of April 23, 2015 No. 231
About approval of standard regulations on councils on cases of youth under akimats
According to the subitem 9) article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 9, 2015 "About the state youth policy" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve standard regulations on councils on cases of youth under akimats.
2. To provide to department of youth policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Karibzhanov R. S.) in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan official publication of this order;
3) placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Balykbayev T. O.
4. This order becomes effective after day of its first official publication.
A. Sarinzhipov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2015 No. 231
1. Councils on cases of youth under akimats (further - Council) are the advisory advisory bodies under akimats of area, city of republican value and the capital, area (city of regional value) created according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. In the activities Council is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state youth policy", acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Standard provision.
3. Councils perform the activities for the purpose of development of recommendations about enhancement of the state youth policy and to increase in efficiency of interdepartmental interaction.
4. Tasks of Council are:
1) development of recommendations about enhancement of the state youth policy;
2) efficiency analysis of realization of tasks of the state youth policy;
3) development of offers on realization of the priority directions of the state youth policy;
4) discussion of the questions concerning realization of the state youth policy.
5. For realization of the tasks assigned to it Council performs the following functions:
Considers 1) and discusses projects of regulatory legal acts concerning realization of the state youth policy;
2) involves representatives of state bodies, the public, non-governmental organizations, political parties, mass media in discussion of questions on realization of the state youth policy;
3) renders assistance to development of international cooperation in the sphere of the state youth policy;
4) hears reports of heads of local executive bodies on the course of realization of the state youth policy.
6. Council consists of the chairman and members of council. The secretary is not member of council.
7. The chairman of the board is the akim of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit who:
1) is approved by regulations on Council on the basis of this Standard provision and create its structure taking into account need of providing representative office of the youth organizations for Council in number of at least 30% of total number of members of council;
2) fixes date and time of meetings, convenes the regular and emergency meetings of Council and presides over them;
3) on initiative at least two thirds of total quantity of members of council convene emergency meetings of Council and presides over them;
4) plans work and performs the common directorship of Council;
5) distributes obligations and the areas of work between members of council;
6) approves the work plan and the agenda of meetings of Council.
8. Secretary of Council:
1) provides project development of work plans of Council;
2) creates drafts of the agenda of meetings of Council;
3) will organize preparation of materials for meetings of Council, and also drafts of legal decisions;
4) notifies members of council on the place, time of carrying out and to the agenda of the regular meetings of Council, timely provides them with required materials;
Accepts 5) from members of council of the offer concerning the agenda of meetings and submits them for consideration to the chairman;
6) exercises control of execution of solutions of legal orders, at each subsequent meeting informs members of council on the course of accomplishment of the decisions made earlier.
9. Structure of Council:
1) members of council are representatives of local executive and representative bodies, youth organizations, and also other organizations for representation of working body (department, the management performing management in the sphere of realization of the state youth policy in the territory of the area, the city of republican value and the capital, the area (the city of regional value) and to the decision of the chairman of the board;
2) Council consists of the odd number of members.
10. Working body:
1) performs the general organization of work of Council;
2) is provided by information and analytical and documentary maintenance of activities of Council;
3) performs collection, information processing, the analysis of the held meetings of Council, the considered questions, the made decisions on realization of the state youth policy, develops work suggestions for improvement in the field;
4) is provided by activities of expert groups;
5) corresponds with state bodies, officials and the organizations, carried to competence of Council;
6) is performed by interaction with mass media on publicizing of activities of work of Council.
11. Working bodies of regional level, the city of republican value and the capital, areas (cities of regional value) send the generalized analytical information on execution of the made decisions to authorized body in the sphere of the state youth policy of times a half-year.
12. Meetings of Council are held as required, and also on initiative at least two thirds of members from total quantity of members of council, but at least once a half-year and are considered authorized with participation in them at least two thirds of total quantity of members of council.
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