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of December 31, 2010 No. 1926

About the State comprehensive program of development of potato growing, vegetable growing and fruit growing in 2011-2015

(as amended on 20-07-2015)

For the purpose of creation of the integration structures including complete cycle of production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries and products of their conversion for providing the population of the republic and production of competitive products for deliveries to export, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed State comprehensive program of development of potato growing, vegetable growing and fruit growing in 2011-2015 * (further - the State program).


* It is not dispatched.

11. Determine that are determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food:

sales amounts of original and elite seeds of potatoes, the probirochny plants of potatoes which are subject to reduction in cost, for the organizations performing activities for production (cultivation) of original and elite seeds of potatoes, probirochny plants of potatoes;

production volumes (cultivation) of seeds and landing material of the vegetable cultures which are subject to reduction in cost for the organizations performing activities for production (cultivation) of seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures.

2. Determine:

customers of the State program Ministry of Agriculture and Food, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, regional executive committees, Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, Ministry of Trade and Belarusian republican union of consumer societies;

coordinators of the State program:

according to the Sections "Potato Growing", "Vegetable growing" and "Fruit growing" - the Ministry of Agriculture and Food;

according to the Section "Providing the Organizations of Consumer Cooperation and Trade Organizations with Storages for Storage of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Products and Potatoes" - the Ministry of Trade and the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies.

3. To the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Trade, the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies to finish the State program to interested and together with National academy of Sciences of Belarus, regional executive committees, the Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom to provide its realization.

4. To the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Trade, Belarusian republican union of consumer societies:

together with regional executive committees when forming projects republican and local budgets for the next financial (budget) year in accordance with the established procedure to provide funds for financing of actions of the State program;

provide compensation to subjects of business activity of part of interest for using the bank loans issued according to the State program in the expense limits provided on these purposes in the republican budget for development of agricultural production, fish breeding and conversion of agricultural products in the amount of 50 percent of the refunding rate of National Bank established for date of compensation of percent on the credits obtained in Belarusian rubles and in the amount of 50 percent of rate - on the credits obtained in foreign currency.

5. About the course of accomplishment of actions of the State program and this resolution:

to customers of the State program annually till February 10 to inform customers - coordinators of the State program;

to customers - coordinators of the State program annually till February 25 to inform Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

6. To confer the personal responsibility for accomplishment of the State program on the Minister of Agriculture and Food, the Minister of Trade, the Chairman of the board of the Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, chairmen of Presidium of National academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, the Minsk Gorispolkom and regional executive committees.

7. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Belarus under whose authority questions of agro-industrial complex, production and conversion of agricultural products are.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

M. Myasnikovich

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 31, 2010 No. 1926

The state comprehensive program of development of potato growing, vegetable growing and fruit growing in 2011-2015

Section I.

Chapter 1. Introduction

This State program is developed for the purpose of ensuring needs of the population of the republic for fresh potatoes and fruit and vegetable products, products of their conversion, and also production of competitive products for delivery to export.

Taking into account the analysis of condition and the prospects of development of potato growing and fruit-and-vegetable growing in this State program number of actions for ensuring effective functioning of industries - optimization of space of landing of potatoes and vegetables, laying of industrial gardens, production of high-quality and various fruit and vegetable products, construction and reconstruction of storages, installation of lines of completion, calibration and packing of products for its further realization in the republic and for export, production of own raw materials and products of its conversion is determined.

Creation of krupnotovarny production, integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, berries, strengthening of material and technical resources of the organizations for production and conversion of potatoes and fruit and vegetable products is provided.

Further development of potato growing, vegetable growing and fruit growing in 2011-2015 taking into account world tendencies and the accumulated domestic experience requires accomplishment of actions according to appendix 1.

Financing of expenses on accomplishment of actions of this State program is considered annually in Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus when forming the budget for the next financial (budget) year taking into account index of growth of consumer prices (inflation).

Section II. Potato growing

Chapter 2. Feasibility statement

In 2010 the program implementation of development of potato growing for 2006-2010, the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of July 21, 2006 is finished No. 912 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 122, No. 5/22636).

In general on the republic for 2005-2010 the areas of landing of potatoes were reduced on percent 19,4, gross collection decreased on 13, percent as 85 percent of all area of landing of potatoes were concentrated at the population where the downward tendency of landing of potatoes is annually observed.

At the same time annually since 2007 production of potatoes in agricultural organizations and peasant farms increases. So, gross collection of potatoes in 2007 in comparison with 2006 constituted percent 110,8, in 2008 - 134,7, in 2009 (year, extremely adverse for potatoes) - 102,3, in 2010 - percent 125,4.

Creation of the specialized organizations and concentration of production during the course of performance of the Development program of potato growing for 2006-2010 promoted growth in volumes of production of potatoes in the public sector of the country. Gross production of potatoes in the krupnotovarny organizations constituted in 2006-2007 39 percent, in 2008 - 40, in 2009 and 2010 - 42 percent from potatoes total production in agricultural organizations and peasant farms.

By 2015 the area of landing and production volumes of potatoes in agricultural and other organizations, including peasant farms, according to appendix 2 will constitute one thousand hectares and 1693 thousand tons according to 56,5, the main indicators of development of potato growing in these organizations are given in appendix 3.

Production volumes of potatoes will fully allow to provide internal needs of the republic (seeds, industrial conversion, bookmark in stabilization funds) and export deliveries of at least 0,5 of one million tons by 2015. Potatoes total production in the krupnotovarny organizations according to appendix 4 will reach 1449 thousand tons.

For 2006-2010 in agricultural organizations more 1,9 of one thousand units of the specialized machinery and equipment for cultivation of potatoes, eight lines and six Items of preparation of potatoes for realization is delivered.

