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of January 2, 2015 No. 2

About payment terms of work of heads of the federal state unitary enterprises

(as amended on 17-04-2024)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on payment terms of work of heads of the federal state unitary enterprises (further - the Provision).

2. To the federal executive bodies and the organizations performing functions and powers of the founder according to the conclusion, change and the termination in accordance with the established procedure of employment contracts with heads of the federal state unitary enterprises:

in case of the conclusion of employment contracts with heads of the federal state unitary enterprises to be guided by the Provision;

perform in 6-month time in accordance with the established procedure actions for modification of employment contracts with heads of the federal state unitary enterprises for the purpose of their reduction in compliance with the Provision.

3. To the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in 3-month time from the date of entry into force of this resolution to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with the Provision.

4. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1994 No. 210 "About payment terms of work of heads of the state companies in case of the conclusion with them employment contracts (contracts)" (Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 13, the Art. 991).

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 2, 2015 No. 2

Regulations on payment terms of work of heads of the federal state unitary enterprises

1. This Provision establishes payment terms of work of heads of the federal state unitary enterprises (further - the companies) in case of the conclusion with them employment contracts, and also limit of ratio of the average monthly salary of heads, deputy managers, chief accountants of the companies and the average monthly salary of employees of the companies.

2. Compensation of heads of the companies includes official pay rate, payments of the compensatory and stimulating nature.

3. The size of official pay rate of the director is determined by federal executive body or the organization performing functions and powers of the founder according to the conclusion, change and the termination in accordance with the established procedure of the employment contract with the director (further - the founder), depending on complexity of work, scale of management and features of activities and the importance of the company.

4. Payments of compensation nature are established for heads of the companies according to the procedure and the sizes provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing regulations of labor right.

5. For encouragement of heads of the companies payments of the stimulating nature which are performed by results of achievement by the company of the indicators of cost efficiency of its activities approved by the founder for the corresponding period taking into account personal deposit of the director in implementation of the main objectives and functions determined by the charter of the company are established.

The size and frequency of payments of the stimulating nature are determined by the founder taking into account achievement of indicators of cost efficiency of activities of the company.

6. The limit of ratio of the average monthly salary of heads, deputy managers, chief accountants of the companies and the average monthly salary of workers (without payroll accounting of the head, deputy managers, the chief accountant) the companies is determined by the regulation of the founder in frequency rate from 1 to 8. The ratio of the average monthly salary of the head, deputy managers, the chief accountant of the company and the average monthly salary of employees of the company is determined by division of the average monthly salary of the corresponding head, the deputy manager, the chief accountant into the average monthly salary of employees of this company. Determination of the average monthly salary is for present purposes performed according to the Regulations on features of procedure for calculation of the average salary approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 №922 "About features of procedure for calculation of the average salary".

In case of establishment of payment terms of work to the director the founder shall proceed from need of ensuring not excess of limit of the ratio of the average monthly salary established according to paragraph one of this Item in case of accomplishment by the head of all indicators of cost efficiency of the company and receipt of the stimulating payments following the results of work in the maximum size.

Without limit of the ratio of the sizes of the average monthly salary established by paragraph one of this Item according to the decision of the founder payment terms of work of heads of the companies included in the list of the federal state unitary enterprises in which payment terms of work of heads, deputy managers, chief accountants can be established without limit of ratio of the sizes of the average monthly salary of heads, deputy managers, chief accountants of the federal state unitary enterprises and the average monthly salary of employees of these companies, No. 2555-r approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2015, except for the companies specified in Items 9 and 10 of this provision can be established.

The companies performing production (works, services), having the special importance, scale, uniqueness, and also strategic importance are included in the specified list.

Conditions of establishment and limiting application of the ratio provided by paragraphs second and third this Item for heads of the companies and the size of such ratio extend to deputy managers and chief accountants.

The limit of ratio of the average monthly salary of the head, deputy managers, the chief accountant of the company and the average monthly salary of employees of this company (without payroll accounting of the head, deputy managers, the chief accountant) included in the specified list is established by the regulation of the founder.

The drafts of these acts containing limits of ratio of the average monthly salary in frequency rate 1 to 15 and above are subject to coordination with Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia to whose duties coordination of questions of activities of the corresponding founders of the companies, or the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia to whose duties coordination of questions of activities of Federal Agency for State Property Management belongs belongs.


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