Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 18, 2015 No. 267-V

About pastures

(as amended on 25-11-2023)

This Law determines legal, economic and organizational basis of steady management of pastures and governs the relations connected with rational use and protection of pastures, increase in their ecological, economic and resource potential.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) pastures or pastures – the lands which are part of lands of agricultural purpose, being in property of the state and used for pasture of the cattle and in other purposes;

2) pasturable resources – the inventories of grassy, wood and shrubby and other vegetation of certain pasturable site determining its productivity;

3) objects of pasturable infrastructure – obvodnitelny constructions (wells, wells, pumping points, water supply systems and other constructions), roads, bridges, skotoprogonny routes, pens and the fenced-off places for watering place and rest of the cattle, the place of temporary residence of shepherds, and also other real estate, necessary for cattle pasture;

4) potential reservoir of pastures – quantity of cattle stock per acre lands which can be grazed without causing damage to pasturable resources and ecological condition of pastures;

5) skotoprogonny routes – the sites of pastures intended for cattle stage on other sites of pastures or movement of the cattle between pastures;

6) users of pastures – the legal entities and physical persons of Turkmenistan, and also the chekena having right to use pastures;

7) lessees of pastures – the legal entities and physical persons of Turkmenistan, and also the chekena having rights of lease of pastures;

8) consolidation of users of pastures – the public consolidation created for the purpose of joint management and use of pastures by owners of the cattle who live in certain territory and jointly graze the cattle and (or) use pastures in other purposes;

9) to the chekena – consolidation of owners of the cattle without formation of legal entity for the purpose of collective pasture of the cattle;

10) the commission on regulation of use of pastures – the commission established by local government body or the user of pastures for the purpose of regulation of the relations connected with rational use and protection of the pastures which are in the territory subordinated to it;

11) the management plan pastures – the document containing information necessary for ensuring steady use of pastures;

12) protection of pastures – complex of the actions directed to rational use, improvement and preserving resource potential of pastures, prevention of degradation, destruction of pastures or other negative impact on them;

13) pasture improvement – complex of the actions directed to increase in resource potential and productivity of pastures, increase in fertility of soils and watering of pastures;

14) use of pastures in other purposes – use of pastures in other purposes, except cattle pasture which treats, but is not limited to them, hunting, beekeeping, collection of drug plants, fruits and berries, hay procurement, tourism and rest of citizens;

15) the state monitoring of pastures – system of observations of the happening changes resulting from use of pastures, assessment and the forecast of condition of pastures for the purpose of steady management of pastures;

16) the state accounting of pastures - data on the area, arrangement and borders of pastures and the changes happening to them for the corresponding period;

17) inventory count of pastures - complex of works by description, to mapping and determination of quantitative and qualitative indexes of condition of pastures;


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