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The document ceased to be valid since December 18, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2018 No. 1490


of April 3, 2015 No. 324

About approval of requirements to anti-terrorist security of objects (territories) of the Federal Migration Service and form of the material safety data sheet of these objects (territories)

According to item 4 of part 2 of article 5 of the Federal law "About Counteraction to Terrorism" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve enclosed:

requirements to anti-terrorist security of objects (territories) of the Federal Migration Service;

form of the material safety data sheet of objects (territories) of the Federal Migration Service.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2015 No. 324

Requirements to anti-terrorist security of objects (territories) of the Federal Migration Service

I. General provisions

1. These requirements establish actions for ensuring anti-terrorist security of complexes, obligatory for accomplishment, technologically and technically the buildings connected among themselves, structures, constructions and systems, certain buildings, structures and constructions adjoining to them the territories which owners are the Federal Migration Service, its territorial authorities and the organizations subordinated to Service, and also the organizations relating to field of activity of Service (further - objects (territories) including carrying out categorization of objects (territories), control of accomplishment of these requirements and development of the material safety data sheet of objects (territories).

2. Responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist security of objects (territories) is conferred on heads of the bodies and organizations which are a part of the system of the Federal Migration Service under whose authority objects (territories) are, and also on officials of such bodies and organizations performing management of activities of employees (workers) on objects (territories) (further - the head of object).

II. Categorization of objects (territories)

3. For the purpose of establishment of the differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist security of objects (territories) their categorization is performed.

Categorization is performed concerning the functioning (operated) objects (territories), in case of input of objects (territories) in operation, and also in case of change of characteristics of objects (territories) which can influence change of earlier appropriated category.

4. Categorization of objects (territories) is performed based on assessment of condition of the security of objects (territories) considering their importance for infrastructure and life support, degree of potential danger and threat of making of act of terrorism on objects (territories) and also possible consequences of its making.

5. The degree of threat to making of act of terrorism is determined based on data on the conducted and prevented terrorist attacks. Possible consequences of making of act of terrorism on object (territory) are determined based on forecast indicators about the number of people who can die or receive harm to health, about possible material damage and damage to the surrounding environment around finding of object (territory).

6. For implementation of categorization of object (territory) the decision of the head of object creates the commission on inspection of object (territory) (further - the commission).

7. The commissions are included:

a) the head of object or person (commission chairman) authorized by it;

b) the staff of the body (organization) which is a part of the system of the Federal Migration Service under which authority object (territory) is, responsible for fire safety, protection and technical reinforcement of object (territory), confidential clerical work, the solution of tasks in the field of civil defense;

c) representatives of territorial authority of safety and territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in coordination with heads of the specified territorial authorities;

d) representatives of other organizations (if necessary).

8. In work progress the commission:

a) constructive and technical characteristics of object (territory), the organization of its functioning, the operating measures for ensuring safe functioning of object (territory) are studied;

b) the degree of threat to making of act of terrorism on object (territory) and possible consequences of its making, and also the importance of object (territory) for infrastructure, life support and degree of potential danger of making of act of terrorism are determined;


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