Approved by the Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 30, 2014 No. 358
Rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of the equipment working under pressure
1. These rules of ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of the equipment working under pressure (further - Rules) are developed according to subitem 94-16) of Item 16 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 23, 2020 No. 701 and determine procedure for ensuring industrial safety in case of operation of the equipment working under pressure.
2. In these rules the following terms and determinations are used:
1) the boiler – the device intended for heating of the water which is under pressure above atmospheric and used as the heat carrier out of this device;
2) the boiler – the device intended for development of vapor with pressure is higher atmospheric, used out of this device;
3) power technology copper – steam or the boiler in which fire chamber conversion of technology materials is performed;
4) the boiler superheater – the device intended for temperature increase of vapor is higher than temperature of pressure of saturation corresponding to pressure in copper;
5) the autonomous boiler superheater boiler superheater who is built in copper or the gas flue or separate in which vapor for overheat arrives from external source;
6) the economizer – the device warmed by products of combustion of fuel and intended for heating or partial evaporation of the water arriving in the boiler;
7) the autonomous economizer – the economizer which is built in copper or the gas flue which warmed-up water fully or partially is used out of this copper, or the separate economizer which warmed-up water fully or partially is used in the boiler;
8) settlement resource of copper – duration of operation of copper (element) during which the manufacturer guarantees its work on condition of observance of the mode of operation specified in management of the manufacturer, and settlement number of start-up from cold and hot condition;
9) safety devices – the devices intended for protection of vessels water-heating and boilers, pipelines of vapor and hot water from exceeding of pressure or temperature over admissible sizes of the device;
10) cylinder – the vessel having one or two mouths for installation of gates, flanges or unions, intended for transportation, storage and uses compressed liquefied or dissolved under pressure of gases;
11) barrel – the vessel of cylindrical or other form which is rolled from one place on another and is put on end faces without the additional support intended for transportation and storage of liquid and other substances;
12) capacity – the amount of internal cavity of vessel determined by the nominal sizes set on drawings;
13) pressure internal (outside) – pressure operating on internal (outside) surface of wall of vessel;
14) pressure trial – the excessive pressure with which testing of the equipment for durability and density is made;
15) pressure working – the maximum excessive pressure arising in case of normal course of working process;
16) pressure settlement – pressure on which to be made calculation on durability;
17) pressure conditional – the settlement pressure at temperature of 20 degrees Celsius (further – With °) used when calculating on durability of standard vessels (nodes, details, armature);
18) the admissible temperature of wall maximum (minimum) – the maximum (minimum) temperature of wall at which operation of vessel is allowed;
19) pressure permitted – the most admissible excessive pressure for the equipment (element) established based on assessment of conformity and (or) control calculation on durability;
20) vessel – the hermetically sealed reservoir (which is stationary established or portable), intended for conducting chemical, thermal and other engineering procedures, and also for storage and transportation of gaseous, liquid and other substances;
21) the feedwell – the cylindrical cover of the closed profile opened from end faces;
22) the bottom – the integral part of the body of vessel limiting internal cavity from end face;
23) temperature of working environment – the minimum (maximum) temperature of the circle in case of normal course of engineering procedure;
24) wall temperature settlement – temperature at which physicomechanical characteristics are determined the allowed tension of material also is carried out calculation on durability of elements of the equipment;
25) the tank – the portable vessel which is constantly established on frame of the rail car, on the chassis of the car (trail car) or other vehicles, intended for transportation and storage of gaseous, liquid and other substances;
26) residual resource – total operating time of object from the moment of control of its technical condition before transition to limiting condition;
27) service life settlement – the service life in calendar years established when designing and estimated from the date of commissioning of the equipment;
28) settlement resource of vessel (element) – duration of operation of vessel (element) during which the manufacturer guarantees its work on condition of observance of the mode of operation specified in management of the manufacturer, and settlement number of start-up from cold and hot condition;
29) the service life appointed – the calendar duration of operation of the equipment in case of which achievement operation shall be stopped irrespective of its technical condition;
30) the expert opinion – result of expertize of industrial safety about compliance of dangerous technical devices, to requirements of industrial safety;
31) production schedules – the internal regulating document of the company establishing the sequence and methods of conducting works, requirements and measures for safety of the carried-out work types;
32) the certified organization – the organization certified on the right of conducting examination in the field of industrial safety;
33) engineering certification – the complex of actions providing carrying out external examination, internal survey of surfaces of processing equipment using the methods of nondestructive control, hydraulic or pneumatic testing providing reliability and mechanical integrity of the equipment throughout the service life specified by the manufacturer in the passport for the purpose of determination of technical condition, possibility of safe operation of the equipment, or carrying out monitoring on condition of availability at the owner of the equipment, techniques and tools providing reliability and mechanical integrity of the equipment taking into account assessment of risk factors of RK which are carried out based on ST "The industry oil and gas. Engineering certification taking into account risk factors".
