Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ

About archiving in the Russian Federation

(as amended on 13-12-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma on October 1, 2004

Approved by the Federation Council on October 13, 2004

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

This Federal Law governs the relations in the field of stores organization, completing, accounting and use of documents of Archive fund of the Russian Federation and other archive documents irrespective of their patterns of ownership, and also the relation in the field of management of archiving in the Russian Federation for the benefit of citizens, society and the state.

Article 2. Legal regulation of the relations in the field of archiving in the Russian Federation

1. The legislation on archiving in the Russian Federation consists of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, and also of other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws and other regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation accepted according to them.

2. Local government bodies within the powers can adopt the municipal legal acts governing the relations in the field of archiving in the Russian Federation.

3. If the international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules, than provided by this Federal Law rules of the international treaty are applied.

4. The decisions of interstate bodies made based on provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation in their interpretation contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation are not subject to execution in the Russian Federation. Such contradiction can be established according to the procedure, determined by the Federal constitutional Law.

Article 3. The basic concepts applied in this Federal Law

For the purpose of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are applied:

1) archiving in the Russian Federation (further also - archiving) - activities of state bodies, local government bodies, organizations and citizens in the field of stores organization, completing, accounting and use of documents of Archive fund of the Russian Federation and other archive documents;

2) the archive document - the material carrier with information fixed on it which has the details allowing to identify it and is subject to storage owing to the importance of the specified carriers and information for citizens, society and the state;

3) documents on staff - the archive documents reflecting employment relationships of the worker with the employer;

4) the document of Archive fund of the Russian Federation - the archive document which passed the examination of value of documents, delivered on the state accounting and subject to permanent storage;

5) especially important document - the document of Archive fund of the Russian Federation which has inherent cultural and historical and scientific value, special importance for society and the state and concerning which the specific mode of accounting, storage and use is set;

6) the unique document - especially important document which does not have similar according to information containing in it and (or) its external signs irreplaceable when losing from the point of view of its value and (or) avtografichnost;

7) archive fund - set of archive documents, historically or logically connected among themselves;

8) Archive fund of the Russian Federation - historically developed and constantly replenished set of the archive documents which are reflecting material and spiritual life of society, having historical, scientific, social, economic, political and cultural value, being integral part of historical and cultural heritage of the people of the Russian Federation belonging to information resources and which are subject to permanent storage;

9) archive - the organization or structural division of the organization performing storage, completing, accounting and use of archive documents;

10) the Public Records Office - the federal state institution created by the Russian Federation (further - the federal Public Records Office), or the public institution of the subject of the Russian Federation created by the subject of the Russian Federation (further - the Public Records Office of the subject of the Russian Federation) which perform completing, accounting, storage and use of documents of Archive fund of the Russian Federation, and also other archive documents;

11) municipal archive - the structural division of local government body or local government office created by the municipality which perform storage, completing, accounting and use of documents of Archive fund of the Russian Federation, and also other archive documents;

11. 1) notarial archive - the structural division created by notarial chamber of the subject of the Russian Federation which performs storage, completing, accounting and use of notarial documents according to the procedure, the established legislation of the Russian Federation on notariate and the legislation of the Russian Federation on archiving;

12) permanent document storage of Archive fund of the Russian Federation - document storage of Archive fund of the Russian Federation without determination of term (termless);

12. 1) permanent storage of notarial documents - storage of notarial documents without determination of term (termless);

13) temporary storage of archive documents - storage of archive documents before their destruction during the terms established by regulatory legal acts;

13. 1) temporary storage of notarial documents - storage of notarial documents before their destruction during the terms established by the Standard nomenclature of cases of the notary or before their transfer on storage according to subitems "an" and "v" of Item 2 of article 18.1 of this Federal Law;


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