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The document ceased to be valid since  April 22, 2020 according to the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 18, 2020 No. 224


of April 9, 2015 No. 328

About approval of the standard of the state service in issue of the conclusion on compliance to criminalistic requirements of civil and office weapon and cartridges to it

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 20.05.2019 No. 446)

According to the subitem 1) of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 15, 2013 "About the state services" I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed standard of the state service "Issue of the Conclusion on Compliance to Criminalistic Requirements of Civil and Office Weapon and Cartridges to It".

2. Operational criminalistic to department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Amankulov K. K.) in the procedure established by the legislation to provide:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan its direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of internal affairs of the police major general Zhakupov R. T. and Operational and criminalistic department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Amankulov K. K.)

4. This order becomes effective after twenty one calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister police lieutenant general

K. Kasymov

It is approved

Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 28, 2015


A. Isekeshev

It is approved

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 13, 2015



Approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 9, 2015, No. 328

Standard of the state service "Issue of the Conclusion on Compliance to Criminalistic Requirements of Civil and Office Weapon and Cartridges to It"

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The state service "Issue of the Conclusion on Compliance to Criminalistic Requirements of Civil and Office Weapon and Cartridges to It" (further - the state service).

2. The standard of the state service is developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry).

3. The state service appears territorial subdivisions of law-enforcement bodies (further - the service provider).

Reception of applications and issue of results of rendering the state service are performed through office of the service provider.

Chapter 2. Procedure for rendering the state service

4. Term of rendering the state service:

1) from the moment of delivery of document package and objects of testing to the service provider - 20 (twenty) calendar days;

The service provider within two working days from the moment of receipt of documents of uslugopoluchatel shall check completeness of the submitted documents;

2) the most allowed time of expectation for delivery of document package and objects of testing by uslugopoluchatel - 30 (thirty) minutes;

3) the most allowed time of servicing of uslugopoluchatel - 30 (thirty) minutes.

5. Form of rendering the state service: paper.

6. Result of rendering the state service - the Conclusion on compliance to criminalistic requirements of civil and office weapon and cartridges to it (further - the conclusion) according to appendix 1 to this standard of the state service or the motivated answer about refusal in rendering the state service in cases and on the bases, stipulated in Item 10 these standards.

Form of provision of result of rendering the state service: paper.

7. The state service is rendered on free basis to legal entities (further - uslugopoluchatel).

8. Working schedule of the service provider: Monday through Friday inclusive from 9-00 till 18-30 o'clock, with lunch break from 13-00 till 14-30 o'clock, except days off and holidays according to the labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Reception of applications and issue of results of rendering the state service is performed through office of the service provider from 9:00 till 17:30 o'clock with lunch break from 13:00 till 14:30 o'clock.

The state service is rendered in turn, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing.

9. For rendering the state service the uslugopoluchatel provides the following documents and objects of testing:

1) the statement of uslugopoluchatel according to appendix 2 to this standard of the state service;

2) regulating documents on standardization, the catalog of firm, originals of the passport of weapon and instructions for its operation with transfer into the state and Russian languages;

3) the copy of the contract and the list of numbers of weapon (products) in the batch imported on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan certified by management of firm applicant;

4) objects of testing:

when testing fire, acormose, alarm, gas, electric, pneumatic weapon, cartridges to it, and also products, structurally similar to weapon (except cases of import to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan single (collection and exclusive) weapon copies) are provided:

weapon of self-defense and alarm weapon - 3 copies of each model or modification with cartridges at least 20 pieces (for gas weapon blank cartridges at least 15 pieces are in addition provided);

office, sports and hunting weapon - 2 copies of each model or modification with cartridges (shells) at least 30 pieces;

products, structurally similar to weapon, - 4 copies of each model or modification;

cartridges to office and civil weapon - at least 20 pieces in primary package of manufacturer;

when testing cold and throwing weapon, and also the products similar on external structure to such weapon (except cases of import to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan single (collection and exclusive) weapon copies) are provided:

the objects which are cold bladed and throwing weapon - 3 copies of each model or modification;

the special means having similarity on external structure to cold and throwing weapon - 4 copies of each model or modification;


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