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of May 19, 2015 No. 27

About approval of the Method of calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers

(as amended on 25-03-2022)

Based on subitem 8.10 of Item 8 of the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445, National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Method of calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers it (is applied) and to enact it since calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers for 2014.

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of July 14, 2010 No. 111 "About approval of the Method of calculation of salary fund taking into account salary fund of employees of the organizations which are not representing monthly state statistical reporting under forms 12-t and 12-t (summary) "The report on work";

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of April 13, 2011 No. 59 "About modification of the Method of calculation of salary fund taking into account salary fund of employees of the organizations which are not representing monthly state statistical reporting under forms 12-t and 12-t (summary) "The report on work";

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of April 12, 2012 No. 39 "About modification and amendments in the Method of calculation of salary fund taking into account salary fund of employees of the organizations which are not representing monthly state statistical reporting under forms 12-t and 12-t (summary) "The report on work" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012, No. 47, 7/1992).

3. This resolution becomes effective in fifteen working days after its signing.


I. V. Medvedev

Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of May 19, 2015 No. 27

Method of calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Technique establishes procedure of payments of total amount of salary fund of workers.

2. Calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers is perfromed by National Statistical Committee on the republic in year and the period since the beginning of year.

3. In this Technique the following main terms and their determinations are used:

household – group of persons which jointly live in premises provide themselves to all necessary for life, conduct general economy, fully or partially uniting and spending the means, or one person living independently and providing themselves to all necessary for life;

the nominal added average monthly salary – the relation of the added salary fund, including the income tax and compulsory insurance premium of the worker, to the average number of workers accepted for calculation of the average salary and to the number of months in the period;

the average number of workers accepted for calculation of the average salary – the number calculated proceeding from the number of workers of payroll except for of the workers who are on maternity leaves on child care before achievement of age by it three years; not been for work which absences are drawn up by leaves of disability or certificates of temporary disability; workers who were granted leaves non-paid (except being on leaves granted at the initiative of the employer), and some other temporarily absent workers;

salary fund of workers – the payment financings added to employees of the organizations irrespective of source: the salary for the performed work and worked time; the stimulating and compensating payments; payment for unfinished time and other payments included in structure of salary fund.

4. Starting information base for calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers are:

4.1. primary statistical data in the following forms of the state statistical observations:

12 t "The report on work" (further - form 12-t);

12 t (summary) "The report on work" (further - form 12-t (summary));

The 1-megapixel "Report on financial and economic activities of the small organization" (further - form 1-megapixel);

The 1-megapixel (micro) "Report on financial and economic activities of the microorganization" (further - form 1-megapixel (micro));

1 t (non-commercial) "The report on work" (further - form 1-t (non-commercial));

1-skh (peasant farm) "The questionnaire about activities of country (farm) (further - form 1-cx (peasant farm));

4.2. extrapolated primary statistical data of selective inspection of households for the purpose of studying of problems of employment of the population (further - data of selective inspection);

4.3. administrative data:

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs about the number of employees of representative offices of the foreign organizations;

The Ministries of Taxes and Tax Collection and the Ministries of Labour and Social Protection about the number of persons working for individual entrepreneurs on hiring on the basis of employment contracts (contracts) or civil agreements;

Social Security Fund of the population of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (further – FSZN) about the general added benefits amount in monetary and (or) natural value, including remunerations under civil agreements on which compulsory insurance premiums are assessed.

Chapter 2. Calculation of total amount of salary fund of workers in year

5. The total amount of salary fund of workers in year includes:

salary fund of workers of the respondents representing monthly shapes 12-t and 12-t (summary);

salary fund of employees of the organizations which are not representing monthly shape 12-t and 12-t (summary);

salary fund of persons working in the organizations for hiring on the basis of the oral arrangement without document creation (further - persons working according to the oral arrangement);

salary fund of persons working for individual entrepreneurs on hiring;

salary fund of persons performing on hiring work for household.

6. The salary fund of workers of the respondents representing monthly shapes 12-t and 12-t (summary) is calculated based on aggregative primary statistical data in these forms for January-December of accounting year.

7. The salary fund of employees of the organizations which are not representing monthly shape 12-t, 12-t (summary) is calculated as the amount of total annual wages of workers:

small business entities;

the respondents who provided form 1-t (non-commercial);

peasant farms;

religious organizations (associations);

representative offices of the foreign organizations;

the building and housing cooperatives, garage cooperatives and cooperatives performing operation of parkings, partnerships of owners.

8. The salary fund of employees of small business entities includes:


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