of August 29, 2015 No. 255
About the comprehensive program of measures for mitigation of the consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash, to recovery and social and economic development of the region Priaralya for 2015 - 2018
For the purpose of timely and effective implementation of investment projects on mitigation of the consequences of environmental disaster of the Aral Sea, and also ensuring further development of international cooperation and mobilization of funds of donor community for implementation of practical actions for realization of the complex actions allocated for improvement of ecological and social and economic situation in the region Priaralya, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Approve the Comprehensive program of measures for mitigation of the consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash, to recovery and social and economic development of the region Priaralya for 2015 - 2018 (further - the Comprehensive program) providing developed by the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments, and also Executive committee of the International fund of rescuing of the Aral Sea, Charity foundation of protection of gene pool of Priaralya:
the main approaches and the directions on mitigation of the consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash and recovery of the region Priaralya according to appendix No. 1;
The program of measures for enhancement of management system, economical and rational use of water resources in the region according to appendix No. 2;
The program of measures for creation of conditions for reproduction and preserving gene pool and health of the population living in zones of environmental risk according to appendix No. 3;
The program of measures for expansion of employment and forming of sources of the income for increase in level and quality of life of the population of Priaralya according to appendix No. 4;
The program of measures for recovery of ecosystem and biodiversity, preserving and protection of animal and flora according to appendix No. 5;
forecast target indicators of the Program of measures for upgrade of production and to enhancement of infrastructure for the purpose of social and economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan according to appendix No. 6;
summary indicators of the Program of measures for upgrade of production and to enhancement of infrastructure for the purpose of social and economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan according to appendix No. 6a;
the list of the perspective investment projects offered for realization in the Republic of Karakalpakstan according to appendix No. 6b;
forecast target indicators of the Program of measures for upgrade of production and to enhancement of infrastructure for the purpose of social and economic development of the Khorezm region according to appendix No. 7;
summary parameters of the Program of measures for upgrade of production and to improvement of infrastructure for ensuring social and economic development of the Khorezm region according to appendix No. 7a;
The program of measures for upgrade of production and improvement of infrastructure for ensuring social and economic development of the Khorezm region according to appendix No. 7b.
2. To the ministries, departments, bodies of economic board, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyat of the Khorezm region - contractors of projects within signed agreements to provide high-quality development of the project documentation, timely opening of financing, strictly target and effective use of the raised credit (loan) funds and means of technical assistance (grants).
3. To provide to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with contractors of projects on systematic basis search of means of technical and financial assistance through the international financial institutions (further - MFI) and the foreign government financial organizations (further - IPFO) for implementation of the perspective investment projects and projects of technical assistance promoting mitigation of the consequences of environmental disaster in the region Priaralya, included in appendices No. No. 2 - 7 to this resolution.
4. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyat of the Khorezm region together with the interested ministries, departments and bodies of economic board to perform complex actions for creating favorable conditions for implementation of the offered projects and initiatives, including training in the corresponding directions and specializations, provision of the parcels of land and allocation of unused buildings and rooms, and also creation of necessary engineering and communication infrastructure.
5. To interdepartmental council concerning cooperation with the international financial institutions, the organizations and the donor countries, implementation of large and strategically important investment projects under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (R. S. Azimov) in the presence of prisoners by results of tenders or direct negotiations of contracts for engineering, delivery and asset construction on a turnkey basis to provide in accordance with the established procedure permissions to preparation of the project documentation in single-stage procedure, with approval of the feasibility study for the investment project within the Comprehensive program approved by this resolution.
6. To the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan in case of receipt of prior consent of MFI/IPFO to allocation of credit (loan) means for financing of projects to work with data MFI/IPFO possibility of use of the mechanism of retroactive financing for development of the feasibility study for projects with use of these means as advance payments on account of future possible credit (loan) means.
7. To the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan when forming the Investing program of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide means for development of the feasibility study for the investment projects provided to realization with attraction of financial resources of MFI.
