of May 5, 2015 No. 46
About Rules of internal document flow in the Eurasian economic commission
According to the subitem 15 of Item 43 of the Regulations on the Eurasian economic commission (appendix No. 1 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014), Item 92 of the Regulations of work of the Eurasian economic commission approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of December 23, 2014 No. 98, Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of internal document flow in the Eurasian economic commission (further - Rules).
2. To provide to the chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission Khristenko V. B. acquaintance with Rules of the employees and officials of the Eurasian economic commission employed before entry into force of this Decision within 1 month from the effective date of this Decision.
3. To the public authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union authorized on interaction with the Eurasian economic commission within 30 calendar days from the effective date this Decision to provide lists of e-mail addresses of public authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union to which correspondence according to Item 33 of Rules goes.
The decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of March 26, 2013 No. 58 "About Rules of internal document flow in the Eurasian economic commission";
The decision of the Commission of the Customs union of September 23, 2011 No. 812 "About publication of drafts of decisions of the Commission of the Customs union".
5. This Decision becomes effective after 10 calendar days from the date of its official publication, except for the paragraph of the third Item 4, which becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of official publication of this Decision.
Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
V. Khristenko
1. These rules are developed according to the Regulations of work of the Eurasian economic commission approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of December 23, 2014 No. 98 (further - Regulations), for the purpose of establishment of procedure for the organization of work with documents in the Eurasian economic commission (further - the Commission) and interactions between departments of the Commission, accomplishment of functions on information technical supply of its work.
These rules regulate document flow in the Commissions and interaction between departments of the Commission, except as specified, when international treaties and (or) decisions of the Supreme Eurasian economic council (further - the Supreme council), Eurasian intergovernmental council (further - Intergovernmental council) establish special procedure for preparation of documents and interaction between departments of the Commission.
2. Fulfillment of requirements of these rules is obligatory for all staff and officials of the Commission (further - the staff of the Commission).
3. The staff of the Commission shall be informed of these rules under list within 1 month after execution of an employment agreement (contract).
4. Provisions of these rules extend to the organization of work with documents irrespective of carrier type, including their preparation, registration, accounting and control of execution performed by means of the automated (computer) technologies.
The organization of clerical work in the Commission is performed with use of management information system document flow in the Commission (further - electronic document management system).
The organization of preparation and holding meetings of Board of the Commission and Council of the Commission (further respectively - Board, Council), including provision of the regulated access to agendas of meetings and materials concerning the agenda of meetings in electronic form, is performed with use of system of information support of holding meetings of Board and Council.
5. The organization, maintaining and enhancement of clerical work in the Commission on the basis of implementation of single technical policy and use of modern technical means in work with documents, methodical management and control of observance of established procedure of work with documents in structural divisions of the Commission (departments of the Commission, the secretariats of members of Board) are performed by Department of the protocol and organizational support.
Functions, tasks, the rights and responsibility of the staff of the Commission participating in documentary providing (including the employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission), are established by official regulations (job descriptions).
6. The department of the protocol and organizational support annually carries out scheduled inspections of condition of clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission. Following the results of check helps with recommendations about improvement of work with documents with indication of the revealed shortcomings and term of their elimination after which in Department of the protocol and organizational support the report on remedial action is submitted are constituted. On results performed it is reported on the Chairman of Board and the member of Board supervising the relevant structural division of the Commission.
7. Responsibility for the organization and condition of the clerical work, for observance established by these rules of procedure for preparation of documents and works with them their safety in structural divisions of the Commission is assigned to heads of structural divisions of the Commission.
Responsibility for record keeping in structural divisions of the Commission and for reliability of the represented data on condition of execution of documents is assigned to the employees responsible for clerical work. The personal list of the employees responsible for clerical work in structural division of the Commission, and the employees replacing them for temporary absence (disease, leave, etc.) is signed by the head of the structural unit of the Commission and it is represented in Department of the protocol and organizational support and Department of information technologies.
In case of dismissal of the employee responsible for clerical work, and assignment of other employee corresponding changes are entered in the list.
8. The staff of the Commission bears the personal responsibility for observance of requirements of these rules, safety of the documents which are at them. On loss of documents it is immediately reported on the head of the structural unit of the Commission and reported in Department of the protocol and organizational support.
