of July 17, 2014 No. 347
About the state agrarian policy
For the purpose of development of agro-industrial complex and enhancement of mechanisms of rendering the state support to the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production I decide:
1. Determine that the state agrarian policy is one of the directions of domestic policy of the Republic of Belarus providing stimulation of increase in efficiency of agro-industrial complex based on enhancement of specialization of farm-production and its organizational and economic structure, rational use of lands and the state support of agro-industrial complex.
2. Main objectives of the state agrarian policy are:
2.1. increase in competitiveness of agricultural products, raw materials and food for ensuring balance of the domestic food market and building-up of the export potential;
2.2. forming of the efficient market of agricultural products, raw materials and food with the developed infrastructure, including by phased transition to open pricing, increases in efficiency of productive and economic activities of the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production;
2.3. creation of the favorable investment climate and volumetric gain of investments into agro-industrial complex;
2.4. assistance to structural changes in agro-industrial complex, including changes of the intra production and property relations, the providing free development of all patterns of ownership;
2.5. maintenance of parity of price index on industrial output, works (service) used by agricultural producers and price index on agricultural products;
2.6. providing the right of citizens to sufficient nutrition, including by rendering internal food aid of the needing part of the population;
2.7. ensuring sustainable development of the rural territories, employment of rural population, increase in level of his life, including compensation of the workers occupied in agricultural industry;
2.8. preserving and reproduction of the natural resources used for production of agricultural products, raw materials and food.
3. The state agrarian policy is based on the following principles:
3.1. unity of the market of agricultural products, raw materials and food and providing equal conditions of the competition in this market;
3.2. participation in state programs in agro-industrial complex of the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production for the purpose of implementation of investment projects on the terms of tender;
3.3. the sequence of measures of the state support of agro-industrial complex (further - the state support).
4. The state support includes direct and indirect measures.
5. Direct measures of the state support are implemented by means of financing at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets:
5.1. nation-wide actions;
5.2. directly the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production, and also managing organizations regarding the activities for production of agricultural products and activities of agricultural organizations performed by them, shares (share in authorized fund) of which are delivered in trust management to managing organizations or powers of executive body of which are delegated to managing organizations;
5.3. the expenses connected with providing to the subjects performing activities in the field of agro-industrial production, to managing organizations regarding the activities for production of agricultural products and activities of agricultural organizations performed by them, shares (share in authorized fund) of which are delivered in trust management to managing organizations or powers of executive body of which are delegated to managing organizations, other legal entities realizing investment projects in the field of livestock production and crop production, subsidies for interest payment (part of percent) for use of the credits (further – subsidies for interest payment on the credits), compensations of losses of banks and JSC Development Bank Republic of Belarus in case of loan granting on favorable terms, and also budget transfers to compensation of part of capital costs according to investment projects.
5-1. The realization of direct measures of the state support is enabled for goal achievement and tasks of state programs in agro-industrial complex and within the means which are annually determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus and local councils of deputies when forming projects republican and local budgets for the next financial year.
6. Nation-wide actions are actions which financing can be performed at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets, according to appendices 1 and 2.
Financing of construction, reconstruction, upgrade of production objects of agro-industrial complex can be performed at the expense of means republican and (or) local budgets according to the procedure, established by the legislation concerning financing of subjects to the state capital investments.
Financing of the actions which are not specified in parts one and the second this Item can be performed according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
7. Rendering the state support provided in subitem 5.2 of Item 5 of this Decree is made to legal entities, including their separate divisions, way:
7.1. the activities subsidizings, including providing the direct payments made per unit of implemented or made and (or) directed to processing (conversion) of agricultural products in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or per acre the parcel of land, beast.
The type and the amount of the direct payments made per unit of the agricultural products implemented or made and (or) sent to processing (conversion) in the territory of the Republic of Belarus or per acre the parcel of land, beast, are determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus proceeding from the amounts of budget financing provided on these purposes in the relevant budget for the next financial year. Subsidizing of activities of legal entities, including their separate divisions which core activity is production of agricultural products and fish breeding, performing activities in areas, adverse for production of agricultural products which list is determined by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, is performed in the increased size.
For transfer of the money allocated for rendering the state support according to part one of this subitem in banks special accounts which features of functioning are determined in appendix 3 can be opened;
7.2. compensations of losses of agricultural producers in case of establishment of disparity of the prices of industrial output, works (service) used by agricultural producers and the prices of agricultural products provided that complete or partial reduction in cost (compensation) of cost of raw materials, products, works (services) and measure of price regulation on agricultural products did not allow to support parity of the specified prices;
7.3. No. 433 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 30.11.2016.
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