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The document ceased to be valid since  July 13, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 5, 2018 No. 519


of February 25, 2015 No. 115

About some questions of estimative activities

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 24.05.2017 No. 599)

According to Item 1 of Article 9 and Item 1 of article 10-2 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 30, 2000 "About estimative activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) Requirements to form and content of the valuation report according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the Standard of assessment "Value assessment of personal estate" according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) the Standard of assessment "Value assessment of real estate" according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) the Standard of assessment "Bases and cost types" according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) the Standard of assessment "Value assessment of intellectual property items and intangible assets", according to appendix 5 to this order.

2. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abd_rayy B. Zh.

3. To provide to department of registration service and organization of legal services in the procedure established by the legislation state registration of this order and its official publication.

4. This order is found in action after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.


B. Imashev

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 25, 2015 No. 115

Requirements to form and content of the valuation report

1. General provisions

1. These requirements to form and content of the valuation report (further - requirements) are developed based on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About estimative activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (further - the Law) with use of international standards of assessment and establish requirements to form and content of the valuation report (further - the report), information used in the report, and also the description in the report of the applied methodology and calculations.

2. These requirements are obligatory to application when implementing estimative activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. The report is constituted following the results of evaluating and represents the document processed according to the Law, these Requirements, international standards and standards of estimative activities.

2. Requirements to contents of the valuation report

4. The report contains the following Sections and parts:

title page;

the cover letter (in coordination with the Customer)

contents of the report;

Section 1. General information about the report;

Section 2. General information and description of object of assessment;

Section 3. Settlement part of the report;

Section 4. Final part;


Sections 1 and 2 do not occupy more than a half of contents of the report, apart from its appendices.

5. The report is constituted in duplicate, one of which is stored at the customer, the second - at the appraiser.

6. The title page contains:

1) name of the report;

2) number of the report;

3) date of creation of the report;

4) name and location of object;

5) date of assessment;

6) number and date of the conclusion of the agreement on assessment;

7) type (type) of the determined cost;

8) full name or surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) the customer, its actual location or legal address, bank details;

9) information about the appraiser:

for the legal entity: full name, BIN, bank details, legal address of the appraiser, the name of chamber of appraisers which member it is;

for physical person: surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) the appraiser, IIN, its actual location, the name of chamber of appraisers which member he is;

10) the surname certified by seal, name, middle name (in case of its availability) and the signature of person approving the report.

7. Contain in the cover letter:

1) purpose and purpose of assessment;

2) the general information identifying assessment object;

3) the approaches and evaluation methods used for the report;

4) final size of project cost of assessment.

8. Contents of the report reflect the Sections (subsections) included in its structure with indication of pages.

9. The Section 1 "General Information about the Report" contains:

1) task for assessment, with indication of the name of the estimated object, the owner of object, the location of object, the estimated rights, assessment purpose, type and purpose of assessment, date of assessment and date of the report, identification of the estimated property, determination of base and type of the established cost;

2) information about the appraiser (number and date of issue of the license, data on insurance of civil responsibility of the appraiser (in the presence) and others);

3) the assumptions and restrictive conditions used by the appraiser when evaluating;

4) the list of the documents used when evaluating: regulatory legal acts and standards of assessment according to the Law, the list of the data used when evaluating with indication of source of their obtaining;

5) the main terms and determinations applied in the report.

10. The Section 2 "General Information and Description of Object of Assessment" contains:

1) date of survey of object of assessment;

2) general characteristic and condition of object of assessment;

3) structure of object of assessment;

4) appointment and current use of object of assessment;

5) description of location of object of assessment;

6) the description of the main characteristics of the estimated object.

In case of assessment of the companies and large real estate objects for the purposes of crediting are in addition specified:

1) the overview of general economic situation and social and economic situation in the region;

2) the overview of the current activity and tendency in the market of the estimated property;

3) the industry overview (it is constituted if the real estate which is part of complex of property on the basis of which production of certain goods (services) is organized is estimated.

11. The Section 3 "Settlement Part of the Report" contains:

1) assessment methodology;

2) summary of essence of methods of three approaches and reasons for the choice of the approaches and methods applied in the report;

3) assessment process description using the chosen approaches/methods;

4) the calculations executed by the chosen approaches/methods;

5) Section "Coordination of Results of Assessment".

Coordination of results of assessment is made in case of use more than one method and if the results received by different methods do not differ from each other more than twice. If this requirement is violated, calculations or the initial information used in them are specified. Coordination is made by method of the average weighed. Mathematical methods of calculation which need to be described in the report are applied to determination of weight coefficients.

12. The Section 4 "Final Part of the Report" contains the concluding observation about project cost size.

The final size of project cost of assessment is expressed in currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (tenge) and is reflected in type of the figure rounded to one thousand tenges with written disaggregation of the amount in brackets.

The final size of project cost of assessment specified in the valuation report is recognized assessment recommended for the purposes of transaction with objects if of date of creation of the valuation report before date of transaction with object of assessment or date of submission of the public offer there passed no more than six months.

13. Appendices to the report are contained:

1) inspection report of object of assessment;

2) the copy of the membership certificate in Chamber of appraisers;

3) photos of object of assessment (only for real estate, transport, the equipment and other material property);


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