9. Before vacation or departure to business trip the employee of the Commission shall report through the employee responsible for clerical work, the documents which are at it on execution to other employee on specifying of management of structural division of the Commission.
In case of dismissal or job change the employee shall hand over the documents which are at him on execution to the employee determined by the head of the structural unit of the Commission or the employee responsible for clerical work in this structural division of the Commission.
10. During the work with documents of limited distribution these rules are applied taking into account the operating procedure approved by Council with documents of limited distribution (confidential and to office use).
11. Document flow is movement of documents in the Commission from the moment of their creation or obtaining before completion of execution or sending.
12. All documentation of the Commission is divided into 3 dokumentopotok:
a) incoming documents;
b) outgoing documents;
c) internal documents.
13. Accounting of number of documents on the Commission in general or on separate structural divisions of the Commission is conducted by means of electronic document management system.
14. Delivery of incoming documents in the Commission is performed by means of mail, courier, express, electric service (including e-mail), etc.
By means of mail service printing editions are brought to the Commission written correspondence in the form of non-registered, registered and registered letters, postcards, parcels post and small packets, and also.
15. On channels of electric communication telegrams, faxes, telephone messages and electronic messages arrive.
16. Acceptance, initial processing, accounting, registration and distribution of correspondence arriving in the Commission are made in centralized procedure by Department of the protocol and organizational support.
17. Envelopes with documents (parcel post), except for envelopes (parcels post) marked "personally", are opened.
Correspondence placed in envelope (parcel post) marked "personally" is transferred to the relevant structural division of the Commission for opening by the addressee or authorized person.
When opening envelopes (parcels post) details of documents, completeness and integrity of documents and appendices to them are checked, numbers which are put down on documents with numbers specified on envelopes (parcels post) are verified.
In case of detection of damages, lack of documents or appendices to them, the lack of reference number and date which is incorrectly specified to surname, name, the middle names which are not allowing to establish the addressee the statement in 2 copies is drawn up: one copy of the act remains in Department of the protocol and organizational support, other copy of the act (together with the document) returns to the correspondent.
Envelopes are, as a rule, destroyed, except as specified, when only on them it is possible to establish source address or time of sending and (or) receipt of documents.
18. The documents which arrived in the Commission by means of mail, courier, express and electric service, including on channels of fax connection, except for documents according to the list according to appendix No. 1, not requiring execution are subject to registration in electronic document management system.
19. Registration of incoming documents is performed by creation of electronic registration card in electronic document management system to which the registration number is automatically assigned and in which details in structure according to appendix No. 2 are registered.
The file with the scanned document is attached to electronic registration card.
Appendices in the form of brochures, books, newspapers, logs, maps, text and other materials of the format exceeding format A 4, and also the documents containing personal data are not subject to scanning.
20. The print of registration stamp is put down in the lower right corner of the face of the first page of the document and includes registration number which is assigned automatically in electronic document management system, date, the number of sheets of the main document and appendix.
In the lower left corner of the face of the first page of the document the barcode corresponding to registration number is put.
21. Correspondence addressed to members of Board and heads of structural divisions of the Commission after registration goes to the relevant secretariats.
22. After approval of the order (execution of the resolution) on performance of a document the authentic copy of the document goes to the executive in charge.
To other contractors electronic copies of the document go. Change of the resolution for the direction of the document to other contractor is possible till 3 working days (except as specified changes of the resolution in connection with temporary absence of the contractor (disease, leave, etc.)).
23. Document transfer from the structural division of the Commission supervised by one member of Board in the structural division of the Commission supervised by other member of Board is drawn up by the service record signed by the head (deputy manager) of structural division of the Commission and performed through Department of the protocol and organizational support. At the same time each document is processed by the separate service record.
The incoming documents which arrived in departments of the Commission by means of electric communication, including on channels of fax connection, or delivered to couriers, are subject to immediate transfer to Department of the protocol and organizational support for registration in accordance with the established procedure.
24. Documents are transferred to destination in day of receipt, urgent - without delay.
25. The correspondence which is not subject to registration, addressed to the Chairman of Board, members of Board or structural divisions of the Commission is transferred to the relevant structural divisions of the Commission.
26. Documents on electronic media (CD disks, flash cards) shall have the cover letter on paper.
27. The documents addressed to heads of states, heads of governments to members of council are signed by the Chairman of Board or members of Board.