8. Recommend to Charity foundation of protection of gene pool of Priaralya together with the interested ministries, departments and bodies of economic board, and also theme working groups to perform:
development and approval in accordance with the established procedure network schedules on projects implementation;
monitoring of ecological and social and economic situation in the region Priaralya, and also the project progress and initiatives within the approved Comprehensive program;
by results of the conducted regular researches and efficiency evaluation of donor initiatives development of the new project ideas with quarterly entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of offers on inclusion of new projects into the Comprehensive program.
9. To the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan to render assistance to Charity foundation of protection of gene pool of Priaralya in attraction of necessary means of technical assistance of donor communities for conducting regular monitoring of ecological and social and economic situation in the region Priaralya.
10. Recommend to Ecological movement of Uzbekistan together with Charity public foundation on protection of gene pool of Priaralya and Executive committee of the International fund of rescuing of the Aral Sea in two weeks to develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure the Actions plan on increase in knowledge of the population of the region Priaralya of the purposes and the main directions of the Comprehensive program.
11. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan R. S. Azimov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoev
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 2015 No. 255
Implementable measures for overcoming consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash
The developed ecological situation in the region Priaralya connected with usykhaniye of the Aral Sea is the global problem which affected not only Uzbekistan, but also all territory of Central Asia.
Since the first Independence Day for the purpose of search of effective ways in overcoming destructive consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash in Uzbekistan the measures directed to recovery of ecological equilibrium in Priaralye within close cooperation and the approved interaction with regions of Central Asia and the world community consistently are implemented.
Significant event in the problem resolution of ecological situation It is central - the Asian region creation in 1993 of the regional organization for problems of the Aral Sea - the International Fund of Rescuing of the Aral Sea (IFRAS) with participation of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan was. Tasks of Fund determine preserving biological fund, maintenance of favorable state of environment, ensuring improvement of quality and level of living of the population.
During activities of MFSA three Programs of the basin of the Aral Sea are adopted (PBAM-3) PBAM-1, PBAM-2, on assistance to the countries of the basin of the Aral Sea, aimed at sustainable development, enhancement of water resources management and environmental protection.
According to the Decision of heads of states of the International Fund of Rescuing of the Aral Sea (IFRAS) the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2013 is the chairman of MFSA for the next three-year term.
Considering the increasing aggravation of ecological, social and economic consequences of drying of the Aral Sea, on September 16, 2013 at the initiative of the head of state as the official document of the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly the Program of measures for mitigation of consequences of drying of the Aral Sea and prevention of catastrophic crash of ecosystems is distributed in Priaralye.
The considerable impulse to broad involvement of world community to studying and active discussion of the Aral problem and questions of mitigation of the consequences of environmental disaster in the region was given by carrying out at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the international conferences and forums with participation of representatives of the international organizations, financial institutions and governments of the donor countries.
In March, 2008 in Tashkent the International conference "Problems of the Aral Sea, Their Influence on Population Gene Pool, Plant and Animal Life and Measures of International Cooperation for Mitigation of Their Consequences" in which representatives more than 90 authoritative international organizations, the largest state financial institutions of Germany, Japan, the People's Republic of China and the leading research centers participated took place. Following the results of this forum the Tashkent Declaration is adopted and the Action plan on projects implementation of mitigation of serious consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash for total amount near 1, is developed by 5 billion US dollars.
International conference "Cross-border environmental problems of Central Asia: application of the international legal mechanisms for their decision", taking place in November, 2010 in Tashkent, was directed to the analysis, generalization and systematization of materials, and also development of offers on problems of rational use of water resources of the countries of Central Asia and to decrease in the environmental risks connected with construction of large hydraulic engineering constructions in upper courses of the cross-border rivers in the basin of the Aral Sea.
Within the International conference "Development of Cooperation in the Region of the Basin of the Aral Sea on Mitigation of the Consequences of Environmental Disaster" (October, 2014) agreements are reached and agreements on realization in the basin of the Aral Sea of national and regional projects by total cost 3, in 0 billion US dollars providing attraction of soft long-term loans for total amount 1, of 9 billion US dollars and provision 0, of 2 billion US dollars of non-paid grants and means of technical assistance are signed.