However in connection with lack of financial resources when purchasing the specialized machinery and equipment preference was given to the machinery and equipment for landing, cleaning and postharvest completion of harvest.

In 2011-2015 it is necessary to continue technical retrofitting of the krupnotovarny organizations for cultivation of potatoes by specialized agricultural machinery and the equipment for cultivation of potatoes according to appendix 5 with financing according to appendix 6.

For the purpose of increase in quality control of the grown-up seed potatoes, and also technical retrofitting of regional and republican laboratories of certification and quarantine control seven sets of devices of different function are acquired (for carrying out the immunofermental analysis, electrophoresis). For technical retrofitting of sortoispytatelny stations 26 units of the specialized machinery and equipment are acquired.

Carrying out specialized assessment of grades of potatoes on target use requires further strengthening of material and technical resources of the state sortoispytatelny stations and the Central republican laboratory by determination of quality of new plant varieties of GU "State Inspectorate for Testing and Protection of Plant Varieties". For the purpose of strengthening of control of high-quality qualities of the made seeds of potatoes completion of technical retrofitting of GU "Main State Inspectorate for Seed Farming, Quarantine and Protection of Plants" and its territorial organizations is required by devices, the equipment, sets of instruments for diagnosis and consumable materials. Financing of technical retrofitting of GU "State Inspectorate for Testing and Protection of Plant Varieties", GU "Main State Inspectorate for Seed Farming, Quarantine and Protection of Plants" and its territorial organizations is performed in amounts according to appendix 7.

At a low level there is quality of seed material, food potatoes and raw materials for industrial conversion. The question of increase in competitiveness of food and seed potatoes in the internal and external markets requires the solution.

The existing nine-year scheme of production of seed potatoes does not provide preserving "effect of improvement of seeds" in commodity landings as already at early stage of reproduction potatoes because of the biological features accumulate infections.

For more bystry sortosmena and sortoobnovleniye, ensuring production of high-quality seed and food potatoes it is necessary to reduce the scheme of seed farming from nine to seven years.

The advanced system of seed farming provides concentration of production of seeds of potatoes in the seed-growing organizations, certification of seeds at all stages of their production, increase in reproductive structure of commodity landings with the third to the first reproduction.

The NAS organizations of Belarus for the purpose of improvement of quality of initial seed potatoes provide construction of film greenhouses with regulated parameters of microclimate and potato storages, reconstruction (upgrade) of potato storages, strengthening of material and technical resources of the organizations making original seeds of potatoes with financing in amounts according to appendix 8.

Realization of seed material of potatoes and probirochny plants will be performed in amounts according to appendix 9, financing of reduction in cost of cost of original and elite seeds of potatoes and probirochny plants - in amounts according to appendix 10.

Use of this system will allow to increase by 2016 productivity of commodity landings to 30 percent, to considerably accelerate implementation of new grades in production (20 percent in structure of seeds), to increase annual export deliveries of seeds to 50 thousand tons and to provide receipt to the republic of currency of 40-45 million US dollars.

In 2006-2010 works on repair of the available potato storages, and also on reshaping of not used rooms under potato storages were performed.

Now the available capacities on storage of potatoes not in full satisfy to requirements of the organizations for potato storages, and also require equipment by the equipment for aeration and maintenance of microclimate.

In general on the republic by 2015 it is necessary to construct, reconstruct and modernize potato storages according to appendix 11, having directed to these purposes financing according to appendix 12.

The construction of potato storages will allow to ensure safety of the grown-up harvest and to receive in addition at least 180-240 thousand rubles on one ton of potatoes pledged on storage in potato storages.

Now in the republic there are no organizations which activities cover complete cycle from production, storage, conversion before realization of potatoes and products of its conversion. From 2006 to 2010 creation of krupnotovarny production of potatoes on the one hand and technical retrofitting of the overworking organizations - with another was performed. Marketing researches of market situation of potatoes and products of its conversion were at the same time conducted.

For the purpose of complex development of potato growing the creation of integration complexes based on the large organizations with area of landing of potatoes at least 250 hectares (or own raw zone) including construction of potato storages, acquisition of various specialized lines of completion of potatoes and production of semifinished products is provided.

Creation of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes, products from potatoes with financing according to appendix 13 will allow to increase quality of potatoes used on the food and technical purposes, to provide release of various products from potatoes.

In the created complexes the main release of the starch made in the republic, dry mashed potatoes, the modified starches, different types of frozen goods from potatoes and potato chips will be concentrated. Cultivation of potatoes with certain qualitative indexes under release of specific type of products will allow to make products, competitive at the price.

Requirements to production of grades of potatoes of various purpose increase. To the organizations of trade, Belarusian republican union of consumer societies food and seed potatoes of high-valuable grades are necessary, for the overworking organizations - certain purpose. The grades of potatoes of domestic selection recommended for cultivation are given in appendix 14.

In 2011-2015 the need for potatoes of technical grades (with krakhmalistost at least 15 percent) for industrial conversion according to appendix 15 will make 192,7 of one thousand tons.

For the period program implementations of development of potato growing for 2006-2010 are constructed and put into operation two new starch production plants, one plant on release of dried potatoes and vegetables, additional capacities on production of mashed potatoes in JSC Mashpishcheprod.

Accomplishment of actions of this Program allowed to increase consumption of self-produced potato starch from 20 percent in 2006 to 69 percent in 2008, mashed potatoes - with percent 47,2 in 2006 to 70 percent in 2008.

Export of starch in 2008 increased in comparison with 2006 in 3,8 of time, mashed potatoes - in time 1,8, and import decreased respectively in 4,3 of time and 5 times.

