11) Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic - set of museum objects, the museum collections which are constantly stored in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, irrespective of their origin and patterns of ownership which civil circulation is allowed only with observance of the restrictions established by this Law;
12) museumification - set of evidence-based actions for reduction of objects of cultural heritage in the condition suitable for excursion visit;
13) protection of the museums - system of the legal, organizational and financial and economic actions providing immunity of the museum room and museum fund;
14) subject of museum value - cultural value which special signs are the basis for its entering into Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic and receipt of the status of museum subject for the purpose of preserving, studying and public representation;
15) the publication - one of the main forms of activities of the museum assuming all types of representation to society of museum objects and museum collections by public display (exposure, exhibition, etc.), reproduction in printing editions, on any kinds of carriers;
16) restoration - implementation of complex of evidence-based actions for strengthening of physical condition and improvement of appearance, to disclosure of the most characteristic signs, recovery of the lost or damaged elements of museum objects and objects of museum value with ensuring preserving their authenticity;
17) storage - one of core activities of the museum providing creation of material and legal conditions under which safety of museum subject and museum collection is ensured.
1. The museum objects and museum collections included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic are integral part of historical and cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic consists of the state and non-state parts.
3. The museum objects and museum collections included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic can be in state, municipal, private and other patterns of ownership.
4. The state part of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic is constituted by the museum objects and museum collections which are in state-owned property.
5. Non-state part of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic is constituted by the museum objects and museum collections belonging on the property right to physical persons and legal entities, included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the established procedure.
1. Museum objects and museum collections are considered included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic from the date of entering of the corresponding record into the State catalog of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. Museum objects and museum collections are considered excluded from structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic from the date of entering of the corresponding record into the State catalog of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. The procedure for inclusion in structure and exceptions of structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic of museum objects and museum collections is performed according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
4. To the owner of the museum objects and museum collections included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic the certificate which certifies the property right and provides legal protection according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation the Kyrgyz Republic is granted.
5. The assignment of rights of property and other actions of physical persons and legal entities directed to establishment, change or the termination of the civil laws and obligations concerning the museum objects and museum collections included in structure of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic are considered committed only after entering of the corresponding record into the State catalog of Museum fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.
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