The main approaches and the directions of the Comprehensive program of measures for mitigation of the consequences of the Aral catastrophic crash, to recovery and social and economic development of the region Priaralya for 2015 - 2018.
Water security of the region Priaralya is the lowest in the republic (60 - 70%) that is caused not only by limitation of water resources, but also their inefficient use, including because of big filtrational losses of irrigating systems and unsatisfactory technical condition of hydraulic engineering constructions (GTS). Considerable losses of water resources result also from application of inefficient methods of watering, in particular, borozdovy in case of which losses of water happen due to evaporation (2 - 5%), filterings (10 - 20%), superficial dumping (10 - 15%) and reach 25 - 30%.
Subject to the foregoing, for the purpose of improvement of water resources management and increase in water security of the irrigated lands in zone of servicing of the main channels on the basis of the correct organization of distribution of water among users, universal accounting of water, carrying out reconstruction and capital repairs of the main channels, hydraulic engineering constructions, and also realization of the following measures is required.
Development of local reservoirs in the delta of the Amu Darya River is one of the most important tasks in non-admission of reducing amounts of water, economical and rational use of land and water resources. For the solution of this task it is necessary to finish construction of the Mezhdurechensk water storage basin and to create the GTS complex for water resources management of Amu Darya which are a part of the system also reservoirs of Muynaksky district, water storage basin Fishing, the lake Zakirkol, Maypost and Domalak. Also, the construction and recovery of water management constructions on 13 objects for total amount 94, is offered to 5 million US dollars.
The problem resolution of deficit of water, and also for more effective use of the available water resources requires creation technically of reliable irrigating systems: construction and reconstruction of 1948 km of channels, 69 units of hydraulic engineering constructions, upgrade of Amu-Bukharsky irrigational system. Besides, there is urgent need in replacement of obsolete and physically worn-out pumping aggregates in 14 pumping points in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and in the Khorezm region.
Important value has use of modern water saving technologies of watering, including system of drop irrigation, and also figurative flexible irrigation pipelines in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Bukhara, Navoiy and Khorezm regions.
One of the main problems of the irrigated agriculture of the region Priaralya is the problem of salinization of soils of various degree. At the same time so-so and silnozasolenny lands in the Republic of Karakalpakstan constitute % 45,8, and in the Khorezm region - % 42,78. The solution of this problem is implementation of actions for improvement of meliorative condition of lands. In particular, it is necessary to perform construction and reconstruction of 2,4 of one thousand km of collector and drainage network, 617 units of wells of vertical drainage.
For the purpose of enhancement of water resources management, providing the coordinated and efficient monitoring system behind the rational use of water especially urgent creation of the National information system on water resources is. Also, it is necessary to develop the program of hydrogeological researches on studying of conditions of forming of underground waters in the dried part of bottom of the Aral Sea and in the delta of the Amu Darya River. Need for creation of unified information system on monitoring of water resources using modern information and communication technologies is sharply felt.
Besides, it is necessary to give support for activization of activities of associations of water consumers and improvement of their material equipment. It is necessary to enhance system of advanced training and retraining of specialists of water economy, to create automated control system on the main hydraulic engineering constructions and to equip them with the modern control instrumentation.
One of key tasks in achievement of favorable level of living and health of the population in case of limitation of water resources of regions Priaralya is stable providing with drinking water, improvement of sanitary and epidemiologic situation.
The ecological situation and water management intensity connected with high degree of mineralization (to 1800 mg/l) and rigidity (to 20,5 mg-ekv/l) drinking water, unfitness of underground waters for use in food (the increased content of calcium, magnesium, lead, nitrates, ammonium ions) affects welfare and activity of the population. Rather low level of security of the population with centralized water supply is caused by depreciation of the high-level water supply systems and treatment facilities.