28. The documents sent to public authorities (except for containing requests, stipulated in Item 100 Regulations), and also the documents sent to the organizations or to citizens are signed by the Chairman of Board, members of Board or officials according to their competence according to international treaties and acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union).
29. The documents signed by the Chairman of Board, members of Board are printed in the quantity necessary for sending for addressees. The visa copy after registration remains in department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support, except for the visa copies registered in structural divisions of the Commission. The third copy after registration returns to the contractor.
The contractor submits the signed document (authentic copy) for its registration together with the visa copy and copy which is subject to return to the contractor. If the document is prepared based on the incoming document, then for registration of the outgoing document also incoming document is submitted. If based on one incoming document the outgoing documents addressed to different persons for registration are prepared all copies of the outgoing document are represented.
The visa copy with original visas is given on archive storage.
Documents are submitted for registration in day of their signing or the next working day to 10 h 00 min.
30. The employee responsible for sending outgoing correspondence checks correctness of execution of the document: the addressee, heading, availability of appendices, visas, the signature, mark about the contractor.
The copy of the outgoing document is certified by stamp print "True copy", signed by the employee responsible for sending outgoing correspondence (with indication of disaggregation of the signature), and filed in case according to the nomenclature of cases.
Documents of not office nature are not subject to sending as a part of outgoing correspondence of the Commission.
31. The outgoing documents signed by members of Board are registered in electronic document management system the staff of department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support. Documents signed by heads (deputy managers) of structural divisions of the Commission are registered the employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission.
In case of registration of outgoing documents the following details are entered into electronic registration card:
the signature - surname of the official who signed the document;
content - the summary of the document (with indication of its full name);
the contractor - surname of the employee who prepared the document;
visas - surnames of the employees who vised the document with indication of date of vising;
addressees - the organizations to which the document goes;
the answer to No. - number and date of the letter on which the answer is given (in the presence);
write-off in case - file number according to the nomenclature of cases.
The sequence registration number and document date are appropriated in electronic document management system automatically when filling of all available fields and from electronic registration card are transferred to the document by the employee registering this document.
The signed and registered document (except for the document of limited distribution) is scanned, the file with the scanned document without fail is attached to registration card. In case of document registration, the documents and materials connected with forming of set concerning the agenda of meeting of Board, Council, Intergovernmental council or the Supreme council, the file with the document in the text *.doc or *.docx format is also attached to registration card (with protection against editing).
32. Processing and sending outgoing documents from the Commission are performed by the staff of department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support according to the rules of rendering services of mail service established in the state of stay of the Commission (further - rules of rendering services of mail service).
33. The documents which are subject to sending are processed and go in day of their signing or no later than the next working day.
When sending correspondence addressed to public authorities of state members of the Union (further - state members), except for documents of limited distribution, the contractor of the document duplicates its sending by fax or e-mail (on the e-mail address of public authority of state member) with use of option of the notification on obtaining and (or) reading of the electronic message.
When sending correspondence with the minimum completion dates, with marks "V. is urgent" and is "urgent", addressed to the organizations in state members and other states, except for documents of limited distribution, the contractor of the document duplicates its sending by fax or e-mail (on the e-mail address of the organization) with use of option of the notification on obtaining and (or) reading of the electronic message.
When sending documents (orders, protocols, the conclusions, tasks, agreements, etc.) which do not have address part, contractors cover letters prepare.
If the employee of the Commission receives the signed document (authentic copy) of the outgoing document for transfer directly to the addressee, on visa copy of the document which remains in department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support, the employee of the Commission undersigns for the document received on hands. At the same time in registration card of the document the corresponding mark is put down.
After transfer of the signed document (authentic copy) to the addressee, the employee of the Commission who reported the document represents to department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support the receipt of person who received the document with indication of date of transfer of the document, its registration number and date, surname and initials of person who received the document.
34. The department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support accepts the outgoing documents processed according to requirements of these rules from structural divisions of the Commission.
35. On the registered mail the register which with the receipt of the employee of postal department of communication returns to department of clerical work and control of Department of the protocol and organizational support is constituted.
36. By electric communication transfer of telegrams (telephone messages and faxes) and electronic messages is performed.
Sending documents from the Commission by means of cable communication is performed according to the rules of rendering services of cable communication established in the state of stay of the Commission.