3. These rules extend on:
1) boilers, including coppers boilers, autonomous boiler superheaters and economizers;
2) power technology coppers: steam and water-heating and sodoregeneratsionny coppers;
3) coppers utilizers; steam and water-heating;
4) coppers portable and transportable installations and power trains;
5) coppers steam and liquid, working with high temperature and organic heat carriers;
6) pipelines of vapor and hot water within copper;
7) the vessels working under pressure of water with temperature exceeding higher than 115 ° C or other liquid with temperature exceeding boiling temperature with 0,07 pressure Megapaskal (further - MPa), (0,7 of kilograms of force on centimeter square), (further - kgf/cm 2), without hydrostatic pressure;
8) the vessels working under vapor pressure or gas over MPa 0,07 (0,7 of kgf/cm 2);
9) the cylinders intended for the transportations and storage compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases under pressure over MPa 0,07 (0,7 of kgf/cm 2);
10) tanks and barrels for transportation and storage of the liquefied gases which pressure of vapors at temperature up to 50 ° C exceeds MPa 0,07 pressure (0,7 of kgf/cm 2);
11) tanks and vessels for the transportation or storage compressed, the liquefied gases, liquids and loose bodies in which pressure is higher than MPa 0,07 (0,7 of kgf/cm 2) is created periodically for their emptying;
12) pressures chamber and pressures chamber many-placed, including established on vehicles;
13) pipelines of vapor and hot water with the working vapor pressure of more 0,07 of MPa (0,7 of kgf/cm 2) or water heating temperature over 115 °C.
4. All pipelines to which Rules extend are divided into four categories according to appendix 1 to these rules.
5. In case of determination of category of the pipeline working parameters of the transported circle to consider:
1) for steam lines from coppers pressure and vapor temperature on their nominal rates at the exit from copper (for the boiler superheater);
2) for steam lines from the turbines working with counter-pressure - the greatest possible pressure in counter-pressure provided by specifications on delivery of the turbine, and the greatest possible temperature of vapor in counter-pressure during the operation of the turbine idling;
3) for steam lines from non-regulated and regulated selections of vapor of the turbine (including for steam lines of intermediate overheat) - the greatest possible values of pressure and temperature of vapor in selection (according to data of the manufacturer of the turbine);
4) for steam lines from reducing and reduktsionno-cooling installations - the greatest possible values of pressure and temperature of the reduced vapor accepted in the project of installation;
5) for feedwater pipelines after deaerators - elevated pressure the nominal pressure of water taking into account the hydrostatic pressure of column of liquid and saturation temperature in the deaerator;
6) for feedwater pipelines after nutritious pumps and heaters of high pressure - the largest pressure created in pressure pipeline by the nutritious electric pump in case of the closed latch and the maximum pressure on the soaking-up line of the pump (in case of use of nutritious pumps with the turbodrive and electric pumps with hydraulic clutch - 1,05 of nominal pressure of the pump, piston pumps - 1,2 of nominal pressure of copper), and the maximum settlement water temperature behind the last heater of high pressure.
6. The category of the pipeline determined by working parameters of the circle on entrance to it (in case of lack on it of the devices changing these parameters), belongs to all pipeline, irrespective of its extent and it is specified in the project documentation.
7. The design of vessels provides operation during settlement service life and provides carrying out engineering certification, cleaning, washing, complete emptying, purge, repair, operational control of metal and connections.
