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of June 3, 2015 No. 146

About approval of the general technical regulation about safety of printed material for educational institutions

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 28.05.2018 No. 392)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About technical regulation" and for the purpose of establishment of single requirements for safety of printed material for the Cabinet of Ministers educational institutions decides:

1. Approve the general technical regulation about safety of printed material for educational institutions according to appendix and enact it after six months from the date of official publication.

2. To the Uzstandart agency together with authorized state bodies:

in a month to carry out inventory count of the regulatory base of industry and following the results to determine the specific list of earlier accepted regulating documents on standardization establishing mandatory requirements to safety of printed material for educational institutions;

perform measures for cancellation of binding character and acquisition of voluntariness of their application from the date of enforcement of the General technical regulation about safety of printed material for educational institutions in accordance with the established procedure.

3. To the Uzbek agency on seal and information together with National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan, with broad attraction of financial resources of mass information to organize carrying out information and explanatory work among the population, bodies of the public and economic board, subjects of business activity about the purposes and content of safety requirements of printed material for educational institutions.

4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan U. U. Rozukulov.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 3, 2015 No. 146

The general technical regulation about safety of printed material for educational institutions

Chapter I. General provisions

§ 1. Purposes and scope of the General technical regulation

1. This General technical regulation establishes safety requirements to the printed material used in the sphere of preschool, general average and secondary vocational professional education (further - SSPO), is developed for the purpose of protection of life and health of users, environmental protection, and also the prevention of the actions misleading acquirers of products and extends to the following types of printed material:

a) printed material for the letter:

notebooks school;

commonplace books;

diaries are school rating;

notebooks and sketchbooks;


b) educational edition:


education guidance;

educational and methodical complex;

practical work (copy-books, printing workbook for the trainee, album book of problems, notebook for creative tasks);

c) editions for additional education:

literary and art;

popular scientific;

periodic (magazines, newspapers);

help (dictionaries, catalogs, etc.);


for leisure (stikersa, comics, crossword puzzles, etc.).

§ 2. Terms and determinations

2. For the purposes of this Technical regulation the concepts established by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About technical regulation" are used and also the following terms are applied:

visibility of the text - quality of paper (color, opacity, smoothness), quality of seal (contrast of type-setting sign and background, saturation and durability of paint);

hazardous substances - chemicals which in usage time of product can cause negative consequences for the state of health of the user of products in the presence of them in material, them which products, in the quantities exceeding the threshold limit values (TLV) are made;

production in the address - the products sent from warehouse of the manufacturer, the seller or person performing functions of the foreign manufacturer, or shipped without warehousing, or imported for realization in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

hygienic requirements of safety - the requirement to printed material, parameters of font registration and acceptances of execution of texts depending on type of the edition, amount of the text of one-time reading and age of the user of products.

waste paper - the waste of paper production which served the term of product from paper and cardboard;

the normal type face is the relation of width of point to its height depending on font ranging from % 66,5 to 78% respectively;

optical density - measure of weakening of light transparent objects or light reflections by opaque objects. It is decimal logarithm from size, the return to coefficient of transmission (reflection);

dummy - the original of the edition (book) which each page completely matches the corresponding page of future edition;

printing materials - the paper, cardboard gluing materials, paint polygraphic, film for lamination;

users of products are the pupils of educational institutions using products which are subject of this general technical regulation;

the acquirer of products - the physical person or legal entity having intention to acquire products or acquiring it;

legibility - influence of printed characters (font size), fonts (the drawing of font) and color of printing paints, format of strip of set and nature of arrangement on the page (length of line, interlower case distances - interlinyazh, the size of fields), reservoirs of font (set density) on sight when reading;

chemical safety - condition of product in case of which there is no risk connected with damnification to health or threat of life because of excess of level of concentration of unhealthy chemicals of the user.

Chapter II. Safety requirements to printed material for the letter

§ 1. Requirements to sanitary and chemical indicators

3. The printing materials applied to production of printed material for the letter shall have the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusions confirming their safety for health.

4. The printed material for the letter shall conform to requirements of chemical safety and not allocate hazardous substances in model (air and water) environment in the quantity exceeding the indicators given in appendix No. 1 to this General technical regulation.

§ 2. Key parameters

5. Parameters of printed material for the letter shall conform to the requirements given in appendix No. 2 to this General technical regulation.

Use of newsprint and glossy paper is not allowed.