37. The Chairman of Board and members of Board according to the distribution of obligations established by the Supreme council between members of Board determine by the arrived documents from among the structural divisions supervised by them structural divisions of the Commission which provide execution of these documents. In case of receipt addressed to the Chairman of Board of documents on the questions which are within the competence of other members of Board, the Chairman of Board sends such documents to the corresponding members of Board.
Preparation of draft resolutions (orders) of members of Board will be organized by heads of the secretariats of members of Board.
The documents which arrived on execution in structural divisions of the Commission, including according to resolutions (orders) of members of Board, are considered by heads (deputy managers) of the relevant structural divisions of the Commission.
The order (resolution) on performance of a document affirms (is drawn up) by the member of Board, the head (deputy manager) of structural division of the Commission as a part of structural division of the Commission in time, not exceeding 2 working days from registration date of the document (correspondence) in the Commission.
Heads (deputy managers) of structural divisions of the Commission if necessary instruct contractors on the organization and specific completion dates of documents, drawing up instructions in electronic card of the document and (or) in the resolution (order) constituted according to recommendations according to appendix No. 3.
38. The documents addressed to structural division or the head of the structural unit which arrived in structural division of the Commission are reported on the head of the structural unit of the Commission.
39. Documents are subject to execution within 1 month from registration date (to the corresponding number of the next month (if next month there is no such number, then till last day of month)), except as specified, when in the resolution (order) of the member of Board other completion date or when these rules concerning separate document types establish other completion dates (taking into account need of conducting examination, approval, other actions) or when other terms are established by the acts of the right of the Union specified in the paragraph the second Item 1 of these rules is determined.
For regulation of completion dates of documents in resolutions (orders) of members of Board specific calendar dates of execution of documents can be specified or be applied the following marks:
"urgently" - provides performance of a document within 3 working days;
"quickly" - provides performance of a document within 10 working days.
The completion dates of documents established by members of Board can be reduced by heads of structural divisions of the Commission.
The structural division of the Commission specified in the order to the first is head contractor of the order. Collaborators (structural divisions) during the first half of the term allotted on execution of the order represent to the head contractor of the offer in the form of the service record signed by the head (deputy manager) of structural division of the Commission.
40. Access to electronic registration cards and electronic copies of documents is provided to the staff of the Commission after addressing to contractors of documents by the heads of structural divisions of the Commission or employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission, according to the resolution of the head (deputy manager) of structural division of the Commission.
41. Performance of a document consists of the following main stages:
a) collection and processing of necessary information;
b) preparation of the draft document, its registration;
c) approval (vising) of the draft document;
d) completion of the draft document according to the notes received during approval (in case of serious project change of the document repeated approval is carried out it);
e) representation for the signature (approval) in accordance with the established procedure;
e) sending document in accordance with the established procedure.
42. Ceased to be valid according to the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of 12.10.2015 No. 136
43. Contractors regularly enter data on course of execution of documents in electronic registration cards and at least 1 time a week report on execution on the direct heads.
44. The performed documents within 10 working days from the date of execution are transferred by contractors to the employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission, for forming of cases according to the approved nomenclature of cases.
At the same time in electronic registration cards the contractor enters the relevant information.
The employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission, at least 1 time a month make reconciliation of availability of the documents which are at contractors with the data containing in electronic document management system and if necessary take measures for the organization of transfer of the performed documents in cases.
45. Heads of the secretariats of members of Board weekly hold the operational meetings with heads (deputy managers) of departments of the Commission on questions of execution by structural divisions of the Commission of appeals of executive bodies of state members, legal entities and physical persons.
The department of the protocol and organizational support based on requests of public authorities of the state members authorized on interaction with the Commission directs information on execution of the Commission of appeals of executive bodies of state members by structural divisions.
46. If according to these rules approval of the draft document of the interested structural divisions is required, before submission of the draft document for the signature the structural division of the Commission which prepared the draft document provides to the corresponding person its approval of the interested structural divisions of the Commission according to the procedure, established by these rules.
Approval of drafts of civil agreements (contracts, agreements), orders of the Chairman of Board on operational, personnel, financial and other issues is carried out for assessment of justification of the document, compliance to its international treaties and decisions of bodies of the Union constituting the right of the Union and also to the legislation of the state of stay of the Commission.