Production capacities on release of starch allow to provide as much as possible need of the republic (about 10 thousand tons per year). In 2015 starch production by the organizations of the republic according to appendix 16 will constitute 17,2 of one thousand tons.

Capacities on production of dry mashed potatoes increased twice (constitute 5 thousand tons per year) and can provide need of the republic completely.

Production of products from potatoes by the organizations of the republic will be performed in amounts according to appendix 17.

At the same time the wide range of products from potatoes - potato chips, dry mashed potatoes, the fast-frozen potatoes, different types of the modified starch is imported to the republic.

Production of import-substituting types of products from potatoes will be provided in amounts according to appendix 18.

Accomplishment of planned activities will allow to load production capacities high-quality raw materials, to cut its consumption per unit of products, and respectively and cost of finished goods for 25-30 percent and not only to provide the need of the domestic market for products from potatoes, but also to increase export.

Carrying out reconstruction and technical retrofitting of the organizations for conversion of potatoes with financing according to appendix 19 is provided.

For the purpose of growth in volumes of sale of domestic production in the internal and external markets the republican association "Kartofelplodoovoshch" is created.

Delivery of potatoes and products of its conversion to export will allow to attract about 430 million US dollars to the republic.

Chapter 3. Purpose and main objectives of development of potato growing

The purpose - increase in efficiency of industry of potato growing, ensuring need of the Republic of Belarus for high-quality potatoes on the food, seed purposes and for industrial conversion, increase in export deliveries.

Tasks of development of potato growing are:

providing in full needs of the Republic of Belarus for high-quality potatoes and products of its conversion, increase in efficiency and competitiveness of industry of potato growing;

ensuring the area of landing of potatoes to one organization included in this State program, at least 150 hectares;

strengthening of material and technical resources of the kartofelevodchesky and overworking organizations at the expense of hardware modern agricultural machinery and the equipment that will provide cost reduction of work in case of cultivation and conversion of potatoes for 30-70 percent;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of specialized potato storages with installation of the equipment for maintenance of microclimate, postharvest and prerealizable preparation of potatoes;

continuation of reconstruction and technical retrofitting of the kartofelepererabatyvayushchy organizations regarding work for maintenance of technical condition of the operating productions and waste recycling of starched production;

creation of new high technology production (the semifinished product refrigerated, potatoes the sulfitsirovanny, modified starch) on release of competitive and import-substituting products;

production of the revitalized and certified seed material under complete need of the republic and for export;

creation in each area of 2-3 integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes and products from potatoes;

organizational and technological maintenance of cultivation of potatoes in agricultural and other organizations with financing according to appendix 20.

Chapter 4. The expected results from implementation of actions of potato growing development

The implementation of actions on development of potato growing will allow by 2015:

stabilize the area of landing of potatoes in agricultural and other organizations at the level of 56 thousand hectares;

concentrate production of potatoes in the krupnotovarny organizations that will constitute more than 80 percent of all production in agricultural and other organizations;

annually (since 2016) to perform landing of potatoes in commodity landings by seeds not below elite;

make potatoes of various purpose in agricultural and other organizations in amount of 1,7 of one million tons;

create new high technology productions on conversion of potatoes and reduce import to the republic of products from potatoes;

provide in full (192,7 of one thousand tons) production of technical grades of potatoes for industrial conversion;

create in each area integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes, products of its conversion;

realize potatoes for export of at least 1 million tons.

Chapter 5. Financial provision of actions for potato growing development

Financial provision of actions for development of potato growing will be performed at the expense of means of the republican budget, local budgets, innovative funds, the credits of banks and own means of the organizations participating in accomplishment of actions of this State program.

Realization of some actions for development of potato growing requires financing in amounts according to appendix 21 - 3 858 683, to 5 million rubles, including:

means of the republican budget - 863rd 080, 7 million rubles (percent 22,4);

means of local budgets - 518 988 million rubles (percent 13,4);

means of innovative fund of Belgospishcheprom concern - 1500 million rubles (percent 0,1);

the credits of banks - 2 435 653, 8 million rubles (percent 63,1);

own means of the organizations - 39 461 million rubles (1 percent).

At the expense of means of the republican budget it is supposed to provide:

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of potato storages;

technical retrofitting of GU "State Inspectorate for Testing and Protection of Plant Varieties", GU "Main State Inspectorate for Seed Farming, Quarantine and Protection of Plants" and its territorial organizations;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade, strengthening of material and technical resources of scientific and other organizations for production of seed material of potatoes of the highest reproductions;

reduction in cost of cost of original and elite seeds of potatoes and probirochny plants (the amount of reduction in cost of cost of such seeds of potatoes and probirochny plants is determined by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production within the means of the republican budget provided for financing of actions of this State program for the corresponding year and implementable amounts);

creation of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes, products from potatoes;

reconstruction and technical retrofitting of the organizations for conversion of potatoes.

At the expense of means of local budgets, credit resources, non-budgetary sources and own means of the organizations will be provided:

technical retrofitting of the krupnotovarny organizations for production of potatoes;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of potato storages;

reduction in cost of cost of original and elite seeds of potatoes and probirochny plants in accordance with the established procedure;

organizational and technological maintenance of accomplishment of actions of this State program in the krupnotovarny kartofelevodchesky organizations;

creation of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of potatoes, products from potatoes.

Lists of the organizations in which will be performed construction reconstruction and upgrade of potato storages at the expense of means of the republican budget and soft credits of banks, affirm regional executive committees and are approved with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production.

Payback of the means necessary for realization of provisions of this Section will make 3-4 years.

Section III. Vegetable growing

Chapter 6. Feasibility statement

Providing the population of the country with high-quality vegetable products in required amounts is important social task.