6. For cover - paper oblozhechny writing-book, and also other types of oblozhechny paper with the corresponding indicators of smoothness, mechanical durability and extent of gluing is used. It is allowed to use for covers of school notebooks in amount 24 leaves binding material and other materials.

7. Depending on arrangement of lines the following types of rulings are established:

1, 2 - to one horizontal line;

3 - to two horizontal lines of various intensity;

4 - to two horizontal lines of various intensity with rare inclined lines;

For notebooks in cage the following parameters of rulings are set:

5 - in cage of 5x5 mm in size ±0,05;

6 - in cage of 7x7 mm in size ±0,05.

8. Rulings and the sizes of fields of school notebooks shall conform to the requirements specified in appendix No. 3 to this General technical regulation.

9. Notebooks school shall be produced by amount of 12 sheets with types of rulings 1, of 2, of 3, of 4, of notebook in amount 18 and 24 leaves - with types of rulings 2, 5.

Color of the main lines - violet, green, blue, gray; lines of the side field - red.

It is necessary to use the paints permitted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Not pro-ruling of lines and different saturation of paint is not allowed.

Horizontal lines on turns shall match. Maximum deviations between the next lines shall not exceed mm 2,0.

10. Diaries school rating shall be issued according to the approved sample approved with the Ministry of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

11. In paper for production of notebooks and sketchbooks number of motes by the square to mm2 0,5 at 1 sq.m - no more 150, motes are not allowed by the area of more 0,5 of mm2.

12. In coloring the minimum linear size of elements of the drawing shall be at least 5 mm.

13. The sawn-off shotgun of printed material for the letter shall be equal, without breaks of edges, shall not have anguishes, cuts, blots, folds, wrinkles, zaloshchenny and opaque strips and other defects worsening type of products.

14. On printed material for the letter it is allowed to stir:

on the first page of cover portraits of scientists, thinkers, great historic figures, statesmen, writers and poets which brought the contribution in development of the social humanities, mathematical, natural and technical science, the approved summary of them, of their creativity and opening, their aphorisms;

on the fourth page, proceeding from appointment, reference materials, the alphabet, national anthem, the historical dates and grammatical rules, Pythagoras's table, problem tasks, various units of measure, samples according to the solution of examples and tasks approved with the Ministry of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

15. Stir other information on covers of printed material for the letter it is not allowed.

Chapter III. Safety requirements to educational editions and editions for additional education

§ 1. Requirements to sanitary and chemical indicators

16. Educational editions shall conform to requirements of chemical safety and not allocate hazardous substances in model (air and water) environment in the quantity exceeding the indicators given in appendix No. 1 to this General technical regulation

§ 2. Key parameters

17. Parameters of educational editions shall conform to the requirements given in appendix No. 4 to this General technical regulation.

Use of newspaper and glossy paper is not allowed.

18. Depending on age category of the edition intend:

for - 1 - the 4th classes;

for - 5 - the 9th classes;

for SSPO.

19. The weight of the edition shall be no more:

300 gr for 1 - the 4th classes;

400 gr for the 5-6th classes;

500 gr for 7 - the 9th classes;

600 gr for SSPO.

Editions weighing more than 600 gr intend only for library use.

20. Depending on nature of presentation and amount of information material for one-time reading and assimilation of the edition on subject matters are subdivided on:

humanitarian: to alifba (abc-book), native speech, social science, world around, literature, linguistics (linguistics: Uzbek and foreign languages), basics of life safety, objects of esthetic cycle, physical culture, labor training, preconscription training, etc., social (public) disciplines: history, state law, logic, psychology, etc.;

natural: physics, chemistry, geography, biology, astronomy, etc.;

formal: mathematics, algebra, informatics, etc.;

special disciplines for professional education.

21. Editions for additional education depending on real visual loading when reading are subdivided into two categories:

a) the first:

literary and art;

popular scientific;

periodic (magazines, newspapers);

b) the second:

help (dictionaries, catalogs, etc.);


for leisure (stikersa, comics, crossword puzzles, etc.).

22. Editions for additional education according to age physiological features of organs of vision of the reader are subdivided into the following four groups:

the first age group - editions for children of the advanced preschool age from 4 to 6 years inclusive;

the second age group - editions for children of younger school age from 7 to 10 years inclusive;

the third age group - editions for children of middle school age from 11 to 14 years inclusive;

the fourth age group - for children of the advanced school age from 15 to 17 years inclusive.

