of February 24, 2015 No. 150
About approval of Regulations of Admission, accounting, storage and ensuring safety in law-enforcement bodies of the withdrawn, voluntarily handed over, found weapon, ammunition, explosive materials
According to the subitem 25) of article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 2014 "About law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations of Admission, accounting, storage and ensuring safety in law-enforcement bodies of the withdrawn, voluntarily handed over, found weapon, ammunition, explosive materials.
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 29.03.2016 No. 313
3. To provide to committee of administrative police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order, its direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan police major general Turgumbayev E. Z. and Committee of administrative police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Lepekh I. V.).
5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister police lieutenant general
K. Kasymov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 24, 2015 No. 150
1. These rules determine operating procedure of law-enforcement bodies by acceptance, accounting, storage and the ensuring safety withdrawn on administrative and civil cases, which is voluntarily handed over, the found weapon, ammunition, explosive materials.
2. The procedure for withdrawal, accounting, storage, transfer and destruction of physical evidences, documents on criminal cases by court, bodies of prosecutor's office, criminal prosecution and judicial examination is established by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1291 of December 09, 2014 "About approval of Rules of withdrawal, accounting, storage, transfer and destruction of physical evidences, the withdrawn documents, money in national and foreign currency, drugs, psychotropic substances on criminal cases by court, bodies of prosecutor's office, criminal prosecution and judicial examination".
3. For the organization of the acceptance arriving withdrawn on administrative and civil cases, which is voluntarily handed over, the found weapon, ammunition, explosive materials (further - arms objects), and also for the purpose of control of procedure for its acceptance, accounting, storage and safety in Departments of police of areas, cities of republican value, capital and on transport (further - DP(T), city, district and line departments of law-enforcement bodies (further - gorraylinorgana) orders of chiefs of DP(T) create the permanent commissions on control and acceptance of the weapon withdrawn on administrative and civil cases, voluntarily handed over, found, ammunition, explosive materials (further - the commission).
4. The commissions are included representatives of divisions of administrative and criminal police, the investigation, own safety, logistic support of operational and criminalistic divisions (further - OKP) and informatizations and bonds (further - IS) DP(T). These commissions are headed by one of deputy chiefs of DP(T).
Said commissions perform acceptance of objects of arms on DP(T) art technical arms warehouses (further - ATV), and also checks of DP(T), gorraylinorgan on observance of requirements of these rules.
5. Acceptance of objects of arms in gorraylinorgana is exercised by the employees exercising control in the field of turnover of civil and office weapon or the employee fulfilling its duties (further - KOGSO), in night and time off operations duty officers of internals.
6. Acceptance of voluntarily handed over arms objects in the remote settlements by local police inspectors, with the subsequent delivery to the employee of KOGSO is allowed.
7. The weapon withdrawn on administrative and civil cases, voluntarily handed over, found (further - weapon) having identification number is checked on accounting "Criminal weapon" and "The registered weapon" of the Integrated databank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - IBD).
8. On the weapon which is not consisting on accounting of IBD "Criminal Weapon" and "The Registered Weapon" within a day the information retrieval card "Criminal Weapon" is filled (further - IPK-Krimo) and goes to regional division of IATs for information input in the databank "Criminal Weapon".
9. The employee the sent inquiry for check of weapon, in case of identification of coincidence to accounting of IBD "Criminal Weapon" and "The Registered Weapon", sends information on coincidence to the initiator of statement or in coincidence weapon place of registration, weapon is transferred to warehouse ATV according to the procedure, established by these rules.
10. All unregistered in law-enforcement bodies (further - Department of Internal Affairs) weapon goes to OKP for determination of suitability to shot and reference of its type and type, in case of lack of identification number, brand, model or impossibility of their determination (indistinct display) weapon goes to OKP of DP(T) for carrying out criminalistic researches on establishment of the destroyed serial numbers, marking.
11. In case of establishment, as a result of criminalistic researches, identification number, brand weapon is checked on accounting of IBD "Criminal Weapon" and "The Registered Weapon".
In case of establishment of originally wrong determination of number by the initiator of check of weapon the official report about need of introduction of adjustments, with indication of originally entered data and researches established after carrying out goes to IATs.
12. In case of not establishment of number of weapon, in OKP identification number is assigned to it, (the containing sequence number, code of the region and date of assignment of number).
13. Drawing number is carried out on visible part of the mechanism (trunk and receiver, frame) mechanically (blow, pressure) or with use of the high-concentrated power sources, including the laser, on depth mm 0,2 suffices.
14. In case of impossibility of drawing marking marking is carried out by the listed methods (fragility of metal, plastic details) by engraving.
15. Drawing number on site of remote factory marking, and also at distance more than 50 mm from the trunk basis is not allowed.
16. Information on assignment of number is brought in register of the assigned numbers to the weapon withdrawn on administrative and civil cases, voluntarily handed over, found in form according to appendix 1 to these rules.
17. The conclusion about results of criminalistic researches containing the assigned number goes to the initiator of check. Weapon is exposed on accounting "Criminal weapon" of IBD by the direction of check IPK-Krimo filled with the initiator in IATs. If, as a result of researches changes of identification number are established, brands the corresponding corrections are made to IBD.
18. Check of weapon on accounting "Criminal weapon" and "The registered weapon" IBD, the direction it in OKP, sending IPK-Krimo to IATs for information input to the databank "Criminal Weapon", and registration of weapon is performed by the staff of Department of Internal Affairs who withdrew, accepted on voluntary surrender, found weapon.
19. The employee of KOGSO performs check on accounting "Criminal weapon" and "The registered weapon" IBD, the direction in OKU(O), sending IPK-Krimo to IATs for the information input to the databank "Criminal Weapon" and registration withdrawn on administrative cases of the weapon which is voluntarily handed over, found it, and also objects of the arms which are handed over by the staff of other state bodies.
Voluntarily handed over weapon registered in Department of Internal Affairs is accepted only by the employee of KOGSO.
After transfer on warehouse ATV of the handed-over weapon registered in Department of Internal Affairs, the employee of KOGSO makes corrections about it to IBD with indication of number and date of the reception act, after that weapon is struck off the register of IBD.
The employee of IATs monthly carries out accounting reconciliation "The registered weapon" by IBD with reception acts, regarding reliability of the entered adjustments. Reception acts are represented to IATs to chief storekeepers of ATV.
20. Arms objects after registration without delay are given to the employee of KOGSO for the placement to the room intended for storage of weapon, ammunition, explosive materials in specially intended metal case which is sealed personal seal of the employee of KOGSO.
21. The documents processed to arms objects within days are given to the operations duty officer of Department of Internal Affairs for registration and further are transferred to management of Department of Internal Affairs of the staff of Department of Internal Affairs who withdrew, accepted arms objects on voluntary surrender.
22. In case of acceptance of objects of arms the employee of KOGSO checks, for compliance of entries in the documents on quantity, system, number, year of production, external condition of weapon and ammunition submitted to it to their actual availability. In case of discrepancy of data of the document with weapon availability on numbers, and also other its signs the inspection statement, survey and acceptance of weapon, ammunition, explosive materials by the employee of KOGSO in form according to appendix 2 to these rules with participation of person which is handing over weapon, ammunition, explosive materials is drawn up.
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