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The document ceased to be valid since  February 3, 2024 according to part 1 of article 184 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 12, 2024 No. 14   


of January 9, 2005 No. 6

About protection of public health in the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 15-09-2021)

Accepted by General Court of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on November 11, 2004

This Law determines legal, economic and social basis of protection of public health in the Kyrgyz Republic, obligatory for execution by public authorities and local government bodies, physical persons and legal entities.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on protection of public health
Article 2. The basic concepts and determinations used in this Law

Accreditation - the official procedure of recognition of competence of the organizations of health care to perform professional activity according to accreditation standards.

The patient - person at whom disease availability is established.

The state and municipal organizations of health care - the organizations created by the founder (owner) for rendering the medical and sanitary help to citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The single payer - the state body realizing state policy in the sphere basic state and compulsory medical insurance and authorized to perform financing of programs basic state and compulsory medical insurance.

The diseases constituting danger to people around - diseases which can result in incidence and (or) death of large number of people in the shortest possible time.

The clinical protocol - the scheme of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of specific disease or condition of the patient to which health workers shall follow.

The complex integrated health care system of the Kyrgyz Republic - the system provided by the state, municipal and private organizations of health care performing on the principles of succession sales activity of state policy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of protection of public health, to accomplishment of national and state programs, development of medical education and medical science.

Consultation - joint consideration and the solution of questions of diagnostics and treatment of the patient.

The consolidated budget of health care system of the Kyrgyz Republic - set of means of the government budget, basic national health insurance, compulsory medical insurance, external borrowings and grant help of donors, and also the means accumulated on special treasurer accounts, the means received from the copayment of the population and other means which are not forbidden by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The medical and sanitary help - complex of the medical and other measures directed to protection, strengthening and recovery of health of citizens.

Medical rehabilitation - complex of the medical actions directed to recovery (or compensation) the broken functions of organism.

Medical service - the form of provision of the medical and sanitary help to the patient providing compensation of the made costs according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Medical ethics - set of ethical standards and the principles of behavior of the health worker in case of relations with the patient, society, other health workers in the course of rendering the medical and sanitary, sanitary and preventive help.

Health and pharmaceutical workers - persons borrowing in the procedure for position of doctors, druggists, average medical, pharmaceutical and junior medical personnel established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Protection of public health - set of the measures of political, economic, legal, social, cultural, scientific, ecological, medical, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic nature directed to preserving and strengthening of physical and mental health of each person, provision to it medical care in case of loss of health.

Palliative care - actions which purpose is improvement of quality of life incurable (the patient's condition excluding possibility of rescuing of life or complete recovery of health) sick and their families by means of the prevention and relief of their sufferings thanks to early detection, careful assessment and knocking over of pain and other symptoms of disease - physical, psychological and spiritual.

The patient - person who is given medical and sanitary help in the organizations of health care or at privately practicing health workers with execution of the corresponding medical documentation.

The program of the state guarantees for providing citizens with the medical and sanitary help (further - the Program of the state guarantees) the guaranteed amounts, types and conditions of provision of the medical and sanitary help to citizens providing realization of their rights to the medical and sanitary help in the organizations of health care irrespective of patterns of ownership, according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in health sector, basic state and compulsory medical insurance.

The sanitary and preventive help - the organizational, administrative, sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemic and other measures directed to elimination or reduction of harmful effects per capita of habitat factors, prevention of origin and spread of infectious diseases and mass noninfectious diseases.

Sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population - the state of health of the population, the habitat of the person in case of which there are no harmful effects of factors of the habitat per capita and are provided favorable conditions for its activity.

The family doctor, the general practitioner - the doctor who had special multi-profile training for rendering primary health care to citizens irrespective of their gender and age, the place of residence.

Network of the state and municipal organizations of health care - the organizations of health care which are in the state-owned or municipal property which operation is performed at the expense of means of the relevant budgets.

System of the Single payer - consolidation of financial resources of health care from means of basic national health insurance and compulsory medical insurance for the purpose of the subsequent carrying out single-channel financing by calculations for the medical and sanitary and pharmaceutical services rendered to the population by the organizations of health care.

Medical authorities - bodies and the organizations of health care performing activities in certain field of health care.

Copayment - participation of the citizen in payment of cost of the medical services received by it rendered over the amount of financing of the Program of the state guarantees.

Socially important diseases - diseases, origin and (or) distribution of which in the determining degree depends on social and economic conditions.

Pharmaceutical activities - one or several processes of activities for production, production, wholesale and retail sale, leave of medicines and medical products connected among themselves, including import, export, storage, marking, distribution, use and destruction of medicines and medical products.

Euthanasia - the voluntary, approved with the doctor death of the incurable patient by means of special anesthetics, including the terminations of artificial measures for maintenance of life.

Contents of other terms are determined by individual clauses of this Law.

Article 3. Main objectives of this Law

This Law is the main regulatory legal act regulating questions of protection of public health in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The main objectives of this Law are:

- realization of the inalienable right of citizens to protection and protection of the health, life and health of other persons guaranteed by the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- determination of powers of public authorities and local government bodies concerning protection of public health in the Kyrgyz Republic;

- legal regulation of organization activity of health care, irrespective of patterns of ownership, in the field of protection of public health;

- determination of the rights and obligations of citizens, separate national groups in the field of health protection and establishment of guarantees of their observance;

- determination of professional privileges, obligations and responsibility of health and pharmaceutical workers, establishment of guarantees of their social protection.

Article 4. The basic principles of state policy in the field of protection of public health in the Kyrgyz Republic

The basic principles of state policy in the field of protection of public health in the Kyrgyz Republic are:

- observance of the rights of citizens to health protection;

- social justice, equality, availability of the medical and sanitary and sanitary and preventive help;

- social protection of citizens in case of loss of health;

- development of health care according to requirements of the population, forming of the complex integrated system of provision of the medical and sanitary help and creation of equal conditions for functioning of the organizations of health care, irrespective of patterns of ownership;

- free use of citizens of network of the public and local government offices of health care within the Program of the state guarantees;

- active participation of the population, public organizations in the solution of questions of health protection;

- responsibility of citizens for preserving and strengthening of the health, health of children, parents and people around;

- scientific justification of holding medical and sanitary and sanitary and preventive actions;

- preventive orientation of health care, forming at the commitment population to healthy lifestyle;

- responsibility of public authorities and local government bodies, legal entities and officials for failure to provide of the state guarantees in preservation and promotion of health of citizens;

- responsibility of persons giving medical and sanitary help for failure to provide of its safety and quality.


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