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of July 23, 2015 No. 340

About procedure for release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee

(as amended on 29-08-2024)

For the purpose of prevention of unreasonable economic insolvency (bankruptcy) of subjects of managing, preserving and development of productions, the most significant for the Republic of Belarus and its administrative and territorial units, I decide:

1. Create the Interdepartmental commission on release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee.

2. Delegate the Interdepartmental commission on release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee the right to decision making about full or partial relief of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee.

3. Approve:

The regulations on procedure for release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee (are applied);

The regulations on the Interdepartmental commission on release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee (are applied);

the structure of the Interdepartmental commission on release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee (is applied).

4. Part the second subitem 2.2 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of November 3, 2005 No. 520 "About enhancement of legal regulation of the separate relations in the economic sphere" (2005, No. 174, 1/6913) to add the national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus with words ", and decisions, the specified in paragraphs six and the seventh part one of this subitem, - the Interdepartmental commission on release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee".

5. Recognize invalid decrees and provisions of presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix.

6. To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this Decree.

7. Petitions for release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and (or) the payments of penalty fee given before entry into force of this Decree are considered according to the procedure, the established Regulations on procedure for release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments and payment of penalty fee approved by this Decree without the term established in part one of Item 7 of this Provision.

8. This Decree becomes effective in the following procedure:

Item 6 - after official publication of this Decree;

other provisions of this Decree - in month after its official publication.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko


to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 23, 2015 No. 340

List of invalid decrees and provisions of presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus

1. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481 "About procedure for release of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from administrative punishments" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 163, 1/6864).

2. Subitem 1.18 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 1, 2007 No. 116 "About some questions of legal regulation of the administrative responsibility" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 83, 1/8471).

3. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 26, 2008 No. 355 "About modification and amendments in the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 158, 1/9833).

4. Subitem 1.2 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 7, 2008 No. 552 "About modification and amendments in some presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 248, 1/10106).

5. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 17, 2009 No. 137 "About modification of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 70, 1/10545).

6. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 4, 2010 No. 228 "About modification and amendments in the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 108, 1/11614).

7. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 28, 2011 No. 80 "About modification of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2011, No. 27, 1/12387).

8. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 7, 2012 No. 225 "About modification and amendments in the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012, No. 53, 1/13498).

9. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 4, 2013 No. 160 "About modification of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 06.04. 2013, 1/14178).

10. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 3, 2013 No. 391 "About entering of amendments and changes into the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 05.09. 2013, 1/14482).

11. Subitem 1.6 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of January 11, 2014 No. 17 "About modification and amendments in presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 21.01. 2014, 1/14748).

12. The presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of March 17, 2014 No. 127 "About modification of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 17, 2005 No. 481" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 20.03. 2014, 1/14893).

13. Subitem 2.1 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of July 21, 2014 No. 361 "About single questions of the taxation, financial accounting, revaluation of property and collection of the rent" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 24.07. 2014, 1/15176).


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