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of July 1, 2014 No. 1555-VII

About government assistance to subjects of managing

(as amended on 09-08-2023)

This Law establishes the legal basis of carrying out monitoring of government assistance to subjects of managing, control of admissibility of such help for the competition, aimed at providing protection and development of the competition, increase in transparency of functioning of system of government assistance and observance of the international obligations of Ukraine in the field of government assistance.

Section 1 General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law the terms below are used in such value:

1) government assistance to subjects of managing (further - government assistance) - support in any form of subjects of managing at the expense of resources of the state or local resources which distorts or threatens with misstatement of the economic competition, creating benefits to production of separate types of goods or production of separate types of economic activity;

2) interested persons – suppliers and receivers of government assistance, the company, other legal entities and physical persons, their associations which interests can be affected from provision of government assistance;

3) individual government assistance - action of government assistance which is performed out of the program of government assistance and also the separate measures of government assistance performed within the program of government assistance, but are subject to the notification according to conditions of such program and this Law;

4) local resources - the personal and real estate, means of local budgets, other means, the earth, natural resources which are in property of territorial communities of villages, settlements, cities, areas in the cities the objects of their joint property which are in management of regional and regional councils the property belonging to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea control of which is exercised by Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;

5) monitoring of government assistance - collection and carrying out information analysis about government assistance for the purpose of control of observance of requirements of this Law and decisions of the authorized body concerning government assistance (further - Authorized body) determined by this Law and also preparation and submission of the reporting on government assistance;

6) suppliers of government assistance - authorities, local government bodies, bodies of administrative management and control, and also the legal entities acting from their name authorized to dispose of resources of the state or local resources and initiate and/or provide government assistance;

7) poor person (the worker who cannot compete on equal terms in the labor market) - able-bodied person concerning which one of conditions is carried out:

person aged from 15 up to 24 years or is more senior than 50 years;

within six months person was the unemployed;

person has no complete average, average special or vocational training or got such education no later than two years ago and earlier had no paid permanent job;

not the married person living with one or more persons who are in its dependence;

person works in the area or has profession in which gender inequality at least for 25 percent exceeds the average level in all industries of economy, and concerns gender group concerning which there is such inequality;

person is the representative of ethnic minority and needs development of language skills, professional training and work experience in profile for the purpose of receipt of perspectives of receipt of permanent employment;

8) illegal government assistance - the new government assistance provided without notice authorized body or during the period after the message, but before adoption by authorized body of the decision on admissibility of government assistance for the competition, or provided contrary to the decision of Authorized body on recognition of new government assistance inadmissible for the competition, except categories of government assistance which suppliers according to this Law are exempted from obligation of the notification on new government assistance;

9) insignificant government assistance - government assistance to one subject of managing which cumulative size irrespective of its form and sources does not exceed for any three-year period the amount equivalent to 200 thousand euros determined by the official exchange rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine which was effective for the last day of financial year;

10) inadequate use of government assistance - any use of government assistance by her receiver that contradicts the decision of Authorized body on admissibility of such help for the competition;

11) new government assistance - any state support of subjects of managing which is not government assistance, and also entering of essential changes into conditions of provision or amount of the operating government assistance;


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