of December 18, 2014 No. 210
About approval of Power grid rules
According to the subitem 283) of Item 15 of the Regulations on the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 19, 2014 No. 994, I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Power grid rules.
2. To provide to department of power industry of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) the direction on official publication of the copy of this order within ten calendar days after its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;
3) placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 2) and 3) of this Item.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising Vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
It is approved Deputy Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan March 30, 2015 |
T. Zhaksylykov |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 18, 2014 No. 210
1. These Power grid rules (further – Rules) are developed according to the subitem 283) of Item 15 of the Regulations on the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Provision) approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 19, 2014 No. 994.
2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:
1) balance sheet accessory – the site of the power network which is power making, power transferring the organizations and the consumer, belonging to them on the property right or other legal cause;
2) the generating installation - the device developing electrical energy;
3) the user of network – the consumer of electricity capacity in point of connection to national power grid more than 1 megawatt (further – MW);
4) high voltage - voltage of 1000 Volts (further – In) and above;
5) national dispatch center of the system operator (further – NDTs SO) - the division entering into structure of the system operator, which is responsible for operational management of single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – EEC of Kazakhstan) and reliability of its work, including balancing and quality assurance of the electric power;
6) natural testing – the testing which are carried out by creation of impacts on single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan or on any its part for the purpose of studying of characteristics of system;
7) the scheme "calling exit" – the scheme of accession of substation and power plant to power network by means of connection in rassechka of the existing power line with preserving transit of the electric power on the existing power line through again built sites of power line and the tire of the attached substation and power plant;
8) postemergency operation of work of EEC of Kazakhstan – the set mode arising after emergency shutdown of the damaged element of electric utility system and proceeding before recovery of normal operating mode;
9) normal working hours of single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the set operating mode in case of which all elements of electric utility system provided when planning the mode work and is provided electric utility service of all consumers of electrical energy in accordance with the terms of the signed agreements;
10) pool of reserves of electric power of EEC of Kazakhstan (further – PUL of REM) - reserve of electric power for ensuring regular power supply of consumers in case of unexpected failure of generators, power lines or consumption growth;
11) the subconsumer – the consumer who is directly connected to power networks of the consumer;
12) the duplicative (shunting) power lines - the power lines constructed and (or) planned to construction by subjects of the market of electrical energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in addition to the existing power lines on which transfer of electrical energy with the normalized electric power quality and level of reliability, and the capacities changing distribution in power node is performed;
13) "turn from scratch" 1 – start-up of the power making organization from preservation, reserve or after complete stop, recovery of power network as single electric utility system in the shortest possible time;
14) regional power network – set of the power lines and substations belonging and (or) operated the regional electric grid company;
15) reactive energy – the energy spent for creation of the electromagnetic field in chains of alternating current;
16) cold reserve – total available capacity of the uninvolved generating installations provided with fuel and ready to work;
17) limit of operational responsibility of the parties – the point of the Section of the energy equipment and (or) power network between the business entities responsible for content, servicing and technical condition determined by balance sheet accessory or the agreement, and confirmed with the relevant act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory and operational responsibility of the parties between these business entities;
18) specifications – the technical requirements necessary for connection to power networks;
19) stop - planned or unplanned conclusion from work of the generating installations;
20) low voltage - voltage is below 1000 V;
21) the consumer with direct connection – the consumer connected to power making the organizations without participation power transferring the organizations;
22) border of balance sheet accessory of power network – point of the Section of power network between business entities of the market of electrical energy: the power making (power transferring) organizations and consumers, and also between consumers and subconsumers, determined by balance sheet accessory of power network;
23) electroinstallation – set of the machines, devices, lines and the service equipment (together with constructions and rooms, in which they are established) intended for production, transformation, transformation, transfer, consumption of electrical energy and (or) its transformation to other type of energy;
24) power plant – the energy object intended for production of electrical and heat energy, containing construction part, the equipment for transformation of energy and the necessary service equipment;
25) system of accumulating of electrical energy – the technical device with automated control system intended for accumulating, storage and issue of electrical energy and the constructions and infrastructure technology necessary for its operation interconnected with it according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of support of use of renewable energy resources;
26) balance overflow of electrical energy - the algebraic amount of values of acceptance (leave) of electrical energy on certain group of power lines, transformers (section) or on points of commercial accounting.
Other concepts used in these rules are applied according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The users of network who are going to be connected to power network or to increase the issued electric power perform connection according to these rules.
The consumers who are going to be connected to power network or to increase the consumed electric power perform connection in compliance the Instructions for use electrical energy approved by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 25, 2015 No. 143 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 10403).
4. Specifications on connection of users of network on issue of electric power are issued based on requests for accession (the existing generating installations) (further - the Request for the existing generating installations), on accession (the new generating installations) (further - the Request for the new generating installations) to which power networks is planned connection of the user of network in forms, according to appendices 1 and 2 to these rules.
Specifications on connection of users of network with the declared electric power of 5 MW and more to power network are issued based on "The scheme of issue of power of the power plant" which are developed by the specialized project organizations having the license for occupation project activities.
The preproject documentation on construction new and change (reconstruction, expansion, modernization, upgrade, capital repairs) of electroinstallations contains the Section "Scheme of Issue of Power of the Power Plant".
Contents of "The scheme of issue of power of the power plant" are specified in appendix 3 to these rules.
"The scheme of issue of power of the power plant" is approved with the relevant organization (which is power transferring or power making) to which power networks connection, the system operator is planned. "The scheme of issue of power of the power plant the" of users using renewable energy resources is developed taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of power industry.
5. After approval of "The scheme of issue of power of the power plant" the user of network sends Requests for the existing generating installations or for the new generating installations to the relevant power transferring (power making) organization to which networks joining of the user of network is planned.
6. The power transferring (power making) organization to which networks joining of the user of network is planned issues specifications in which the following is specified:
1) surname, name, middle name (in the presence) physical or the name of the legal entity to which the specification is issued;
2) name of object of issue of electric power;
3) location of object (city, settlement, street);
4) the approved size of power of the power plant;
5) nature of power generation (permanent, temporary, seasonal);
6) category of reliability of electric utility service;
7) the permitted power factor of power plant;
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