For increase in stability, reliability of water supply, and also improvement of quality of purification of drinking water in regions Priaralya it is necessary to carry out reconstruction of water treatment constructions ("Tuyamuyun - Nukus" in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and in Pitnake), upgrade of water supply systems in a number of areas of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (The Amu Darya, Beruniysky, Karauzyaksky, Kungradsky, Muynaksky, Nukus and Ellikkalinsky districts). Besides, identification of natural sources of drinking water by carrying out complex researches of condition of quality of underground waters with implementation of distilling apparatuses on fields of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Khorezm and Navoiy regions is especially important. It will allow to increase quality of drinking water to the established normative ecological requirements, to eliminate the high level of mineralization of underground waters and will promote increase in degree of scope of the population drinking water supply, to decrease in the illness rate.
For improvement of ecological situation and the state of health of the population especially urgent high-quality improvement of sanitary and epidemiologic situation in the cities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region by reconstruction of sewer and water treatment constructions, construction and reconstruction of collectors and networks.
Other important criterion of preserving gene pool and health of the population is the microelement structure of the soil. The quality of soil covers of regions Priaralya which is characterized by the high content of salts of heavy metals and harmful minerals, and also increase of the desert areas causes certain concern in connection with deterioration in health of the population.
Proceeding from the current situation, for prevention of mikronutriyentny insufficiency, improvements of food and strengthening of health of the population are necessary further complex actions for enrichment of foodstuff iron and folic acid, iodine medicines, vitamin A and other minerals. The complex of improving actions in regions Priaralya also includes performing prevention on reducing mikronutriyentny insufficiency at children under 6 years due to improvement of food, in particular, by vitamin and mineral powders-sprinklsami, vitamins and means for gelmintization.
Increase in detectability of congenital malformations of fruit, decrease in invalidization among children with congenital diseases of metabolism requires increase in scope of expansion of scales of the researches directed to early detection of congenital and heritable diseases at fruit and newborns. Implementation of modern high-technology methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of anemia, equipment by the modern laboratory equipment of the regional multi-profile medical centers will allow to provide decrease in incidence, especially among newborns, with scarce anemias.
Climatic features and adverse factors of impact of air (dust, sands, poisonous aerosols is kicked up) promote increase of incidence of defects of cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, intestinal infections among the population of Priaralya. Prevention of adverse factors requires holding the actions directed to prevention of spread of diseases of respiratory organs, reducing sanitary and hygienic regulations on dust contents, conducting discrete observations of state of pollution of atmospheric air.
For the purpose of increase in efficiency and quality of provision of information on condition of atmospheric air creation of the automated system of observations (city of Nukus, Bukhara, Navoiy) with installation of automatic stations of control of pollution of atmospheric air is reasonable.
It is necessary to pay attention to development of infrastructure of the healthcare institutions providing primary medical care. In this plan equipment by the modern diagnostic and medical equipment of antitubercular dispensary of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, head urological medical institutions, training centers of medical personnel of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region will promote improvement of diagnostics and early detection of diseases, increase in level of knowledge and skills of medical personnel of SVP and family polyclinics, reducing and terms of stay of patients in hospital.
Also, it is necessary to pay special attention on quality of training of children to school training, forming at preschool children of initial knowledge of ecological education (low level of scope of children preschool education - from 4, % to 15, of %), and also on quality of the pedagogical personnel occupied in system of preschool education. In this plan improvement of material and technical resources of preschool and educational institutions of the region Priaralya, in particular, equipment by their modern medical equipment and multimedia means is very important.
The problem resolution, connected with employment and increase in level of the income of the population of Priaralya, is provided, first of all, by means of development and support of small business and private entrepreneurship.
For this purpose it is necessary to realize jointly various pilot projects in the region Priaralya with attraction of grants of the international organizations and funds, and also the credits of commercial banks. Besides, special value has effective and complete use of opportunities of the operating large enterprises for involvement in production process of subjects of small business by order placement on production of accessories, rendering repair work and other outsourcing services.
Along with the above, it is reasonable to conduct in parallel work on training of youth and women in bases of business and conducting business activity. In this aspect consecutive rendering to graduates and other persons interested of the advisory help with opening and development of own business is urgent.
