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of June 23, 2015 No. 20

About approval of the Instruction about procedure for sampling from batches of seeds of agricultural plants and carrying out seed analysis of agricultural plants

(as amended on 04-10-2017)

Based on the paragraph of the seventh of Article 7, of article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 2, 2013 "About seed farming" and subitem 5.1 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 29, 2011 No. 867 "About some questions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food" the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about procedure for sampling from batches of seeds of agricultural plants and carrying out seed analysis of agricultural plants.

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.



Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus of June 23, 2015 No. 20

The instruction about procedure for sampling from batches of seeds of agricultural plants and carrying out seed analysis of agricultural plants

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction determines procedure for sampling from batches of seeds of agricultural plants (further - seeds) and carrying out seed analysis.

2. In this Instruction terms and their determinations in the values established By the law the Republic of Belarus of May 2, 2013 "About seed farming" are used (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 08.05. 2013, 2/2018), and also following terms and their determinations:

the applicant - the interested person who filed petition for carrying out sampling from batches of seeds and carrying out seed analysis;

control unit of batch of seeds – the maximum quantity of seeds from which one test can be selected;

test of seeds - the quantity of seeds, optimum necessary for the analysis, which is selected from batch of seeds.

3. For sampling from batch of seeds of plants (further - batch of seeds) and carrying out seed analysis the applicant submits to public institution "Main state inspectorate for seed farming, quarantine and protection of plants" or its territorial organizations (further - the state inspection) the statement for carrying out sampling from batch of seeds and carrying out seed analysis (further - the statement) in form according to appendix 1.

In case of need carrying out immunoenzymatic seed analysis of potatoes on the hidden viral infection the statement for selection of test from batch of seeds of potatoes and carrying out the analysis moves no later than February 15.

4. After filing of application, Item 3 of this Instruction specified in part one, the civil agreement which is constituted in duplicate and is signed by the parties on each page is signed with the applicant.

5. Producers of seeds of plants have the right to make independently sampling from batches of seeds of the plants intended for own use.

Chapter 2. Sampling from batch of seeds

6. Sampling from batches of seeds is made by the specialist of the state inspectorate in the storage location of batch of seeds in the presence of the applicant and (or) his representative.

In case of sampling from the batch of seeds exceeding the maximum quantity of seeds, sampling is performed from each control unit of batch of seeds into which separate batch.

7. For sampling from the sewn-up sacks, the stuck packets and boxes the bag sampling probe, from embankment of seeds and from the embroidered sacks, containers - sampler of the seeds, except as specified, established in part two of this Item is used.

From packaging of seeds of onion set, onions selection, garlic, potatoes, the flower, fruit, berry and other plants used in agricultural industry, sampling from batches of seeds is performed manually.

8. Test of seeds is packed and sealed up by the method excluding access to it without violation of packaging and (or) seal.

Packaging of test of seeds shall ensure safety of seeds.

On delivery tests of seeds in the state inspection by the specialist of the state inspectorate who performed its selection, packaging of this test of seeds can not be sealed up.

9. Each test of seeds is marked by the label in which data on batch of seeds, their producer (seller) and date of selection of test are specified.

10. Test of seeds for carrying out the analysis is brought to the state inspectorate by the applicant or specialist of the state inspectorate who performed its selection within two days after its selection from batch of seeds, except as specified carrying out seed analysis in the location of seeds.

Before sending for the analysis test of seeds is stored by the applicant in the same room where the batch of seeds from which she is selected is stored.

Chapter 3. Carrying out seed analysis

11. The seed analysis is carried out in the state inspectorate or for the location of seeds with technical equipment.

12. When carrying out seed analysis in the state inspection in day of receipt in the state inspection test of seeds:

it is inspected on safety of integrity of its packaging, seal, availability of damage of seeds when transporting;

it is weighed unpacked or the quantity of the seeds which are in packaging is recalculated;

is registered in register of tests of seeds of agricultural plants (further - register of tests) in form according to appendix 2.

The registration index which represents sequence number of logging of accounting of tests is appropriated to each test of seeds which arrived in the state inspection.

The registration index of test of seeds is its code.

The code of test of seeds is put down on its packaging and in the label.

13. When carrying out seed analysis in the location of seeds data on test of seeds are entered in register of tests after carrying out seed analysis.

14. The seed analysis is carried out by research of test of seeds for determination of its sowing qualities.

15. Data on analysis results of seeds are fixed in card of seed analysis of agricultural plants with the subsequent entering into the analysis results of seeds of agricultural plants attached to the certificate of quality of seeds of agricultural plants.

In case of separation of batch of seeds into control units of batch of seeds the card of seed analysis of agricultural plants with arithmetic averages analysis results of seeds on batch of seeds is in addition drawn up.

16. The seed analysis is carried out in time, not exceeding 30 days from the date of test registration, except as specified established in part two of this Item.


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