8. The devices interfering external and internal examination of vessels (mixers, coils, shirts, plates, partitions and other devices), are provided by removable. In case of use of welded devices, the possibility of their removal for carrying out external and internal examination and the subsequent installation into place is provided.
9. If the design of vessel does not allow carrying out the outside and internal surveys or hydraulic testing provided by these rules, developer of the project of vessel in the operation manual the technique, frequency and amount of control which accomplishment provides timely detection and elimination of defects is specified.
10. Designs of internal devices provide removal from air vessel in case of hydraulic testing and waters after hydraulic testing.
11. Vessels have unions for filling and discharge of water, removal of air in case of hydraulic testing.
12. On each vessel the gate, the crane or other device allowing to exercise control of lack of pressure in vessel before its opening is provided, at the same time withdrawal of the circle goes to the place, safe for service personnel.
13. Calculation on durability of vessels and their elements is made in accordance with GOST 34233.1-2017 "Vessels and devices. Regulations and methods of calculation on durability. General requirements" both GOST 34233.2-2017 "Vessels and devices. Regulations and methods of calculation on durability. Calculation of cylindrical and conic feedwells, convex and flat bottoms and covers". In the absence of calculation, calculation on durability to be carried out by the certified organization.
14. Vessels which in use change the space provision have the devices preventing them samooprokidovaniye.
15. For quality check of welding of the rings strengthening openings for hatches, manholes and unions the control opening is provided in ring if it is welded outside, or in wall if the ring is welded from the inside of vessel. In case of welding of the strengthening rings on both sides (in and outside of the vessel body) control openings are carried out in both rings. In podkladny sheets of the unions and support welded on the vessel body on all perimeter control openings are carried out.
16. The electric equipment and grounding of vessels is carried out in compliance by requirements of Regulations for electrical installation.
17. Vessels are supplied with the hatches and viewing hatches providing survey, cleaning and repair of vessels, installation and dismantle of folding internal devices.
18. The vessels consisting of the cylindrical body and lattices with the tubes (heat exchangers) fixed in them, and the vessels intended for transportation and storage of cryogenic liquids are allowed to be produced without hatches and hatches irrespective of diameter of vessels, on condition of accomplishment of the requirement of Item 9 of these rules.
19. Vessels with internal diameter more than 800 millimeters (further - mm.) have hatches, and with internal diameter of 800 mm and less - hatches.
20. Internal diameter of round hatches is at least 400 mm. The sizes of oval hatches on the smallest and the greatest axes to light - at least 325 x 400 mm.
21. Internal diameter round or the size on the smallest axis of oval hatches - at least 80 mm.
22. Hatches and hatches are located in the places available to servicing.
23. Covers of hatches removable. On the vessels isolated on the basis of vacuum welded covers are allowed.
24. Covers of vessels, hatches weighing more than 20 kilograms (further – kg) are supplied podjemno - rotary and other devices for their opening and closing.
25. The design pivotally - folding or plug-in bolts, collars, tightening devices of hatches, covers and their flanges prevents their spontaneous shift.
26. In the presence on vessels of unions, the removable bottoms or covers which internal diameter, is at least specified for hatches in Item 20 and providing possibility of carrying out internal survey it is allowed not to provide hatches.
27. In vessels the bottoms are applied: elliptic, hemispherical, torosferichesky, spherical not otbortovanny, conic otbortovanny, conic not otbortovanny, flat otbortovanny, flat not otbortovanny.
28. The elliptic bottoms have height of convex part measured on internal surface, 0,2 of internal diameter of the bottom suffices. Reduction of this size in case of reasons for design constructive documentation is allowed.
29. The Torosferichesky (korobovy) bottoms have:
1) height of convex part measured on internal surface is at least 0,2 of internal diameter;
2) the internal diameter of collaring is at least 0,1 of internal diameter of the bottom;
3) internal radius of curvature of the central part of no more internal diameter of the bottom.
30. The spherical not otbortovanny bottoms are allowed to be applied with the welded flanges, at the same time:
1) internal radius of the sphere of the bottom of no more internal diameter of vessel;
2) welded connection of flange with the bottom is carried out with continuous pro-pitch.
31. In the welded convex bottoms consisting of several parts with arrangement of welded seams on chord, distance from axis of welded seam to the center of the bottom no more than 1/5 internal diameters of the bottoms.