47. Approval of draft documents in the Commission is drawn up by the visas which are put down according to general requirements to document creation according to appendix No. 4.
Approval of draft documents in the Commission is allowed with use of the built-in means of electronic document management system providing authentication and authorization of users. If according to these rules for internal office correspondence, including for the purpose of approval of draft documents, creation of service records in electronic form is provided, such approval is performed with use of the built-in means of electronic document management system.
48. Draft documents are vised by the contractor (executive in charge) and the head (deputy manager) of structural division of the Commission in whom the draft document was prepared.
48-1. Financial and economic reasons for drafts of decisions of the Supreme council, decisions of Intergovernmental council, decisions of the Commission (further - financial and economic reasons) are subject to obligatory approval in Finance department if implementation of the specified drafts of decisions assumes budget expenses of the Union.
49. Drafts of the international acts of the Union, decisions (orders) of the Supreme council, decisions (orders) of Intergovernmental council, decisions (orders, recommendations) of the Commission, separate types of orders of the Chairman of Board, the minutes of Board, civil agreements (contracts, agreements) are subject to obligatory approval in Legal department.
If to the draft of the international act, the decision (order) of the Supreme council, the decision (order) of Intergovernmental council, the decision vised by Legal department (orders, recommendations) the Commissions the member of Board made changes or the decision on entering into the project of changes was made following the results of discussion at meeting of Board or Council, the specified project is subject to repeated legal editing in part of the made changes.
For protection against possible replacement of sheets of draft documents (including appendices of normative and legal nature) their sheet vising which is performed by the contractor, and also the staff of Legal department who were carrying out legal expertize and legal editing is provided. At the same time appendices of technical nature (structures and formats of electronic documents, lists of interstate standards, specifications, other) are not subject to vising in Legal department.
Repeated approval of the interested departments of the Commission of draft documents to which following the results of legal examination and legal editing changes are made is not carried out.
50. The secretariats of members of Board, Department of the protocol and organizational support are granted the right to return the documents processed with violation of the requirements established by these rules in structural divisions of the Commission.
Department of the protocol and organizational support the draft documents which did not pass in accordance with the established procedure the legal examination and legal editing return for completion and repeated representation.
The decision on return of documents is drawn up in the form of the service record in which reasons for return of documents, including the reference to specific provisions of the act of body of the Union which were not executed are given.
Return of draft documents for the specified reasons is not reasonable excuse of delay of their execution.
51. Documents of bodies of the Union (The Supreme council, Intergovernmental council, the Commission) are drawn up on forms and have the obligatory details located in accordance with the established procedure.
52. For documents of bodies of the Union (The Supreme council, Intergovernmental council, the Commission) for which blank forms are established by these rules and also for the international acts forms are made by typographical method.
53. On the forms made by typographical method sequence numbers are put down.
Forms are subject to accounting and are issued to the employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission, under list in Department of the protocol and organizational support. The employees responsible for clerical work in structural divisions of the Commission, issue forms to contractors under list.
54. Forms of documents shall be used strictly for designated purpose. Transfer of forms to third parties and persons is not allowed.
The damaged and unclaimed forms are liable to destruction under the act in structural divisions of the Commission.
Preparation of materials for meetings of Board, Council, Intergovernmental council and the Supreme council. Registration of results of meetings, Meetings of Board:
55. Questions join in the agenda of meeting of Board according to Item 60 of Regulations.
56. The proposal of the member of Board on inclusion of question in the agenda of meeting of Board goes to the Chairman of Board with set of documents and materials not later than 35 calendar days before date of meeting of Board. The term of the direction of offers on inclusion of question in the agenda of meeting of Board is counted from registration date in electronic document management system of the service record signed by the member of Board with complete set of the documents and materials which are drawn up in accordance with the established procedure.
To the direction of the offer on inclusion in the agenda of meeting of Board of the question affecting competence of other members of Board, the member of Board supervising the department of the Commission responsible for preparation of set of documents and materials for the matter (further - responsible department), sends respectively to members of Board or departments of the Commission which competence raises the question planned for consideration at meeting of Board (except for Department of the protocol and organizational support and Legal department), set of documents and materials for consideration or determination of the interest.