In 2010 accomplishment of the Program of ensuring needs of the republic is finished by the vegetable products of national production taking into account creation of necessary conditions of its storage for 2006-2010 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2005 No. 1579 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 6, 5/17067).

60 specialized vegetable storehouses are constructed and reconstructed by general reservoir of 115 thousand tons.

More than 60 hectares of energy saving winter greenhouses are put into operation that allowed to increase gross production of hothouse vegetables by 32 thousand tons, or 48 percent. At the same time it is necessary to continue works on construction, reconstruction, upgrade and dismantle of greenhouses in the organizations according to appendix 22.

Consumption of vegetables per capita reached evidence-based medical regulation - 140 kilograms. In comparison with 1990 the range of domestic grades and hybrids of vegetable cultures increased by 4 times.

For this period 32 grades and hybrid by 17 types of vegetable cultures are created, and the quantity of the selected types reached 29 names. 107 grades and hybrids of domestic selection are zoned, in the state sortoispytaniye there are 30 grades and hybrids.

Due to increase in production of vegetables and improvement of conditions of their storage export deliveries grew by 4 times (import of vegetables decreased by 5 percent).

However in connection with the outlined downward tendency of cultivation of vegetable cultures on personal and seasonal dachas, reducing the cultivated areas in personal subsidiary farms of citizens and the increasing need for vegetables needs to increase in 2011-2015 production volumes of vegetables in agricultural organizations and peasant farms according to appendix 23 to 537 thousand tons (including vegetables in the protected soil), including in the krupnotovarny organizations according to appendix 24 - 328 thousand tons.

The planned production of vegetables will allow to provide in full internal needs of the republic (laying of stabilization funds, requirements of industrial conversion) and to increase export deliveries of vegetable products.

For production of vegetable cultures on industrial basis it is necessary to continue technical retrofitting of the krupnotovarny, overworking and other organizations for cultivation of vegetables by the machinery and equipment according to appendix 25 with financing in amounts according to appendix 26.

For the purpose of providing the overworking organizations with vegetable raw materials in necessary amounts and assortment, and also the guaranteed sale of the made vegetables by agricultural organizations it is necessary to continue forming of raw zones of the overworking organizations with the total production of vegetables according to appendix 27.

Financing of strengthening of material and technical resources of the organizations for production of vegetable raw materials for the overworking organizations will be performed according to appendix 28.

RUP "Institute of Vegetable Growing" and other organizations - to originator of grades and hybrids of vegetable cultures need to provide annual production in 2011-2015 of original seeds of vegetable cultures of domestic selection according to appendix 29 in ton 236,5 amount. Conducting hybrid seed farming requires reconstruction of selection and seed-growing complex and creation of technical base of scientific advice center of RUP "Institute of Vegetable Growing" with financing according to appendix 30.

In scientific advice center of RUP "Institute of Vegetable Growing" it is planned to provide training of specialists of agricultural organizations, peasant farms regarding development of new developments, and also productions, storage and prerealizable completion of vegetables.

For the purpose of advanced training of heads and specialists of industry it is offered to perform annual holding the scientific and practical seminars and consultations devoted to the basic engineering procedures of cultivation of vegetable cultures.

For expansion of the range of the cultivated vegetable cultures and stable providing agricultural organizations with domestic seeds production of seeds and landing material of grades and hybrids of vegetable cultures of RO of Belsemen according to appendix 31 is provided.

In the conditions of the republic it is necessary to make in full seeds of vegetable cultures of grades of the Belarusian selection - white cabbage, beet of the dining room, peas vegetable, garden radish, radish, pumpkin, vegetable marrow, bush pumpkin, fennel and onion sets - and for 50 percent - onions and cucumbers. It is reasonable to make other amounts of seeds of onions and cucumbers, and also seeds of tomatoes, carrots, pepper, eggplants and hybrid of F1 of cabbage abroad in optimum soil climatic conditions.

Acquisition of the machinery and equipment for production of seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures according to appendix 32 is provided.

For the purpose of satisfaction of demand for seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures reduction in cost of part of their cost is provided. The amount of reduction in cost of part of cost of seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures, and also the list of vegetable cultures are determined by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production within the means of the republican budget provided for financing of actions of this State program for the corresponding year. The list of vegetable cultures is created proceeding from production volumes and the need for seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures taking into account offers of RO of Belsemen.

For providing agricultural organizations and the population high-quality seedling of vegetable cultures offers to perform in JSC shopping Mall Berestye of the Brest district construction and hardware of complex on industrial cultivation of seedling with financing according to appendix 33. It will allow to provide production of high-quality seedling more than 15 types of vegetable cultures for the open ground and film greenhouses.

For the purpose of the maximum safety of the made products it is necessary to perform construction, reconstruction and upgrade of vegetable storehouses according to appendix 34 with financing according to appendix 35, having provided installation of the lines including postharvest completion and prerealizable preparation of vegetables, and also creation of shops for fermentation and pickles.

It is necessary to make active selection and technological researches on all types of vegetables, including nonconventional and rare vegetable cultures, for the purpose of expansion of the range of the cultivated vegetable cultures in the republic.

For further increase in competitiveness of domestic grades it is required to expand researches on geterozisny selection, having paid attention to assessment of qualitative indexes, lezhkosposobnost and suitability to industrial conversion of the created grades and hybrids. In RUP "Institute of Vegetable Growing" grades and hybrids of vegetable cultures according to appendix 36 will be created.

For the purpose of forming of integration complexes for increase in efficiency and competitive stability of industry in each area 1-2 krupnotovarny organizations are determined. The list of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of vegetable products is given in appendix 37, financing of their creation - in appendix 38.

