of June 17, 2015 No. 423
About approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve Regulations on the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine which are applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
A. P. Yatsenyuk
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 17, 2015 No. 423
1. The ministry of social policy of Ukraine (Minsotspolitiki) is the central executive body which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and which provides forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of social policy, obligatory national social and pension insurance, social protection of the population, volunteer activities, concerning family and children, improvement and rest of children, adoption and protection of the rights of children, prevention and counteraction to domestic violence, violence on the basis of sex, human trafficking, providing the equal rights and opportunities of women and men, provision of social services and carrying out social work, social and professional adaptation of the military personnel, the dismissed persons discharged from military service, the veterans of work, veterans of war, persons having special merits before the Homeland, injured participants of Revolution of Advantage members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) defenders and defenders of Ukraine regarding the organization of payment to them by the Independence Day of Ukraine of one-time money payment, veterans of military service, the victims of Nazi prosecutions, children of war and the victims of political repressions, provision of pensions and accounting of persons which are subject to obligatory national social insurance, implementation of the state control of observance of requirements of the legislation by provision of social support (government assistance, privileges, housing subsidies and other payments which are carried out at the expense of the government budget, social services) and behind observance of the rights of children and also are provided by forming and realizes state policy on implementation of the state supervision in the sphere of obligatory national social insurance from labor accident and occupational disease, which entailed disability, in connection with temporary disability regarding ensuring compliance to the legislation of decisions of authorized body of management in system of obligatory national social insurance in connection with temporary disability and from accident (further - authorized body of management), state regulation and supervision of respect for the provisions of the law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance" concerning appointment (recalculation) and pension payment in solidary system, in the sphere of the humanitarian assistance.
Minsotspolitiki is specially authorized central executive body concerning providing the equal rights and opportunities of women and men, humanitarian assistance.
2. Minsotspolitiki in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation.
3. The main objectives of Minsotspolitiki are:
1) ensuring forming and realization of state policy:
in the sphere of social policy, obligatory national social and pension insurance, volunteer activities, provision of pensions and accounting of persons which are subject to obligatory national social insurance;
in the sphere of social protection of the population, in particular, persons with disability, veterans of work, the victims of Nazi prosecutions, children of war and the victims of the political repressions, citizens who were injured owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash; veterans of military service regarding provision of pensions;
in the sphere of social protection of veterans of war, persons having special merits before the Homeland, injured participants of Revolution of Advantage, members of families the died (died) veterans of war, members of families of the died (died) Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine regarding the organization of payment by it by the Independence Day of Ukraine of one-time money payment;
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