of April 14, 1999 No. 763-I
About non-state non-profit organizations
The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations connected with activities of non-state non-profit organizations, and also international non-state non-profit organizations, representations and branches of the international and foreign non-state non-profit organizations in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Non-state non-profit organization - the self-governed organization created on voluntary basis by physical and (or) legal entities, which is not pursuing commercialization (profits) as main objective of the activities and not distributing the gained income (profit) between her participants (members).
The non-state non-profit organization is created for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, other democratic values, achievement of the social, cultural and educational purposes, satisfaction of spiritual and other non-material needs, charity implementation, in other socially useful purposes.
The legislation on non-state non-profit organizations consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
Features of creation, activities, reorganization and liquidation of political parties, labor unions, religious organizations and some other non-state non-profit organizations are regulated by special laws. In cases when special laws do not settle these or those relations in field of activity of non-state non-profit organizations, regulations of this Law are applied.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about non-state non-profit organizations then are applied rules of the international treaty.
The state provides observance of the rights and legitimate interests of non-state non-profit organizations, creates it equal legal opportunities for participation in public life.
The state can give support to separate socially useful programs of non-state non-profit organizations.
Intervention of state bodies and their officials in activities of non-state non-profit organization, as well as intervention of non-state non-profit organization in activities of state bodies and their officials is not allowed.
The non-state non-profit organization according to the Legislation can enter the international non-state non-profit organizations, support direct international backgrounds, sign the corresponding agreements on cooperation.
The non-state non-profit organization is legal entity.
The non-state non-profit organization is created without restriction of term of activities if other is not established by its constituent documents.
The non-state non-profit organization has the right:
represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of the members and participants;
take the initiative of various questions of public life, make offers in state governing bodies;
participate in development of decisions of state governing bodies according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation:
distribute information on the activities;
establish mass media and perform publishing activities in accordance with the established procedure;
create entrepreneurial structures for accomplishment of authorized tasks;
establish the symbolics:
hold meetings, conferences on questions of the activities;
open representations and create branches according to the legislation.
The non-state non-profit organization has also other rights, stipulated by the legislation.
The non-state non-profit organization shall:
observe the legislation and constituent documents;
provide availability to information on use of the property and money, including financing sources;
approve with registering body holding actions (except for political parties) and to provide access it to the representative on the held events;
inform registering body on the organization of visits of the representatives of non-state non-profit organization to foreign countries connected with activities of non-state non-profit organization;
approve with registering body receipt of money and property from foreign states, the international and foreign organizations, citizens of foreign states or according to their order from other persons;
represent in accordance with the established procedure to registering body, bodies of the State Tax Service and bodies of the state statistics reports on the activities.
The non-state non-profit organization can perform also other duties according to the legislation.
The notification procedure about the planned actions of non-state non-profit organizations is determined by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the procedure for coordination with registering body of obtaining by non-state non-profit organizations from foreign states, the international and foreign organizations, citizens of foreign states or from other persons of money and property is determined by their order by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Representative office of non-state non-profit organization is the separate division located out of the place of its stay which represents the interests of non-state non-profit organization and performs their protection.
Branch of non-state non-profit organization is the separate division located out of the place of its stay, performing all its functions or their part, including functions of representation.
Representations and branches of non-state non-profit organization can acquire the status of the legal entity from the moment of their state registration.
Representations and branches of the international non-state non-profit organizations which parent organization is outside the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign non-state non-profit organizations are legal entities.
Non-state non-profit organizations can be created in the form of public association, public fund, organization, and also in other form provided by legal acts.
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