of May 16, 2014 No. 220
About reconstruction of complex of objects of Dynamo stadium in Minsk
For the purpose of creation of conditions for holding sports competitions of the international level, sports and entertaining and cultural events in Minsk, and also sport I decide population occupations:
1. Enable till June 1, 2018 the realization of the investment Project "Reconstruction of Complex of Objects of Dynamo Stadium in Minsk", including with restoration and strengthening of the designs of historical and cultural value of category "2" "Sports arena of Dynamo stadium, entrance arcade" and construction of facilities of engineering and transport infrastructure providing functioning of Dynamo stadium (further - reconstruction of objects of stadium).
"Management of Capital Construction of Mingorispolkom" municipal unitary enterprise the customer on designing and works on reconstruction of objects of stadium (further - the customer);
project municipal unitary enterprise "Minskproyekt" the general project organization for development of the project documentation on reconstruction of objects of stadium.
3. Determine that:
the customer has the right to determine general contract organizations by reconstruction of objects of stadium by negotiation;
reconstruction of objects of stadium is performed in parallel with development, examination and approval in accordance with the established procedure of the construction project after approval in accordance with the established procedure of the architectural project;
in case of development of the project documentation on reconstruction of objects of stadium application of the construction regulations and rules similar acting in the Russian Federation and the European Union, with conducting state examination without adaptation of this project documentation to the construction regulations and rules existing in the Republic of Belarus is allowed. At the same time subject of state examination of the project documentation is assessment of its compliance to essential safety requirements, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Belarus: mechanical durability and stability, fire safety, hygiene, protection of health and heredity of the person, environmental protection, protection against noise and vibration, safety in case of operation, economy of energy and thermal protection;
the organizations determined in Item 2 of this Decree and the paragraph the second this Item, and also the contract and project organizations attracted with them conduct procurement of goods (works, services) in case of reconstruction of objects of stadium by negotiation;
financing of designing and reconstruction of objects of stadium is performed by budget funds of Minsk.
4. In the paragraph the second part one of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2012 No. 8 "About implementation of separate most significant investment projects in Minsk" (2012, No. 5, 1/13213) of the word "2011-2014" shall be replaced with words the national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus "2011-2017".
5. To republican state bodies within the competence to render assistance to the customer in implementation of reconstruction of objects of stadium and to take other measures for implementation of this Decree.
6. It in operation at the scheduled time to assign the personal responsibility for implementation of reconstruction of objects of stadium, acceptance to the chairman of the Minsk Gorispolkom, the Minister of sport and tourism, the Minister of Architecture, the chairman of public association "Belarusian federation of track and field athletics".
7. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the State Control Committee.
8. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
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