In the organizations (taking into account feasibility) will be performed:

construction new or reconstruction of the available vegetable storehouses with ensuring required parameters of the mode of storage of vegetables;

creation of irrigation system of ovoshchekormovy crop rotations;

equipment by the specialized equipment for complex mechanization of production of vegetables;

creation of the shop of prerealizable preparation and completion of vegetables.

Chapter 7. Purpose and main objectives of development of vegetable growing

The purpose - increase in efficiency of industry of vegetable growing, ensuring need of the population of the republic for vegetable high-quality products in wide assortment, reducing import and increase in export deliveries of vegetables.

Tasks of development of vegetable growing are:

providing in full needs of the Republic of Belarus for high-quality vegetables and products of their conversion, increase in efficiency and competitiveness of industry of vegetable growing;

ensuring production of vegetables in agricultural organizations and peasant farms of 537 thousand tons;

strengthening of material and technical resources of the krupnotovarny vegerable-growing organizations, the peasant farms and also overworking and other organizations at the expense of hardware modern agricultural machinery and the equipment;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of specialized vegetable storehouses with installation of the equipment for maintenance of microclimate, postharvest and prerealizable preparation of vegetables;

annual production of seeds and landing material of grades and hybrids of domestic selection of at least 2 thousand tons;

creation in each area of 1-2 integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of vegetables;

scientific providing implementation of actions on development of industry of vegetable growing in 2011-2013 according to appendix 39, providing development of technologies of cultivation of the new introduced grades and hybrids of the vegetable cultures having high consumer qualities, their transfer to system of the state sortoispytaniye.

Chapter 8. The expected results from implementation of actions of vegetable growing development

The implementation of actions on development of vegetable growing will allow in 2015:

stabilize production volumes of vegetables in agricultural and other organizations at the level of 537 thousand tons;

increase on average on the republic productivity of vegetable cultures for 25-40 percent depending on types of the cultivated cultures;

concentrate production of vegetables in the krupnotovarny organizations that will constitute about 60 percent of all production in agricultural and other organizations;

provide year-round supply of the population with high-quality vegetable products in the fresh and processed type in wide assortment;

reduce import of vegetables to the interseasonal period by 50 and more percent;

provide the companies for industrial conversion with high-quality vegetable raw materials in required amounts and assortment;

expand the range of the grown-up vegetable cultures in agricultural organizations and peasant farms till 25-30 types;

lower work costs for cultivation, cleaning and prerealizable preparation of vegetables for 20-30 percent;

provide creation in each area of 1-2 integration complexes on production, storage, realization of vegetables, products of their conversion;

provide realization of vegetables for export of at least 90 thousand tons, including vegetables of the protected soil of 20 thousand tons.

Chapter 9. Financial provision of actions for vegetable growing development

Financing of some actions for development of vegetable growing according to appendix 40 will be performed at the expense of means of the republican budget, local budgets, the credits of banks and own means of the organizations.

On implementation of actions 95 million rubles will need 623rd 242,, including:

means of the republican budget - the 55th 102, 15 million rubles (9 percent);

means of local budgets - the 146th 625, 0 million rubles (23 percent);

the credits of banks - the 379th 523, one million rubles (61 percent);

own means of the organizations - 41 992 million rubles (7 percent).

At the expense of means of the republican budget it is provided to provide:

reduction in cost of cost of seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures for 7142 million rubles, including in 2012 - for 1714 million rubles, in 2013 - 1714 million rubles, in 2014 - 2000 million rubles and in 2015 - for 1714 million rubles;

financing of technical retrofitting of the organizations making seeds and landing material of vegetable cultures in the amount of 1757 million rubles;

reconstruction, upgrade and retrofitting of material and technical resources of RUP "Institute of Vegetable Growing";

creation of rassadny complex;

creation of integration complexes on production, storage and realization of vegetable products;

scientific providing industry of vegetable growing.

At the expense of means of local budgets, credit resources, non-budgetary sources and own means of the organizations will be provided:

technical retrofitting of the krupnotovarny organizations for cultivation of vegetables;

technical retrofitting of the overworking organizations by the machinery and equipment for production of vegetables in own raw zones;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of vegetable storehouses in the krupnotovarny vegerable-growing organizations;

creation of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of vegetable products;

creation of rassadny complex.

Lists of the krupnotovarny, overworking and other organizations for cultivation of vegetables in which will be performed technical retrofitting by the machinery and equipment construction, reconstruction and upgrade of vegetable storehouses and greenhouses at the expense of means of the republican budget and soft credits of banks, affirm regional executive committees and are approved with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production.

Payback of the means necessary for realization of provisions of this Section will make 2-3 years.

Section IV. Fruit growing

Chapter 10. Feasibility statement

In 2010 implementation of the State target development program of fruit growing for 2004-2010 "Fruit growing" approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 31, 2004 No. 645 is complete (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No. 89, 5/14330).

In agricultural organizations at the expense of the introduction in fructification of the young gardens pledged within implementation of this State program, timely carrying out complex of agrotechnical actions for care of gardens and technical retrofitting of the fruit-growing organizations by specialized agricultural machinery production of fruit and berry products increased with 37,6 of one thousand tons in 2004 to 65 thousand tons in 2010 (more than by 25 thousand tons).

In 2015 plantings of fruit crops will enter industrial fructification and gross production of fruit and berry products in agricultural and other organizations will increase to 160 thousand tons.

At the same time, considering tendency to reducing rural population, it is necessary to continue building-up of gross production of fruits and berries in agricultural and other organizations.

In the republic there is 105,3 of one thousand hectares of fruit and berry plantings, including in agricultural organizations - 44,1 of one thousand hectares from which about 13 thousand hectares - gardens of intensive type, the others - with average, low and very low site class that leads to decrease in productivity.