The members of Board who received set of documents and materials on approval and departments of the Commission no later than 7 working days from the date of receipt of the specified set send respectively to the member of Board supervising responsible department or responsible department the notes and offers or inform on lack of notes and offers. In the absence of written line item of the member of Board or department of the Commission on the received set of documents and materials the last is considered the approved member of Board or department of the Commission respectively.
The Finance department which received set of documents and materials on approval no later than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the specified set vises financial and economic reasons or sends to responsible department the notes and offers. Financial and economic reasons are vised by the director (deputy director) of Finance department.
The set of documents and materials concerning creation, ensuring functioning and development of the integrated information system of the Union to the direction in Finance department is subject to approval of Department of information technologies.
After receipt of notes and offers from the interested members of Board and departments of the Commission the member of Board supervising responsible department or the head of responsible department holds consultations according to members of Board or the departments of the Commission which provided notes and offers, if necessary makes corresponding changes to the draft decision (orders, recommendations) or sends to the members of Board who provided notes and offers or departments of the Commission the motivated conclusion about variation of their notes and offers.
57. The proposal of the member of council on inclusion of question in the agenda of meeting of Board is considered by the member of Board according to the distribution of obligations established by the Supreme council between members of Board. Following the results of consideration of the proposal of the member of council the member of Board provides preparation of set of documents and materials and initiates inclusion of the matter in the agenda of meeting of Board.
58. The offer of authorized body of the power of state member on inclusion in the agenda of meeting of Board of question which arrived in the Commission according to which decision making is within the competence of the Commission is considered by the member of Board according to the distribution of obligations established by the Supreme council between members of Board.
59. Following the results of consideration of the offer specified in Item 58 of these rules the member of Board no later than 10 working days from the date of their receipt if other term is not established by the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 (further - the Agreement on the Union), international treaties within the Union or Regulations, provides preparation of the draft of the expert opinion on the arrived offer containing reasonable line item of the member of Board.
On the basis of the expert opinion according to which the question offered to consideration at meeting of Board is within the competence of the Commission the member of Board provides preparation of set of documents and materials and represents it to the Chairman of Board for inclusion of question in the agenda of meeting of Board in accordance with the established procedure.
60. The set of documents and materials on each of questions of the draft of the agenda of meeting of Board is created according to Item 69 of Regulations.
61. If at meeting of Board consideration of question of modification of decisions is planned (orders, recommendations) the Commissions, decisions (order) of Intergovernmental council and (or) the decision (order) of the Supreme council, as a part of set of documents and materials the comparative table of the offered changes is submitted.
62. If at meeting of Board consideration of question of introduction for consideration by Council, Intergovernmental council, the Supreme council of drafts of decisions (orders, recommendations) of Council, drafts of decisions (orders) of Intergovernmental council, drafts of decisions (orders) of the Supreme council is planned, as a part of set of documents and materials the drafts of the specified acts constituted and which are drawn up with observance of the requirements established by these rules are represented.
63. If at meeting of Board consideration of question on which decision making is not provided (orders, recommendations) is planned, in the help constituted according to the requirements provided by these rules it is specified that the question is reported according to the procedure of information and decision making (the order, the recommendation) is not supposed. The specified information is printed from the separate paragraph by bold-face type.
As a part of set of documents and materials on such question of the agenda of meeting of Board the project of record of sentence for the minutes of Board vised by the member of Board is submitted.
64. The set of documents and materials concerning the agenda of meeting of Board shall be approved with all interested members of Board or departments of the Commission, and in case of availability of disagreements to the direction to the Chairman of Board of the offer on inclusion of question in the agenda if necessary consultations shall be held.
65. In case of introduction of the draft decision (the order, the recommendation) for consideration by Board with not settled issues as a part of set of documents and materials the draft decision (orders, recommendations) vised by the director (deputy director) of responsible department, the member of Board supervising responsible department, the director (deputy director) of Legal department and information on availability of disagreements with the approving departments are represented.
If following the results of consideration at meeting of working group of the Eurasian economic commission on evaluating the regulating impact of drafts of decisions of the Eurasian economic commission of question of need of evaluating the regulating impact of the draft decision of the Commission consent between the responsible department and summary department performing methodical ensuring and consulting maintenance of evaluating the regulating impact is not reached, this question is considered at the regular meeting of Board according to the proposal of the member of Board supervising summary department.
The decision on need of evaluating the regulating impact of the draft decision of the Commission accepted by Board according to Item 143 of Regulations is reflected in the minutes of Board.
