Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 6, 2015 No. 676

About requirements to procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and output from operation of the state information systems and further storage of information containing in their databases

(as amended on 12-06-2024)

According to part 6 of article 14 of the Federal law "About Information, Information Technologies and on Information Protection" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed requirements to procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and output from operation of the state information systems and further storage of information containing in their databases.

2. Determine that:

the actions provided by the requirements approved by this resolution are performed:

federal executive bodies within the established number of employees of their central offices, territorial authorities and budgetary appropriations provided to federal executive bodies in the federal budget for the corresponding year on management and management in the field of the established functions;

state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation within the budgetary appropriations provided to governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation in the budget of the relevant state non-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation on management and management in the field of the established functions.

3. Recommend to local government bodies to be guided in the activities by the requirements approved by this resolution.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 No. 676

Requirements to procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and output from operation of the state information systems and further storage of information containing in their databases

I. General provisions

1. This document determines requirements to procedure for implementation of actions by creation, development, commissioning, operation and output from operation of the state information systems (further - system) and to further storage containing in their databases of information performed by public authorities, including federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, other state bodies (further - state bodies) for the purpose of increase in efficiency of realization of powers of state bodies as a result of use of information and communication technologies, or the state bodies acting on behalf of public partners and private partners according to agreements on public-private partnership (further - the private partner) for the purpose of implementation of the specified agreements, or state bodies, speakers on behalf of concedents, and concessionaries according to concessionary agreements (further - the concessionary) for the purpose of implementation of the specified agreements, and also the public companies, the state corporations authorized on implementation of actions for creation, development, operation of the state information systems in other purposes established by the Federal Laws (further - authorized organizations).

The requirements to procedure for implementation of actions established by the this document, specified in paragraph one of this Item, also extend to local government bodies and bodies of the public power of the federal territories in cases when:

powers on realization of such actions were transferred to local government bodies and bodies of the public power of the federal territories respectively based on the Federal Laws, the laws of subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of implementation of separate powers of the Russian Federation by them on areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation or joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation, powers of subjects of the Russian Federation in objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation, separate powers of the subject of the Russian Federation;

local government bodies and bodies of the public power of the federal territories perform according to the Federal Laws of power (separate powers) of the Russian Federation.

1(1). In case of realization by state bodies, private partners or concessionaries, authorized organizations of actions for creation, development, commissioning, operation and output and to further storage of information containing in their databases shall be carried out from operation of systems:

a) the requirements about the information protection containing in systems, established by federal executive body in the field of safety and the federal executive body authorized in the field of counteraction to technical investigations and information technical protection within their powers;

b) requirements to the organization and measures of protection of information containing in system;

c) the requirements about personal data protection provided by part 3 of article 19 of the Federal law "About Personal Data" (in case of availability in personal data system);

d) requirements to ensuring access to information containing in system, to local government bodies and bodies of the public power of the federal territories in cases, the specified in paragraphs three and the fourth Item 1 of this document for ensuring its processing by means of the information technologies and technical means which are part of system.

1(2). For the purpose of fulfillment of requirements about information protection, provided by subitems "an" - "in" Item 1 (1) this document (further - requirements about information protection), the state bodies determined according to the regulatory legal act regulating functioning of system determine security requirements of information containing in system of state body, authorized organization for what perform:

a) determination of information which is subject to protection against illegal access, destruction, modifying, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, and also other wrongful acts concerning such information;

b) the analysis of regulatory legal acts, methodical documents and national standards to which there shall correspond the system;

c) classification of system according to requirements about information protection;

d) determination of safety hazards of information which realization can lead to violation of safety of information in system, and development on their basis models of safety hazards of information;

e) determination of requirements to information system (subsystem) of the information protection containing in system.


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