In 2004-2010 fruit and berry plantings on the area more than 13 thousand hectares are pledged.

The introduction of gardens in industrial fructification will allow to saturate the consumer market of the republic with domestic fruit and berry production, first of all apples, however it is necessary to continue updating of gardens on specific and high-quality structure for production of dessert products and creation by the overworking organizations of own industrial raw zones for the purpose of ensuring decrease in cost of raw materials in case of production of competitive products for 10-50 percent.

Besides, it is necessary to continue development in the republic of industrial production of blueberry tall that will allow to involve lands of little use in turnover.

Within implementation of actions of the State target development program of fruit growing for 2004-2010 "Fruit growing" gardens on the area more than 13 thousand hectares are grubbed out.

Along with gardens of intensive type there are plantings with low productivity, obsolete high-quality structure at the age of more than 20 years. With respect thereto in agricultural organizations performance of works on raskorchevka of gardens with very low site class is provided.

As a result fertile lands will be in addition involved in economic circulation.

Production of landing material of fruit crops in the republic increased by 4 times (from 0,65 of one million pieces in 2004 to 2,1 of one million pieces in 2010), berry bushes - by 8 times (with 0,4 of one million pieces to 3,2 of one million pieces respectively).

For the purpose of transfer of nurseries to production of the revitalized landing material it is necessary to finish construction and reconstruction of research and production and other facilities for production of such material and to strengthen their material and technical resources.

Accomplishment of this action will allow to increase productivity of intensive industrial gardens for 20 percent.

In 2004-2010 in agricultural organizations 978 pieces of equipment are delivered.

Timely landing of long-term plantings, implementation of care of gardens and harvesting requires additional acquisition of the specialized equipment.

For the purpose of ensuring deliveries to the internal and external markets of high-quality fruit and berry products works on acquisition and installation of lines of calibration, prerealizable preparation and packing of products will be continued.

Technical retrofitting of the organizations by the specialized machinery and equipment will allow to lower labor costs in case of cultivation and cleaning of fruits and berries (depending on culture) by 10-80 percent, product cost - in time 1,5.

For January 1, 2011 in the organizations of various pattern of ownership which are engaged in production of fruit and berry products there are specialized fruit storages in reservoir of 65 thousand tons, from them within implementation of the State target development program of fruit growing for 2004-2010 "Fruit growing" is entered storages by amount of 49,6 of one thousand tons.

For the maximum safety of harvest of fruit crops of these fruit storages will be insufficiently therefore taking into account increasing production of fruits works on input of fruit storages will be in the years ahead continued.

Modern fruit storages will allow to extend terms of realization of fresh fruits of national production for 3-4 months, to increase the level of profitability of goods sold taking into account storage costs to 20 percent.

In the republic there are no organizations which activities cover complete cycle from production, storage, conversion of fruit and berry products before its realization. In 2004-2010 creation of krupnotovarny production due to landing of long-term plantings of fruit and berry cultures with equipment of the organizations by the specialized equipment was performed. The construction and reconstruction of fruit storages were at the same time carried out.

For the purpose of complex development of fruit growing creation of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion and realization of fruit and berry products in which by 2016 availability will be provided (taking into account feasibility) is provided:

at least 50 hectares of long-term plantings;

the specialized fruit storage completed with the sorting line;

specialized machinery and equipment;

refinery capacities.

Chapter 11. Purpose and main objectives of development of fruit growing

The purpose - increase in efficiency of industry of fruit growing, ensuring the need of the population of the republic for the fresh and processed fruits and berries of national production, reducing import and increase in export of fruit and berry products.

Tasks of development of fruit growing are:

creation of krupnotovarny production of fruits and berries of dessert appointment;

creation by the overworking organizations of own industrial raw zones with use of the grades suitable for the mechanized cleaning;

conclusion from economic circulation of gardens with very low site class at the expense of their raskorchevka for the subsequent rational land use;

strengthening of material and technical resources of the fruit-growing and overworking organizations creating own raw zones by acquisition of specialized agricultural machinery, the equipment and container for gardening (gardening tractors, water distributors, self-propelled yagodouborochny combines, trailing yagodouborochny combines, grinders of branches, containers, mowers garden, cultivators hinged, sprayers shtangovy and ventilatory, otryakhivatel of fruits, platforms for renting of fruits, spreaders of mineral fertilizers, collectors of branches, transporters of containers and other machinery and equipment);

transfer of nurseries to production of the revitalized landing material according to recommendations of NAS of Belarus;

ensuring need of the republic for reservoirs for storage of fresh fruits due to construction, reconstruction and upgrade of fruit storages;

creation in each area of integration complexes on production, storage, conversion of fruits and berries and sales of products from them based on the organizations according to appendix 41;

scientific providing industry of fruit growing.

Chapter 12. The expected results from implementation of actions of fruit growing development

The implementation of actions on development of fruit growing will allow to provide in full:

increase in agricultural organizations, peasant farms and other organizations of the areas of landing of fruit and berry cultures according to appendices 42 and 43 for production of dessert products and creation by the overworking organizations of own raw zones respectively;

the need for high-quality landing material of fruit and berry cultures according to appendix 44;

raskorchevka of gardens with very low site class with financing according to appendix 45;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of fruit storages according to appendix 46 with financing according to appendix 47;

increase by the end of 2015 of annual average production of fruits and berries in agricultural organizations, including peasant farms, to 160 thousand tons, from them intended for the fresh use - 80 thousand tons, for delivery to industrial conversion - 30 thousand tons, for delivery to export - to 50 thousand tons;

strengthening of material and technical resources of the organizations making fruit and berry products;

production of the revitalized landing material of fruit, berry, nut bearing crops and grapes in the Republic of Belarus by accomplishment of actions on:

to forming of policy of ensuring national security and marketing in the field of production of landing material, certification of quality and financial support of producers;

organization and coordination of production of landing material of category "super-superelite", "superelite" and "elite";

to production of landing material of the first reproduction;

scientific providing implementation of actions on development of fruit growing according to appendix 48, including providing transfer to system of the state sortoispytaniye of high-yielding grades of the fruit and berry cultures suitable for the mechanized harvesting, development and deployment of intensive technologies of reproduction of the revitalized landing material, production, storage and conversion of fruits and berries (including rare cultures), development of technical regulatory legal acts.