66. Questions of acceptance at meeting of Board of acts which drafts according to item 4 of article 111 of the Agreement on the Union are subject to preliminary publication and also about decision making concerning which projects according to Item 15 of the Regulations on the Eurasian economic commission (appendix No. 1 to the Agreement on the Union) (further - Regulations on the Eurasian economic commission) assessment of the regulating impact shall be carried out, join in the agenda of meeting of Board in the presence of documents (data) confirming accomplishment of the specified procedures according to the procedure, provided by Sections VIII and IX of Regulations respectively if other is not established by Regulations.
Placement on the official site of the Union on the Internet (further - the official site of the Union) reports of the comments and project proposals of the published act which arrived following the results of public discussion is performed in form according to appendix No. 5.
67. Provided by Items 154 and 159 of Regulations for carrying out public discussion the information research opinion, the questionnaire and summary information following the results of public discussion are constituted in the forms and rules determined by appendix No. 5 to these rules.
Placement on the official site of the Union of summary information following the results of public discussion according to Item 159 of Regulations is performed according to the rules determined by appendix No. 5 to these rules.
The questionnaire and the report of responses provided by Items 184 and 189 of Regulations for carrying out public consultations are constituted according to requirements according to appendix No. 5-1.
Placement on the official site of the Union of the report of responses following the results of public consultations according to Item 189 of Regulations is performed according to the requirements determined by appendix No. 5-1 to these rules.
68. For legal examination and legal editing the draft decision (orders, recommendations) the Commissions, the draft decision (orders) of Intergovernmental council or the Supreme council vised by the director (deputy director) of responsible department and directors (associate directors) of the approving departments of the Commission is submitted as a part of set of documents and materials.
The term of conducting legal examination and legal editing constitutes 7 working days after day of receipt of set of documents and materials in Legal department if bigger term is not determined in the order (resolution) of the Chairman of Board.
The legal department has the right to request if necessary opinion of other departments of the Commission in case of availability of the bases to believe that they are interested in approval of the draft decision (the order, the recommendation). The direction of the corresponding request is not the basis for change of term of conducting legal examination and legal editing. At the same time the department of the Commission to which the corresponding inquiry is sent shall submit the answer in time constituting half from the term established by the paragraph the second Item 68 of these rules.
69. By results of legal examination and legal editing the draft decision (the order, the recommendation) the conclusion about project compliance to the international treaties and decisions of bodies of the Union constituting the right of the Union is constituted. The conclusion shall contain information on reference of the question planned to consideration at meeting to competence of the Commission, body of the Union, project compliance to the international treaties and decisions of bodies of the Union constituting the right of the Union (including to Regulations, these rules), procedure for adoption of the decision by Board on this question (the qualified majority or consensus). The conclusion goes to responsible department with the service record.
The draft decision (orders, recommendations) on which the conclusion is constituted, is vised by the director (deputy director) of Legal department.
70. The set of documents and materials including the draft decision (orders, recommendations) vised by the contractor, the director (deputy director) of responsible department, directors (associate directors) of the approving departments of the Commission is vised by the member of Board supervising responsible department.
If disagreements according to the draft decision (orders, recommendations) are not eliminated, the responsible department submits the relevant information with indication of not settled issues to consideration review at meeting of Board.
71. Prepared for meeting of Board is considered the draft decision (orders, recommendations) and the appendices to it vised in accordance with the established procedure.
72. On closing stage of preparation of documents for meeting of Board the draft decision (orders, recommendations) and appendices to it are vised by the director (deputy director) of Department of the protocol and organizational support, including with use of the built-in means of electronic document management system specified in the paragraph the second Item 47 of these rules.
73. The department of the protocol and organizational support prepares the draft of the agenda of meeting of Board and represents it to the Chairman of Board not later than 33 calendar days before date of meeting of Board.
74. The chairman of Board approves the agenda of meeting of Board not later than 32 calendar days before date of meeting of Board.
75. The department of the protocol and organizational support directs the approved agenda of meeting of Board with set of the documents and materials vised in accordance with the established procedure on the questions included in the agenda, in state members and to members of Board (with use of system of information support of holding meetings of Board (except for documents of limited distribution)) not later than 30 calendar days before date of meeting of Board (including using the integrated information system of the Union, except for documents of limited distribution).
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