Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 1, 2014 No. 422

About demarcation of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine

(as amended on 23-06-2023)

For the purpose of implementation of the Contract between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine about frontier of May 12, 1997 I decide:

1. To the state boundary committee of the Republic of Belarus (further - the customer) according to the tasks and functions assigned to it to organize and carry out works on demarcation of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine (further - Frontier).

2. For implementation of works on demarcation of Frontier at the expense of means of the republican budget to determine:

general project organization design and survey republican unitary enterprise "Belgiprovodkhoz";

general contract organizations national association Brestmeliovodkhoz across the Brest region and national association Gomelmeliovodkhoz across the Gomel region, except for the territories of the Polesia national radiation and ecological park;

general contract organization in borders of the Polesia national radiation and ecological park the municipal specialized unitary enterprise "Polesia";

the engineering organizations performing functions of technical supervision, "Brest Regional Management of Capital Construction" municipal unitary enterprise across the Brest region and "Gomel Regional Management of Capital Construction" municipal unitary enterprise across the Gomel region.

3. Determine that:

3.1. installation and construction works on the demarcations of Frontier which are turning on the equipment of strip of fixture of Frontier, installation of border markers, other works on ensuring invariable passing of Frontier and preserving border markers are performed by the customer without development of preproject (pre-investment) documentation;

3.2. development of the project documentation and performance of works on demarcation of Frontier are performed on its certain sites which extent is determined by the customer;

3.3. in case of development of the project documentation on demarcation of Frontier the environmental impact assessment is not carried out, except for actions for inspection of sites of demarcation of Frontier regarding availability of places of growth of the wild-growing plants relating to the types included in the Red List of the Republic of Belarus. In case of identification of such plants actions for their change according to recommendations of National academy of Sciences of Belarus are performed;

3.4. registration of materials on withdrawal and provision of the parcels of land for demarcation of Frontier is performed without preliminary coordination of places of their placement;

3.5. receipt of the conclusion about availability (absence) of the reconnoitered mineral deposits in borders of the parcels of land asked for demarcation of Frontier is not required;

3.6. in need of withdrawal and provision of the parcels of land for demarcation of Frontier from farmlands of agricultural purpose and forest lands of forest fund (the nature protection, recreational and improving and protective woods) coordination with the President of the Republic of Belarus of places of their placement is not required;

3.7. state registration of creation of the parcels of land provided to the customer for demarcation of Frontier, and emergence of the rights, restrictions (encumbrances) of the rights to them is performed in the procedure established by the legislation after approval of demarcation documents;

3.8. prior to the beginning of construction on the parcels of land provided for demarcation of Frontier removal of fertile layer of earth with its use for works on demarcation of Frontier and other purposes in coordination with the relevant local executive and administrative organs is performed;

3.9. cutting down of wood and shrubby vegetation on the parcels of land provided for demarcation of Frontier, and its realization lines of Frontier on the area are made in the procedure established by the legislation after removal by the determined Contract between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine on frontier of May 12, 1997;

3.10. removal of objects of flora on the parcels of land provided for demarcation of Frontier is performed without carrying out compensation landings and compensation payments of cost of the deleted objects;

3.11. for demarcation of Frontier the customer is exempted from:

payments of means which are levied by local executive and administrative organs in case of issue of allowing documentation for development of the project documentation on demarcation of Frontier;

compensations of the losses of agricultural and (or) forestry and landscape production caused by withdrawal or temporary occupation of farmlands and (or) lands of forest fund concerning the lands allocated under pits, temporary drives, construction towns, platforms for warehousing of soil and construction materials, and also compensation payments for harmful effects on objects of fauna and (or) the circle of their dwelling.

4. In six-months time to provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus reduction of regulatory legal acts in compliance with this Decree.

5. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko

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