§ 3. Requirements to font registration

23. The hygienic requirements imposed to basic elements of execution of educational editions (font, font size, length of line and other indicators) are determined by age categories of children, in particular, features of development of the visual analyzer. The size of visual loading when reading depends on visibility conditions and legibility.

24. In view of application when forming dummy of the edition of various computers and the software, text font sizes in printed material are given in absolute values - mm and relative sizes - size according to appendix No. 5 to this General technical regulation.

25. In workbook the free space at least than 30% on each page for task performance by the pupil is taken away.

26. In educational editions for general secondary education and SSPO:

a) fonts of normal or wide, light or semifat tracing are applied;

b) two-columned typing is allowed only for verses and the list of the list of words, with distance between columns of 12 mm (the 1-4th classes), in the abc-book - 18 mm, for specialized schools - 16 mm, for the senior classes and SSPO - 9 mm;

c) fonts only from group of chopped or new low-contrast are applied to specialized schools;

d) in case of registration of alphabetic, numerical and chemical formulas the size of font of basic elements of formulas can be on 2 Items (1 Item is equal in Dido's system to mm 0,376) less size of font of the main text, at least 6th size is applied to auxiliary elements of formulas;

e) it is not allowed to apply:

fonts of narrow tracing;

for the main and additional text reverse of font and color paints;

for allocation of the text reverse of font and color paints on color background;

color and gray background in copy-books and workbooks on the sites intended for the letter;

for evident images (the schedule, the scheme, the table, the chart, etc.) color paints on color background;

for the main and additional text set in three and more columns.

The optical density of background in case of text seal on color and gray background and (or) polichromatic illustrations shall be no more 0,3, in case of seal font reverse - at least 0,4.

27. In case of registration to alifba (abc-book):

a) the font 18 - 36 size high, font chopped are applied;

b) lists of words in column in case of the number of words in column no more than four and distance between columns at least 3/4 squares;

c) the number of transfers on the page shall not exceed 4;

d) the minimum length of line 6 (117 mm), maximum - the 7th square;

e) in case of font 18 size reservoir of line shall be no more 5,4 in case of the Cyrillic graphical basis and 6,0 zn / to - when using Latin graphical basis;

e) total area of illustrations on strip of bukvarny part of the abc-book is recommended at least 50%, in the ambassador of bukvarny part - at least 30%.

28. In educational editions for the 1-4th of classes:

a) fonts from group of chopped or new low-contrast are applied;

b) in case of text seal in amount more than 200 signs on color (gray) background the size of font shall be 2 Items more than height of font of the main text, increase in interlinyazh - at least 2 Items;

c) the word spacing shall be at least height of font of the main text;

d) application no more than three color paints is allowed;

e) to illustrations it is recommended to apply font to signatures height at least 12th size;

e) application of fonts with inclined axes of roundish letters is not allowed (fonts from group mediyevalny).

For editions on mathematics the 14th size for the 1-4th classes, with the minimum length of line of 90 mm is allowed.

In workshops on natural sciences for 2-4 classes it is allowed to use font 12 size high with reservoir of at least 7,7 zn/kV, for the additional text to use the 11th size with text amount no more than 200 signs.

Text execution of educational editions for the 1-4th classes appendices No. 6 to this General technical regulation shall conform to requirements.

29. In educational editions for the 5-9th of classes and SSPO:

a) the word spacing shall be at least a half of height of font of the main text;

b) for allocation of the text no more than two color paints are allowed;

c) three and more columns allowed to place lists of words and phrases (in editions on humanitarian disciplines), chronological material only in case of distance between columns at least 9 mm, in the presence of the dividing line - at least 6 mm;

d) no more than three paints, including black paint are applied to evident images (the schedule, the scheme, the table, the chart and another). The size of font of texts on evident images shall be at least 8.

Requirements to text execution of educational editions for the 5-9th of classes and SSPO are given in appendices No. 7 - 11 to this General technical regulation.

30. For cartographical texts in educational editions for 1–4 classes it is necessary to apply font size at least 10, to the 5-9th classes - at least 9, for SSPO - at least 8.

31. In text part of the combined educational editions for the 1-2nd of classes it is allowed to apply font equal 16, to the 2-3rd and 3-4th classes - at least 14, the 4-5th classes - at least 12, for the 5th class and the 11th size is higher.


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