Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  March 1, 2016 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 29, 2016 No. 67


of April 17, 2015 No. 235

About price approval on the services realized by the subject of the state monopoly in the field of compulsory social insurance and provision of pensions

According to Item 3 of article 10-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 25, 2003 "About compulsory social insurance" and Item 2 of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 21, 2013 "About provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) the service prices realized by the subject of the state monopoly in the field of compulsory social insurance according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) the service prices realized by the subject of the state monopoly in the field of provision of pensions according to appendix 2 to this order.

2. To provide to department of public procurements and assets in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhakupova S. K.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is subject to official publication.

Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

T. Duysenova

It is approved

Acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 17, 2015


_____________ M. Kusainov

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 17, 2015 No. 235

The service prices realized by the subject of the state monopoly in the field of compulsory social insurance

№ of payment order

Name of service

Unit of measure

Price excluding VAT, tenge






Forming of prototypes of cases of receivers of social payments from means of the State Social Insurance Fund

1 prototype

2 642,83


Transfer of the amounts of social payments from funds of the State Social Insurance Fund for accounts of receivers

1 payment



Transfer of obligatory social assignments and (or) penalty fee on them from payers in the State Social Insurance Fund

1 payment order



Return to the payer of the amounts of social assignments transferred for the participant of system of the compulsory social insurance which does not have individual identification number and (or) in details of which mistakes, and also return of mistakenly credited or excessively paid amounts of social assignments and (or) penalty fee for untimely and (or) incomplete payment of social assignments are made

1 payment order



Provision of information services to physical persons and legal entities

1 information



Provision of information on the sizes of benefits

1 information



Provision of information on quantity and average amount of social payments

1 information



Confirmation to payers about the transferred amount of obligatory social assignments

1 information


Appendix 2

to the Order of the Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 17, 2015 No. 235

The service prices realized by the subject of the state monopoly in the field of provision of pensions

№ of payment order

Name of service

Unit of measure

Price excluding VAT, tenge






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