32. Circular seams of the convex bottoms are located from each other at distance no more than 1/3 internal diameters of the bottom.
33. The conic not otbortovanny bottoms have the central corner no more than 45 lakes. In case of reasons in design design documentation the central corner is allowed to increase to 60 lakes.
34. The flat bottoms with the ring flute and cylindrical part (board) made by mechanical boring are made of forging, production of the otbortovanny flat bottom from leaf is allowed if collaring is carried out by stamping or running in of edge of leaf with bend on 90 lakes.
35. For otbortovanny and transitional elements of vessels, except for the convex bottoms, compensators and the extended mouths under welding of unions, distance from the beginning of curve of otbortovanny element to axis of welded seam depending on thickness of wall of otbortovanny element is accepted on appendix 2 to these rules.
36. Welded seams of vessels are carried out end-to-end.
37. Welded connections in the Tauri and angular for welding of the flat bottoms, flat flanges, pipe lattices, unions, hatches, shirts are allowed.
38. For welding of the strengthening rings and basic elements application of lap welded seams is allowed.
39. Welded seams shall be available to the control in case of production, installation and operation of vessels provided by requirements of these rules, interstate and national standards.
40. The constructive gap in angular and tavrovy connections is allowed in case of reasonable calculation.
41. Longitudinal seams of adjacent feedwells and seams of the bottoms of vessels are displaced relatively each other at size of triple thickness of the thickest element, but on 100 mm at least, between axes of seams.
42. Seams are allowed be not to displaced it is relative each other in the vessels intended for work under pressure of no more 1,6 of MPa (16 kgfs/cm 2) and temperature of wall is not higher than 400 ° C, with nominal thickness of wall no more than 30 mm provided that these seams are carried out by automatic or electroslag welding and places of crossing of seams are controlled by method of radiography or ultrasonic defectoscopy of 100%.
43. When welding crossing of these welded seams with joint seams on condition of preliminary check of the blocked site of seam of the body radiation control or ultrasonic defectoscopy and places of crossing of the specified seams is allowed to the body of vessel of internal and external devices (basic elements, plates, shirts, partitions and others).
44. In case of welding of seam of support or other elements to external part of the body of vessel, distance between edge of welded seam of vessel and edge of seam of welding of element at least thickness of wall of the body of vessel, but at least 20 mm.
45. For vessels from carbonaceous staly, low-alloyed manganic and kremnemargantsovisty staly, subjected after welding to heat treatment, irrespective of body wall thickness distance between edge of welded seam of vessel and edge of seam of welding of element, at least 20 mm.
46. In case of welding of any elements to the body of the vessel which underwent heat treatment heat treatment of the body of vessel on ring zone on site of installation is carried out.
47. In horizontal vessels local overlapping by saddle support of ring (cross) welded seams on the total length of no more 0,35 D is allowed, and in the presence of podkladny leaf no more 0,5 D where the D outer diameter of vessel. At the same time the blocked sites of welded seams on all length are checked by radiation control or ultrasonic defectoscopy.
48. In joint welded connections of elements of vessels with the different thickness of walls smooth transition from one element to another by gradual thinning of edge of thicker element is provided. The tilt angle of surfaces of transition does not exceed 20 lakes. If the difference in thickness of the connected elements constitutes no more than 30%, thickness of thin element and does not exceed 5 mm, application of welded seams without preliminary thinning of thick element is allowed. The form of seams provides smooth transition from thick element to thin.
49. When joining cast detail with details from pipes, hire or forgings to consider that the nominal settlement thickness of cast detail is 25-40% more than the similar settlement thickness of wall of element from pipes, hire or forgings, transition from thick element to thin is carried out so that thickness of the end of cast detail was at least nominal settlement size.
50. Openings for hatches, hatches and unions are located out of welded seams. The arrangement of openings is allowed:
- on longitudinal seams of cylindrical and conic feedwells of vessels if diameter of openings is no more than 150 mm;
- on ring seams of cylindrical and conic feedwells of vessels without restriction of diameter of openings;
- on seams of the convex bottoms without restriction of diameter of openings on condition of 100% of check of welded seams of the bottoms by radiation method or ultrasonic defectoscopy.