The system organization of deep conversion of local agricultural raw materials based on use of progressive technologies shall become one more direction on employment increase of rural population. Implementation of advanced technologies on cultivation of vegetables, grapes, fruit and melon in Priaralye, with the organization of their conversion on the place will allow to achieve in the next years not only food self-reliance, but also to considerably expand also export opportunities of rural districts.
In respect of employment increase of rural population it is necessary to use more rationally favorable conditions for development of fish breeding in the lower reach of the delta of Amu Darya. Besides, there are not used reserves of the problem resolution of employment by further development of livestock production in the Navoiy, Bukhara regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
This direction assumes projects implementation on environmental protection and prevention of the environmental problems connected with degradation of lands, climate change and also projects on preserving, reproduction of animal and flora.
For the purpose of preserving biodiversity within realization of program measures it is necessary to provide protection of rare and endangered species of animal and flora, and also unique ecosystems on territorial basis, by creation of 10 new protected natural territories with total area of 3,7 of one million hectares in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (Muynaksky, Karauzyaksky and Takhtakupyrsky districts) and in the Navoiy region (Uchkuduksky and Tamdynsky districts).
In preserving biodiversity in the region further development of the operating Lower and Amu Darya state biospheric wildlife reserve and ecocenter of total Dzheyran protected natural by the area by expansion of their territories, infrastructure and strengthening of material and technical resources, creation of food supply for the fauna living there is extremely important.
Creation and practical implementation in nature protection activities of the electronic database of the complex state inventory of animal and flora of the region Priaralya using technologies of the geographical information systems (GIS) will allow to conduct effective monitoring of current situation and effectiveness of measures for preserving, reproduction and steady use of flora and fauna of the region.
Actions for preserving natural reservoirs and lake systems in the delta of the Amu Darya River assume work on recovery and reconstruction of the protecting dams and water outlet on lakes and water storage basins (Muynaksky, Fishing, Mezhdurechensk) and the channel Muynak. In case of successful implementation of these projects the area of fishery lakes and reservoirs will increase (to 96,11 of one thousand hectares, including with the guaranteed water supply to 55,8 of one thousand hectares), water supply of residents of Muynaksky district will improve (Mr. Muynak, the settlements of Shege, Porlytau and settlements located near reservoirs Entre Rios, Muynak, Fishing). The organization in the potential territories near large reservoirs of fish nurseries with incubatory shops (the lake Karateren and the Lake Aydarkul) will allow to fill and increase the fish breeding reduced as a result of environmental disaster.
On the drained day of the Aral Sea creation of forest plantings is required by the area of procedure for 1,0 of one million hectares. At the same time further work on expansion of plantings will be the main direction of long-term development of the region. This project it is reasonable to implement till 2030 in case of annual zasev 40 - 50 thousand hectares of the area of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea. At the same time, creation of protective forest plantings on the area of 200 thousand hectares on Akpetki's massif, in the territory of the Kyzyl Kum Desert on the area of 120 thousand hectares and on lands of forest fund in the Bukhara region on the area of 40 thousand hectares, and also creation of protective forest plantings on the drained day of the Aral Sea from local wood and shrubby plants is especially urgent.
For the purpose of reducing degradation of land resources creation of selection forest seed base of desert breeds of zone of Priaralya is especially important. Work on upgrade of agricultural industry, on improvement of meliorative condition of the irrigated lands and irrigational system, on increase in fertility of the soil will allow not only to keep vegetable gene pool of Priaralya, but also will promote saturation of the domestic market of the region vegetable and fruit and vegetable products.
The ecological situation, degradation of lands and deficit of water resources in the region Priaralya do especially urgent development of environmentally friendly technologies and implementation of innovative cultures for cultivation on the degraded lands of the basin of the Aral Sea. Also, ensuring access of farms and households to the irrigational water resources necessary for conducting gardening and agricultural activities is important that will allow to cultivate kitchen gardens and gardens, to supply the region with the main agricultural products.
