of May 6, 2014 No. 207
About stabilization of financial and economic condition of separate industrial bodies in 2014
For the purpose of stabilization of financial and economic condition of separate industrial bodies, I decide providing legal entities of the Republic of Belarus with the machinery and equipment:
1. Determine that:
1.1. legal entities of the Republic of Belarus have the right to perform in 2014 without carrying out tender at the expense of own and (or) borrowed funds acquisition of the machinery and equipment made by industrial bodies according to appendix under agreements of finance lease (leasing) at Promagroleasing open joint stock company on the following terms:
advance payment at least 15 percent from the cost of the machinery and equipment provided in the agreement of finance lease (leasing);
rewards (income) of the lessor in the amount of 2 annual interest rates;
compliance of term of transfer of the machinery and equipment established in the agreement of finance lease (leasing), to the loan granting term determined in Item 2 of this Decree;
1.2. the Promagroleasing open joint stock company makes in 2014 purchase of the machinery and equipment at industrial bodies according to appendix to this Decree for the subsequent transfer to leasing to legal entities of the Republic of Belarus according to the lists of the machinery and equipment approved with these legal entities, the Industry ministry and "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company at the expense of the loans granted by "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company and the means received by Promagroleasing open joint stock company in the form of advance payments under agreements of finance lease (leasing).
2. Suggest "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company to issue the credits to Promagroleasing open joint stock company for purchase of the machinery and equipment according to subitem 1.2 of Item 1 of this Decree for a period of up to June 1, 2022 with repayment by their monthly equal shares since January 1, 2015 with interest payment for use of them in the amount of annual interest rate 7,5.
3. Compensation of losses to "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company on the credits issued according to Item 2 of this Decree is performed monthly at the expense of the means of the republican budget provided on other questions in the field of the industry, constructions and architecture in the amount of the refunding rate of National Bank which developed (taking into account its change) in the accounting period, reduced by 4,5 of percent point.
4. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus when refining separate indicators of the republican budget for 2014 and forming of drafts of the republican budget for 2015-2022 to provide funds for compensation of losses to "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" open joint stock company on the credits issued according to Item 2 of this Decree.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the State Control Committee.
6. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 6, 2014 No. 207
The list of industrial bodies at which the Promagroleasing open joint stock company makes purchase of the machinery and equipment for the subsequent transfer to leasing
AMKODOR open joint stock company - managing company of holding"
"Babruysk Plant of Tractor Details and Aggregates" open joint stock company
Bobruyskselmash open joint stock company
Brest Electromechanical Plant open joint stock company
Gomselmash open joint stock company
MINSKAGROPROMMASH PLANT open joint stock company
Lidagroprommash open joint stock company
Minsk Tractor Plant open joint stock company
Orshaagroprommash open joint stock company
Tekhnolit Polotsk open joint stock company
Open joint stock company "Managing company of Bobruyskagromash holding
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