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of May 19, 2015 No. 436-VIII

About features of implementation of transactions with the state, guaranteed by the state debt and local debt and the state derivatives and the state derivatives

(as amended on 18-07-2024)

This Law is aimed at providing economic safety of the state, protection of public concerns and interests of the state in connection with repayment and servicing of the state, guaranteed by the state debt and local debt, and also in connection with implementation of payments for the state derivatives.

Article 1. Temporary suspension of payments on the state external borrowings guaranteed by the state debt and warranty obligations of the state

Due to the transactions with public debt on the state external borrowings and the debt guaranteed by the state on external credits (loans) according to the list according to appendix 1 or appendix 2 to this Law by exchange, change of conditions, release and sale of the corresponding debt obligations the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has the right till October 1, 2024 to make the decision on temporary suspension of implementation of payments on all or some corresponding debt obligations or warranty obligations of the state of rather corresponding debt obligations. Temporary suspension of implementation of payments is entered on each debt obligation or the warranty obligation of the state of rather corresponding debt obligations for a period of up to making of such transaction (transactions) and change of conditions of the corresponding borrowing concerning all creditors.

In case of adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the decision on temporary stop of implementation of payments according to warranty obligations of the state of rather corresponding debt obligations the relevant authorized body of management of the subject of managing of public sector of economy has the right to make the decision temporarily to stop implementation of payments according to such obligations.

Article 2. Temporary stop of payments on local external borrowings

Due to the transactions with local debt on local external borrowings according to the list according to appendix 1 to this Law by exchange (change of conditions of the operating loans), release and sale of the corresponding debt obligations the city council has power of decision about temporary suspension of implementation of payments on all or some corresponding debt obligations. The temporary stop of implementation of payments is entered on each debt obligation for a period of up to making of such transaction (transactions) and change of conditions of the corresponding borrowing on all creditors.

Article 2-1. Temporary stop of payments on the state derivatives

Due to the transactions with the state derivatives according to the list according to appendix 3 to this Law by method, stipulated in Item the 35th Section VI "Final and transitional provisions" of the Budget code of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has power of decision about temporary suspension of implementation of payments according to obligations on the state derivatives. The temporary stop of implementation of payments is entered for a period of up to making of such transaction (transactions) and determination of its conditions.

Article 3. Moratorium on satisfaction of requirements of creditors

In case of acceptance by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decisions according to Article 1 and/or article 2-1 of this Law or city council of the decision according to article 2 of this Law from the date of entry into force of such decision concerning the state of Ukraine, territorial community of the city and other subjects according to such decision (further - subjects of the moratorium) and only concerning those obligations on which such decision is made by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or city council:

temporarily forced realization of any property of subjects of the moratorium, that is its alienation by the address of claim to property of subjects of the moratorium according to enforceable judgments according to the Law of Ukraine "About enforcement proceeding" stops;

the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of treasurer servicing of budgetary funds temporarily stops write-off of funds for accomplishment of obligations according to the list according to appendix 1, to appendix 2 or appendix 3 to this Law.

Article 4. Final provisions

1. This Law becomes effective from the date of, its publication following behind day.

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in a month from the date of entry into force of this Law:

submit proposals on introduction of amendments to the laws of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, following from this Law;

bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this Law.

President of Ukraine

P. Poroshenko

Appendix 1

to the Law of Ukraine of May 19, 2015 No. 436-VIII

The list of external debt obligations on which transactions on change of conditions of borrowings are planned

Debt obligation, year of origin

Year of repayment

Bonds of external state loan:























External borrowings of subjects of public sector of economy:

the eurobonds of the state company "Financing of Infrastructure Projects" issued under the state guarantees in 2010, of 2011, 2012

2017, 2018, 2017

Ukravtodor loans attracted under the state guarantees in 2005, of 2006, of 2009, of 2010, 2011

2015, 2016, 2017, 2015, 2016

the credit of the state company "Yuzhnoye design office of M. K. Yangel" attracted under the state guarantee in 2011


the loan of the state company for supply of Ukrmedsnab medical institutions attracted under the state guarantee in 2009


Local debt on local external borrowings:

the local external borrowings of the Kiev city council issued in 2005 and 2011

2015, 2016


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