As paramount task at the same time ensuring the most full load of production capacities and release of high-quality products with high value added due to technical and technological modernization of operating plants acts. In the short term it is necessary to carry out upgrade at the flour-grinding, oil and fat and cotton-processing companies of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region, with implementation of modern energy-saving technologies with low emission of hazardous substances in the atmosphere.
For ensuring requirements of the population in food and nonfoods of local production, and also increase in economic potential of the territories holding actions for mastering of new production capacities with use of uninvolved local resources and benefits is reasonable.
In this plan regions Priaralya have possibility of development of production of deep conversion fruit and vegetable (tomato paste, semifinished products in the form of fruit and vegetable powders, juice and concentrates of fruit) and meat and dairy (conversion of fish and production of fish products) products, with implementation of modern resource-saving technologies. At the same time, creation of labor-consuming productions on deep conversion of cotton-fiber, wool and skin (spinning production, hosiery nosochnye, garments, denim, footwear), mainly in the rural zone, will also promote market filling by local products and at the same time to the problem resolution of employment.
Distinctive feature of the territories of the Lower and Amu Darya economic region is growth of liquorice (glycyrrhiza). Creation of plantations on cultivation of liquorice, along with preserving ecosystem and prevention of transfers of sole-dust particles, will allow to master its conversion and to arrange production of medicines, food, fertilizers for plants and forages for animals.
In the Khorezm region based on the developing automotive industry there are possibilities of development of production of manufactured goods with use of high technologies (cars), and also localizable production (spare parts and accessories to cars, electrotechnical goods, the low-voltage and high-voltage equipment and so forth).
The located rich inventories of mineral deposits in the Republic of Karakalpakstan give the chance for implementation of significant projects on release of construction materials that it is caused by the increasing need for modern eco-friendly construction materials in the course of industrialization and improvement of the territories. In view of steady tendency of growth of need for construction materials, available at the price and quality, for capital construction and reconstruction of residential, welfare and industrial facilities, it is reasonable to arrange local production of cement, concrete goods, brick and products from glass.
For rational placement and successful performance of production facilities, increases in entrepreneurial activity and improvement of business climate in the territories need to be provided comfortable conditions of access to objects of engineering and municipal infrastructure, including completion of reconstruction of the highway of the international value (Guzar - Bukhara - Nukus - Beyneu) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Increase in highway capability requires carrying out capital repairs of intereconomic rural highways, streets of the cities and rural settlements. Besides, for increase in reliability of electric utility service of residential customers and industrial enterprises upgrade and updating of power networks, and also implementation of the automated system of accounting and control of consumption of electrical energy are required.
Appendix No. 2
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 2015 No. 255
(in one million US dollars) | |
№ |
Name of the project |
Estimated cost of the project |
Financing source |
Realization terms |
Contractors and possible donors |
Creation of workplaces | ||
contribution of Uzbekistan |
credit |
grant | ||||||
I. The projects realized according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 24, 2014 No. 363 "About measures for implementation of the agreements reached within the International conference "Development of Cooperation in the Region of the Basin of the Aral Sea on Mitigation of the Consequences of Environmental Disaster" | ||||||||
1. |
Improvement of water resources management in the Southern Karakalpakstan |
376,7 |
115,9 |
260,8 |
2015 - 2021. |
Minvodkhoz, |
620 |
2. |
Rehabilitation of Amu-Bukharsky irrigational system |
406,3 |
80,6 |
325,7 |
2014 - 2020. |
Minvodkhoz, |
355 |
3. |
Application of the integrated water resources management and Smart Water technology on the basis of ICT |
5,0 |
5,0 |
2016 - 2018. |
Minvodkhoz, |
21 |
788,0 |
196,5 |
586,5 |
5,0 |
996 |
II. Perspective projects | ||||||||
1. |
Construction and reconstruction of irrigational objects in the region Priaralya |
154,1 |
154,1 |
2015 - 2019. |
Minvodkhoz |
715 |
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The document ceased to be valid since February 22, 2021 according to Item 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 22, 2021 No. 87