of July 15, 2004 No. 259-XV
The parliament accepts this code.
This code regulates activities in areas of researches and innovations, including process of development and realization the politician, estimates of the organizations, confirmations and recognitions of academic and scientific and pedagogical statuses.
(1) Activities in areas of researches and innovations are regulated by this code, other legal acts, subordinate legislations governing legal relations, stipulated in Article 1, which shall correspond to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.
(2) Subordinate legislations are applied to regulation of legal relations in areas of researches and innovations, only if they are published on the basis of the law and do not contradict it.
(3) If the international treaty, one of the parties of which is the Republic of Moldova, other provisions are established, than those which are provided by this code are applied provisions of the international treaty.
In this code the basic concepts are used in the value stated in Articles 4-46.
Research - activities for the basic researches, applied researches and experimental developments taken in total.
Basic researches - the theoretical and/or experimental activities performed for the purpose of receipt of new knowledge of deep bases of the phenomena and also about the facts which give in to observation, not assuming any specific application or use.
Applied researches - the original researches conducted for receipt of new knowledge directed to achievement of the specific practical purpose or the solution of such task.
Experimental developments - systematic activities which rely on received as a result of researches and from practical experience of knowledge, generating additional knowledge and directed to receipt of new products or processes or to significant improvement of the existing products or processes.
System of research and development - set of the organizations of public and private law and units on researches and innovations without the status of the legal entity which field of activity is research and development.
State policy in the field of research and development, innovations and transfer of technologies (further - areas of researches and innovations) - the component of social and economic, educational and cultural policy of the state aimed at the development, coordination and stimulation of activities in areas of researches and innovations, performed by means of generation of new knowledge and application of scientific and technical achievements.
Examination - assessment of programs, project offers, project deliverables in respect of the highest scientific achievements, timeliness, prospects of implementation, and also reasons for the costs required for realization.
The independent expert - the legal entity or physical person having special knowledge, skills and specialization in certain sphere and representing itself independently.
Monitoring - systematic observations, measurements and control of activities regarding the reached indicators and efficiency of use of human, material and financial resources, and also planning of adequate measures for achievement of the planned purposes.
Joint financing - implementation of financing in areas of researches and innovations by means of cooperation of efforts of the state, business entities and sponsors.
(1) Institutional financing - the financing provided from the government budget to the organizations of the public law in areas of researches and innovations, including to public institutions of higher education, for maintenance and development of public infrastructure in areas of researches and innovations and for staff expenses, correlated to personnel resources, research infrastructure and institutional efficiency.
(2) the Financial resources intended for institutional financing of the organizations of the public law in areas of researches and innovations are allocated annually with the law on the government budget for the corresponding year and are distributed by the central industry body of the state providing development of national policy in areas of researches and innovations by means of founders of the organizations in areas of researches and innovations.
(3) Institutional financing is performed on the basis of requests of the organizations of the public law in areas of researches and innovations and the conclusions of the Advisory board on science and technologies according to the methodology of institutional financing approved by the Government.
(4) the Central industry body of the state providing development of national policy in areas of researches and innovations provides transparency of institutional financing.
Subjects of activities in areas of researches and innovations - legal entities irrespective of type of property and form of business and the physical persons performing activities in areas of researches and innovations in the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The organization in areas of researches and innovations - the legal entity performing one of the following types of activity: basic and/or applied researches, experimental developments, implementation of scientific results and innovations, transfer of technologies, preparation and enhancement of scientific personnel.
The organization of the public law in areas of researches and innovations - the public organization in areas of researches and innovations created by the Government according to the offer of the central industry body of the state providing development of national policy in areas of researches and innovations or bodies of local public authority.
The organization of private law in areas of researches and innovations - the commercial organization founded and financed by physical persons or legal entities of private law for the purpose of profit earning on the basis of activities in areas of researches and innovations.
Public organization (association) in areas of researches and innovations - the non-profit organization founded according to the current legislation the associated physical persons and/or legal entities on the basis of common interests for achievement of effective objectives in areas of researches and innovations.
The organization of scientific and technological information - the specialized organization and its divisions performing scientific information activities in areas of researches and innovations.
Innovation - the activities for use of the result got owing to researches and/or practical experience, directed to use in practical activities and/or realization in the market new or considerably advanced materials, products or devices, methods, systems and services.
Transfer of technologies - process of implementation within projects of innovative results for the purpose of receipt of new products and services, improvement of their indicators, and also increase in their efficiency.
Area of innovations and transfer of technologies - set of the actions including creation and implementation of innovations and new technologies including by transfer of technologies, for the purpose of production of competitive new or advanced products, and also use of progressive processes, services and technologies.
(1) Research infrastructure - set of the necessary means, resources and adjacent services used by research communities for implementation of research activities in scientific or technological areas and also for encouragement of innovations in the respective areas.
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