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The document ceased to be valid since  August 19, 2016 according to item 4 of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and food industry of the Republic of Moldova of  August 5, 2016 No. 159


of June 12, 2015 No. 115

About approval of some documents

(as amended on 10-09-2015)

In pursuance of Item provisions 2, subitems 1) and 4) Item 16, the subitem 2) Item 27, the subitem 1) Item 36, subitems 1) and 3) Item 40, the subitem 4) and the subitem 10), lit. A) and b) Item 60, the subitem 5) Item 84, Item 95, Item 97, subitems 1), 4), 5) and 6) Item 98, Item 102, the subitem 3) Item 126, Item 176 and Item 183 of the Regulations on procedure for distribution of fund of the subsidizing of agricultural producers for 2015 approved by the Order of the Government No. 352 of June 10, 2015 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2015, Art. No. 144-149, 396), and for the purpose of creation of uniform conditions for ensuring effective administration with the financial resources intended for support of agricultural producers, PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the List of the grades of grapes demanded in the market of grape products according to appendix No. 1;

2) the Standard statement for provision of financial support for each measure separately according to appendix No. 2;

3) the Declaration under own responsibility of the agricultural producer according to appendix No. 3;

4) the Declaration under own responsibility of the central association according to appendix No. 4;

5) the Standard agreement about provision of financial support according to appendix No. 5;

6) the Standard act of installation of hothouse modules (construction of greenhouses, sunbeds and tunnels), stock, the equipment and material for covering and production of fruit and vegetables in the closed soil according to appendix No. 6;

7) the Standard act of creation of plantations of long-term plantings according to appendix No. 7;

8) The standard act of commissioning of systems from frosts and protivogradovy systems according to appendix No. 8;

9) the Standard act of installation of new processing equipment and the stock intended for equipment and upgrade of livestock farms according to appendix No. 9;

10) the Standard act of installation and commissioning of the new processing equipment and equipment intended for development of infrastructure of postharvest processing and conversion according to appendix No. 10;

11) the Standard act of commissioning of irrigation system according to appendix No. 11;

12) Model of the certificate issued by financial institutions in the direction of use of the credit and the amount of the percent paid since November 1, 2014 according to appendix No. 12;

13) Model of the list of beneficiaries of the loans issued by savings and loan associations according to appendix No. 13;

14) Model of the centralized act on beneficiaries of the loans issued by savings and loan associations according to appendix No. 14;

15) the Report model about distribution of financial support according to appendix No. 15;

16) the Standard act of inspection and spot test according to appendix No. 16.

2. Determine that for receipt of financial support according to measures for maintenance No. 31.1, 1. 2, 1.4 and 1.6, for which statements of formation of plantations in the fall of 2014, and also acts of commissioning from 1:11 were drawn up. 2014, their replacement by the acts approved according to subitems of 6)-11), Item 1 of this order is not required.

3. Assign to interventions and payments Agency in agricultural industry:

1) ensuring acceptance and consideration of documents of agricultural producers for provision of financial support by it in strict accordance with provisions of the Order of the Government No. 352 of June 10, 2015 and in connection therewith the order;

2) ensuring publication of this order, including in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, and placement on the official site of the Agency on interventions and payments in agricultural industry.

4. Declare invalid the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and food industry No. 39 of March 10, 2014 "About approval of some documents" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, No. 66 - 781, the Art. 360).

5. I impose control of execution of this order on myself.

Minister of Agriculture and food industry

Ion Sule

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and food industry of June 12, 2015 No. 115

The list of the grades of grapes demanded in the market of grape products

a) Table grades                      of b) wine grades


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