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The document ceased to be valid since October 23, 2020 according to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2020 No. 108

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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On July 22, 2015 No. 38145


of April 1, 2015 No. 194

About approval of Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Accreditation Service of the state service in accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in national accreditation system, to expansion, reducing area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited persons, issue of the certificate of accreditation, issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation, the accreditation termination, modification of data of the register of accredited persons, provision of data from the register of accredited persons

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 22.02.2017 No. 82)

According to item 4 of Rules of development and approval of administrative regulations of provision of the state services approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011 No. 373 (The Russian Federation Code, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; No. 35, Art. 5092; 2012, No. 28, Art. 3908; No. 36, Art. 4903; No. 50, Art. 7070; No. 52, Art. 7507; 2014, to No. 5, of the Art. 506), I order:

Approve the enclosed Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Accreditation Service of the state service in accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in national accreditation system, to expansion, reducing area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited persons, issue of the certificate of accreditation, issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation, the accreditation termination, modification of data of the register of accredited persons, provision of data from the register of accredited persons.


A. V. Ulyukaev

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2015, No. 194

Administrative regulations on provision by Federal Accreditation Service of the state service in accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in national accreditation system, to expansion, reducing area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited persons, issue of the certificate of accreditation, issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation, the accreditation termination, modification of data of the register of accredited persons, provision of data from the register of accredited persons

I. General provisions

Subject of regulation of administrative regulations

1. The administrative regulations on provision by Federal Accreditation Service of the state service in accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in national accreditation system, to expansion, reducing area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited persons, issue of the certificate of accreditation, issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation, the accreditation termination, modification of data of the register of accredited persons, provision of data from the register of accredited persons (further - Administrative regulations) determine terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures (actions) of Federal Accreditation Service (further - Federal Accreditation Service, Service), its territorial authorities, its structural divisions and officials in case of interaction with applicants, accreditation experts and technical experts, federal executive bodies in the course of provision of the state service in accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in national accreditation system, to expansion, reducing area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited persons, issue of the certificate of accreditation, issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation, the accreditation termination, modification of data of the register of accredited persons, provision of data from the register of accredited persons (further - the state service).

Circle of applicants

2. The Russian legal entities irrespective of form of business and individual entrepreneurs, and also the foreign organizations if it is provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation, applying for accreditation can be applicants on provision of the state service regarding accreditation.

Applicants on provision of the state service regarding expansion of area of accreditation are accredited legal entities or individual entrepreneurs (further - accredited persons) whose accreditation is not terminated and does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service.

Applicants on provision of the state service regarding reducing area of accreditation are accredited persons whose accreditation is not terminated and does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service.

Applicants on provision of the state service regarding confirmation of competence of accredited persons can be accredited persons whose accreditation is not terminated and legal entities and individual entrepreneurs according to article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 412-FZ "About accreditation in national accreditation system" does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service, and also (further - the Federal Law No. 412-FZ).

Accredited persons (their legal successors) whose accreditation is not terminated can be applicants on provision of the state service regarding modification of the information about accredited person containing in the register of accredited persons and does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service.

Physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities can be applicants on provision of the state service regarding provision of data from the register of accredited persons.

Applicants on provision of the state service regarding receipt of the certificate of accreditation are accredited persons whose accreditation is not terminated and does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service.

Applicants on provision of the state service regarding receipt of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation are accredited persons whose accreditation is not terminated and does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service.

Applicants on provision of the state service regarding cancellation of accreditation are accredited persons whose accreditation is not terminated and does not come to an end in the terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accreditation in national accreditation system during provision of the state service.

Requirements to procedure for informing on provision of the state service

3. Informing on provision of the state service by Federal Accreditation Service is performed:

directly in Federal Accreditation Service building with use of means of evident information, including information stands and means of informing with use of information and communication technologies;

by means of use of telephone, mail service, and also e-mail;

by means of placement of information on the official site of Federal Accreditation Service on the Internet (further - the official site of Federal Accreditation Service) (, in the federal state information system "Single Portal of the State and Municipal Services (Functions)" (further - the Single portal) (

4. Information on Federal Accreditation Service location:

Address: 117997, Moscow, Ulitsa Vavilova, 7.

Documents acceptance for the purposes of provision of the state service is performed to the address:

117997, Moscow, Ulitsa Vavilova, 7.

Phone: (495) 539-26-70.

Official site of Federal Accreditation Service:

E-mail address of Federal Accreditation Service:

Data on the location, contact telephone numbers, Internet addresses of territorial authorities of Federal Accreditation Service are given in appendix No. 1 to Administrative regulations.

5. Reception hours of statements on provision of the state services by Federal Accreditation Service:


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


the day off


the day off

without interruption.


II. Standard of provision of the state service

Name of the state service

6. Accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in national accreditation system, expansion, reducing area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited persons, issue of the certificate of accreditation, issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation, the accreditation termination, modification of data of the register of accredited persons, provision of data from the register of accredited persons.

The name of the federal executive body providing the state service

7. Provision of the state service is performed by central office of Federal Accreditation Service and (or) territorial authorities of Federal Accreditation Service according to regulations on territorial authorities of Federal Accreditation Service.