Chapter 13. Financial provision of actions for fruit growing development

Financing of some actions for development of fruit growing is planned to be performed at the expense of means republican, local budgets, the credits of banks and own means of the organizations participating in accomplishment of actions.

At the expense of means of the republican budget, local budgets, the credits and own means of the organizations financing of landing of fruit and berry cultures and care of them according to appendices 49 and 50 for production of dessert products and creation by the overworking organizations of own raw zones respectively is provided.

Means republican and local budgets, allocated for landing of fruit and berry cultures and care of them, go on:

acquisition of seeds, shanks, podvoyno-privoyny material, saplings of fruit and berry cultures;

acquisition of biological and chemical remedies of plants;

acquisition of mineral fertilizers and microfertilizers;

acquisition of lanes, stakes, garden paint, garden stock;

acquisition and installation of barriers (including columns, grid, gate, wire);

development of organizational and technological documentation (including the choice of the site and carrying out analyses of the soil) for laying of gardens and berry-pickers;

acquisition of other materials used during the landing of fruit and berry cultures and care of them.

At the expense of means of the republican budget and the credits financing of actions for construction and reconstruction of research and production and other facilities for production of landing material of fruit and berry cultures according to appendix 51 will be performed.

The amounts of financing of actions for strengthening of material and technical resources of nurseries are determined according to appendix 52 at the expense of means of the republican budget.

Means of local budgets, the credits and own means of the organizations are provided to be directed on:

landing of new gardens and care of them to their introduction in industrial fructification, including on creation by the overworking organizations of own raw zones;

hardware of the fruit-growing, pitomnikovodchesky and overworking organizations by gardening tractors, the equipment, the equipment and other technical means;

construction, reconstruction and upgrade of fruit storages;

raskorchevka of gardens.

Sorting lines for the fruit-growing organizations it is planned to acquire at the expense of means of local budgets with financing according to appendix 53, the equipment, the equipment and container for gardening - at the expense of the credits with financing according to appendix 54.

At the expense of means of the local budget of the Brest region in 2012-2013 equipment procurement for irrigation of gardens is planned.

Financing of actions for development of fruit growing is provided in amounts according to appendix 55.

In total in 2011-2015 8 million rubles will be required 1 020 583,, including:

means of the republican budget - the 270th 096, 6 million rubles (27 percent from total requirement);

means of local budgets - 263rd 724, 5 million rubles (26 percent);

the credits of banks - 433rd 342, 4 million rubles (42 percent);

own means of the organizations - 53rd 420, 3 million rubles (5 percent).

Lists of the organizations in which landing of fruit and berry cultures and care of them, and also construction, reconstruction and upgrade of fruit storages at the expense of means of the republican budget and soft credits of banks will be performed affirm regional executive committees and are approved with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production.

It is supposed the means necessary for realization of provisions of this Section, to pay back for 3-4 years.

Section V. Providing the organizations of consumer cooperation and trade organizations with storages for storage of fresh fruit and vegetable products and potatoes with subsequent their completion

Chapter 14. Feasibility statement

For providing laying of potatoes and fruit and vegetable products for the interseasonal period of the organization of consumer cooperation have 143 storages in reservoir of one-time storage of 64,9 of one thousand tons.

The available storages allow to provide task performance on laying of potatoes and fruit and vegetable products in stabilization funds for the interseasonal period of year, permanent availability of such products in retail chain stores, to carry out price intervention on these products in the domestic market.

However most the available storages in the organizations of Belkoopsoyuz are constructed in the 1960-1970th years and require technical retrofitting for creation of proper storage conditions. In 2011-2015 it is necessary to continue works on their reconstruction and upgrade.

For the purpose of import substitution and the maximum providing the population with domestic fruit and vegetable products and potatoes amounts of laying of agricultural products (in assortment) in stabilization funds for ensuring its fresh safety annually increase. With respect thereto reconstruction and upgrade of specialized storages of trade organizations of Minsk (replacement of the equipment and installation of system of automatic control of microclimate) with reservoir of 22 thousand tons is necessary.

It is necessary to organize in Partizanskoye Unitary Enterprise (Minsk) production on cleaning and vacuum package of potatoes and vegetables, and also equipment of cameras with the special equipment for storage of apples in controlled gas environment with general reservoir of 1,5 of one thousand tons.

Chapter 15. Financing of actions for providing with storages for storage is fresher than fruit and vegetable products and potatoes

Financing of actions of this Section will be performed by budget funds of Minsk and the credits of banks, reconstruction and upgrade of storages of consumer cooperation - at the expense of credit resources. In total 24 746 million rubles, including in 2011 - 9136 million rubles, in 2012 - 10 050 million rubles, in 2013 (are necessary in case of confirmation by banks of readiness for crediting) - 3500 million rubles, in 2014 - 2060 million rubles.

Reconstruction and upgrade of storages of trade organizations will be performed from budget funds of Minsk. In total 15 200 million rubles, including in 2011 - 15 200 million rubles are necessary.

