Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of October 31, 2003 No. 1310

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for obtaining, accounting, storage, systematization and use of dactyloscopic data and the List of the positions held by persons which are subject to obligatory dactyloscopic registration

(as amended on 01-11-2023)

In pursuance of part (3) Article 12 and part (2) article 13 of the Law on the state dactyloscopic registration of N1549-XV of December 19, 2002. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2003, N 14-17, Art. 51) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve:

Regulations on procedure for obtaining, accounting, storage, systematization and use of dactyloscopic data according to the appendix N1;

The list of the positions held by persons which are subject to obligatory dactyloscopic registration according to the appendix N 2.

2. To perform financing of the measures concerning the organization and carrying out dactyloscopic registration, and also accounting, storage and systematization of dactyloscopic data from budgets of the relevant ministries, organizations. The expense budget of the ministries represented to the Ministry of Finance, departments and services shall include also the expenses connected with the state dactyloscopic registration since January 1, 2004.

3. Determine that the ministries, organizations which perform the state dactyloscopic registration shall be provided:

appropriate technical means and necessary material carriers;

conditions for storage of dactyloscopic arrays and confidential mode of use of information.

4. To the ministries, organizations which perform the state dactyloscopic registration, in 10-day time from the date of publication of this resolution to review departmental regulations according to provisions of this resolution.

Since April 1, 2017 the words "Main State Tax Authorities" are shall be replaced with words State Tax Administration.


Prime Minister

Vasile Tarlev


Minister of Justice


To Vasile Dolgiyer

Minister of Finance

Zinaida Grechany

Minister of Internal Affairs

George Papuk

Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 31, 2003 No. 1310

Regulations on procedure for obtaining, accounting, storage, systematization and use of dactyloscopic information

I. General provisions

1. This provision is developed according to the Law on the state dactyloscopic registration of N1549-XV of December 19, 2002 and determines the main conditions of obtaining, accounting, storage, the systematization and use of dactyloscopic data received in the course of carrying out the state dactyloscopic registration.

1-1. Processing of personal data in case of receipt, accounting, storage, systematization and use of dactyloscopic data is performed according to provisions of the Marine life protection act of personal data.


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