In case of provision of the state service by territorial authority of Federal Accreditation Service of the decision during provision of the state service and by results of provision of the state service are accepted by the head of territorial authority of Federal Accreditation Service or other officials authorized by the head of Federal Accreditation Service.

8. By provision of the state services regarding ministerial procedures in accreditation, expansion of area of accreditation, confirmation of competence of accredited person, modification of the information about accredited person containing in the register of accredited persons (in case of change of the place or places of implementation of activities of the applicant) Federal Accreditation Service performs interaction with accreditation experts, technical experts, the expert organizations providing rendering the services necessary and the state services, obligatory for provision.

9. By provision of the state service officials of Federal Accreditation Service are forbidden to demand from the applicant of implementation of actions the, including coordination necessary for receipt of the state service and connected with the appeal to other state bodies and the organizations.

Description of result of provision of the state service

10. Is result of provision of the state service:

provision of accreditation or refusal in accreditation provision;

expansion of area of accreditation or refusal in expansion of area of accreditation;

reducing area of accreditation or refusal in reducing area of accreditation;

confirmation of competence of accredited person;

completion of passing of the procedure of confirmation of competence of accredited person and suspension of action of accreditation;

completion of passing of the procedure of confirmation of competence of accredited person and direction of the list of discrepancies of accredited person to accreditation criterions;

direction of the list of discrepancies of accredited person to accreditation criterions;

modification of the information about accredited person containing in the register of accredited persons or refusal in modification of the information about accredited person containing in the register of accredited persons;

provision of data from the register of accredited persons or refusal in provision of data from the register of accredited persons;

the direction of the non-availability notice in the register of accredited persons of the data requested by the applicant;

the direction of the notification on impossibility of provision of the data requested by the applicant if access to the required applicant to data is limited according to provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

issue of the certificate of accreditation or refusal in issue of the certificate of accreditation;

issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation or refusal in issue of the duplicate of the certificate of accreditation;

cancellation of accreditation according to the statement of accredited person;

the termination of the state service in the statement of the applicant, except as specified the refusal or evasion of passing of the procedure of confirmation of competence of accredited person attracting accreditation action suspension according to Item 3 of part 1 of article 23 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ.

Term of provision of the state service

11. The decision on accreditation, on expansion of area of accreditation (in case of the applicant's compliance to accreditation criterions) or about refusal in accreditation, in expansion of area of accreditation (if the fact of elimination of the revealed discrepancies of the applicant to accreditation criterions can be determined only when conducting repeated exit examination of compliance of the applicant to accreditation criterions) is accepted by Federal Accreditation Service within 100 working days from the date of acceptance at the applicant of the corresponding statement and the documents attached to it.

11.1. The decision on introduction or on refusal in modification of the data containing in the register of accredited persons in connection with change of the place or places of implementation of activities of accredited person is accepted by Federal Accreditation Service within 65 working days from the date of acceptance at the applicant of the corresponding statement and the documents attached to it.

11.2. The decision on introduction or on refusal in modification of the data containing in the register of accredited persons in other cases, stipulated in Item 186 Administrative regulations is accepted by Federal Accreditation Service within 20 working days from the date of acceptance at the applicant of the corresponding statement.

12. Aggregate term of the procedure for accreditation, expansion of area of accreditation increases by 10 working days if the applicant submits to Federal Accreditation Service the documents and (or) data confirming elimination of discrepancies by it to accreditation criterions according to part 17 of article 17 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ and verification of the specified documents and (or) data is performed by Federal Accreditation Service within 10 working days from the date of their obtaining.

Aggregate term of the procedure for accreditation, expansion of area of accreditation, on modification of the information about accredited person containing in the register of accredited persons in connection with change of the place or places of implementation of activities of accredited person increases by 10 working days if the applicant submits to Federal Accreditation Service the documents and (or) data confirming elimination of discrepancies by it to accreditation criterions according to part 30 of article 17 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ and verification of the specified documents and (or) data is performed by Federal Accreditation Service within 10 working days from the date of their obtaining.

In the case provided by part 4 of article 13 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ, the term of provision of the state service is prolonged for the term which passed from the date of statement of initial structure of expert group about day of determination by national authority on accreditation of the new expert in accreditation.

Aggregate term of implementation of accreditation, expansion of area of accreditation does not join terms of suspension of implementation of accreditation according to parts 17 and 29 of article 17 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ.

In case of not direction the expert in accreditation of offers on involvement of technical experts for their inclusion in structure of expert group, or the direction of the offers which are not containing the consent of technical experts to conducting examination of the documents and data and exit examination of compliance of the applicant to accreditation criterions submitted by the applicant or refusal of the expert in accreditation of conducting examination of the documents and data submitted by the applicant or of exit examination of compliance of the applicant to accreditation criterions aggregate term of the procedure for accreditation, expansion of area of accreditation (100 working days) every time increases by 15 working days (but no more than 5 times).

13. The decision on reducing area of accreditation is drawn up by the order of Federal Accreditation Service within 3 working days from the date of submission to Federal Accreditation Service of the statement for reducing area of accreditation.

14. Aggregate term of the procedure of confirmation of competence of accredited person constitutes 95 working days from the date of reception of an application about day of decision making according to part 19 of article 24 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ in the following cases:

if competence proves to be true according to Item 3 of part 1 of article 24 of the Federal Law No. 412-FZ;


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