Production organization on cleaning and vacuum package of potatoes and vegetables, equipment of cameras the special equipment for storage of apples in controlled environment will perform by budget funds of Minsk in the amount 17, 45 billion rubles.

Section VI. Reasons for need of use of import goods and action for decrease in import capacity of the investment projects realized according to this State program and to replacement of import goods with domestic

For the purpose of development of industry of potato growing retrofitting of the krupnotovarny organizations by agricultural machinery and the equipment of generally national production is provided. Purchase on import of 65 kamneuborochny machines, 100 potato harvesters with side undermining, and also the equipment for aeration and maintenance of microclimate in storages for the seed-growing organizations is possible. Their estimated cost - 254, 8 billion rubles.

Creation of 16 integration complexes provides import of lines of production of semifinished product from the fresh peeled potatoes in vacuum package, on postharvest completion and prerealizable preparation of potatoes, production of potato Lays chips, dry mashed potatoes and another. The cost of the acquired equipment will constitute 340 billion rubles.

Establishing national production of these types of the equipment is economically inexpedient as purchase has one-time character for the specialized organizations.

On reconstruction and technical retrofitting of the organizations for conversion of potatoes about 100 billion rubles are necessary (retrofitting of the shop on starch production, acquisition of the equipment for dehydration and completion of alburnum potato, the organization of new types of the modified starches and other works).

Taking into account need of transition to the new scheme of seed farming and improvement of quality of initial seed material it requires to acquire the organizations making original seeds, film greenhouses with automatic control of parameters by Ploshchad 31,75 of sq.m. On the specified purposes about 100 billion rubles are necessary.

For certification of seed material of potatoes it is required to buy 10 sets of devices, the equipment, sets of instruments for diagnosis, and also 64 units of devices and the equipment for mikroklonalny reproduction of potatoes and diagnostics for the total amount of 30 billion rubles.

For the purpose of development of industry of vegetable growing retrofitting krupnotovarny, the specialized seed-growing and overworking organizations by agricultural machinery and the equipment for production of vegetables is provided in own raw zones. Purchase on import of 180 combines for cleaning of cabbage, carrots, vegetable peas, and also the equipment (23 sets) for the shop on prerealizable preparation of vegetables, systems of drop watering, refrigeration equipment for vegetable storehouses, container loaders for the total amount about 260 billion rubles is provided.

For the organization of seed farming of vegetable cultures of domestic selection acquisition of machines for packing of seeds, complexes of the equipment for production of onion sets and other equipment on the amount more than 5 billion rubles is provided.

Reconstruction of selection and seed-growing complex with rassadny department assumes acquisition of system of drop watering, and also complex hardware on industrial cultivation of seedling total cost about 3 billion rubles.

Creation of 8 integration complexes provides equipment procurement for shops on prerealizable preparation of vegetables, and also technical retrofitting of irrigation system on the amount about 20 billion rubles.

For the purpose of development of industry of fruit growing retrofitting of agricultural and other organizations on production of fruit and berry products by specialized agricultural machinery and the equipment is provided. For cost reduction and losses when harvesting in the organizations having landings of fruit and berry cultures import of the machinery and equipment, not made in the republic (because of small requirement), including self-propelled and trailing yagodouborochny combines, grinders of branches, platforms is necessary for renting of fruits. On the specified purposes about 60 billion rubles will be required.

In case of construction and reconstruction of fruit storages it is provided to direct about 50 billion rubles to purchase of the import equipment and accessories. For the fruit storages which are earlier put into operation it is necessary to acquire import lines of sorting, prerealizable preparation of fruits for the total amount more than 30 billion rubles.

Actions for construction and reconstruction of research and production and other facilities for production of landing material assume reconstruction of irrigating systems with acquisition of import accessories on the amount about 10 billion rubles.

For transition to production of the revitalized landing material in the republic acquisition of import sets of instruments for diagnosis for fruit growing on the amount more than 5 billion rubles is provided in basic nurseries.

Appendix 1

to the State comprehensive program of development of potato growing, vegetable growing and fruit growing in 2011-2015

Actions of the State comprehensive program of development of potato growing, vegetable growing and fruit growing in 2011-2015

Name of actions

Accomplishment term, years


Actions for potato growing development

1. Stabilization of the area of landing of potatoes in agricultural and other organizations, including peasant farms, at the 56, 5 level of one thousand hectares


Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production, regional executive committees

2. Ensuring production:


Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production, Belgospishcheprom concern, NAS of Belarus, regional executive committees

potatoes in agricultural and other organizations, including peasant farms, by 2015 of 1693 thousand tons, including in the krupnotovarny organizations – 1449 thousand tons


starch the overworking organizations of the republic to 17,2 of one thousand tons, products from potatoes to 12 thousand tons



3. Ensuring delivery of technical grades of potatoes (with krakhmalistost at least 15 percent) for industrial conversion by 2015 in amount is at least 192,5 of one thousand tons



4. Enhancement of system of seed farming of potatoes. Ensuring annual production under complete need of the republic of original, elite seeds of potatoes and probirochny plants


NAS of Belarus, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production, regional executive committees

5. Construction of film greenhouses with regulated parameters of microclimate for improvement of quality of initial seed material (nursery of the first tuberous generation) in the organizations making original seeds


NAS of Belarus, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production

6. Development and deployment of system of certification of seed potatoes, development of tool control methods at all stages of seed farming, improvement of the organization and methods of quarantine control of the imported potatoes



7. Ensuring annual reduction in cost of seed material of potatoes at the expense of means republican and regional budgets


Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production, regional executive committees

8. Strengthening of material and technical resources of the state sortoispytatelny stations and the Central republican laboratory by determination of quality of new plant varieties of GU "State Inspectorate for Sortoispytaniye and Protection of Grades"


Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production


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