51. Welded seams of unions and hatches are carried out with complete pro-melting.
52. On the torosferichesky (korobovy) bottoms the arrangement of openings within the central spherical segment is allowed. At the same time the distance from bottom opening edge measured on chord, no more 0,4 D (D - the outer diameter of the bottom).
53. The materials applied to repair of vessels ensure functioning of vessel during settlement service life taking into account the set service conditions (settlement pressure, the minimum negative and maximum settlement temperature), structure and nature of the circle (corrosion activity, potential of explosion, toxicity and others) and influences of temperature of air.
54. For repair of vessels, tanks and barrels the materials specified in appendix 13-14 to these rules, and are applied to repair of cylinders, the material specified in the table 7 of appendix 14 to these rules.
55. No. 148 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 06.05.2022
56. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
57. In case of the choice of materials for the vessels intended for installation on the open area or in not heated rooms, it is considered that the absolute minimum temperature of wall of vessel can become negative from air impact when the vessel is under pressure that shall be reflected in calculations on vessel durability.
58. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
59. Use of additive materials of specific brands, gumboils and protective gases is made according to specifications on production of this vessel and the instruction for welding.
60. Use of new additive materials, gumboils and protective gases is allowed by technical guidance of the organization after confirmation of their technological effectiveness when welding vessels, checking all complex of required properties of welded connections (including properties of metal of seam).
61. Quality, properties of materials and semifinished products meet requirements of the corresponding standards and are confirmed with certificates of manufacturers.
62. In the certificate the mode of heat treatment of semifinished product of the manufacturer is specified. In case of absence or incompleteness of the certificate or marking testing with registration of their results the protocol supplementing or replacing the certificate of the manufacturer of material are carried out.
63. The carbonaceous and low-alloyed sheet steel more than 60 mm thick intended for repair of the vessels working under pressure of over 10 MPas (100 kgfs/cm 2), are exposed to half-devout control by ultrasonic or other equivalent method of defectoscopy.
64. The bimetallic sheets more than 25 mm thick intended for repair of the vessels working under pressure of over 4 MPas (40 kgfs/cm 2), are exposed to half-devout control ultrasonic defectoscopy or by other equivalent method.
65. The electrowelded pipes applied to repair of vessels with longitudinal or spiral seam are exposed to quality control of welded seam on all length radiation, ultrasonic or another equivalent defectoscopy by it.
66. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
67. Forgings from carbonaceous, low-alloyed and srednelegirovanny staly, the MPas intended for work under pressure over 6,3 (63 kgfs/cm 2) and more than 200 mm having one of overall dimensions and thickness more than 50 mm, are exposed to piece control by ultrasonic or other equivalent method.
68. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
69. Castings steel are applied in thermally processed condition. Inspection of mechanical properties of castings is carried out after heat treatment.
70. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
71. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
72. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
73. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
74. Welding of vessels and their elements is made according to specifications and projects.
75. Design documentation contains instructions for technology of welding of metals, use of additive materials, types and amount of control, preliminary heat treatment.
76. No. 148 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 06.05.2022
77. The welder is allowed to accomplishment of production joints in case of positive results of quality control and mechanical testing of trial joint.
78. Before welding quality of assembly of the connected elements, condition of the joined edges and surfaces adjoining to them is checked. In case of assembly adjustment of edges is not allowed by shock method or local heating.
79. Tacks are carried out using the additive materials provided by technical documentation on welding of this vessel. Tacks in case of further carrying out welding works are removed or melted by the main seam.
80. Weldings of temporary fixtures and their removal after welding of the main product are made on the technology excluding formation of cracks and hardening zones in product metal.
81. All welding works are performed at positive temperatures in the enclosed space.
82. In case of installation, assembly on assembly sites, repair of the vessels operated out of rooms is allowed welding at negative temperatures of air. At the same time the welder, the place of welding is protected from direct impact of wind and atmospheric precipitation. Welding at temperature of air lower than 0 ° C is made according to the project.
83. All welded seams are subject to the branding allowing to establish the welder who was carrying out these seams.
84. The brand is put at distance of 20-50 mm from edge of welded seam from the outer side. If the seam from the outside and internal parties is ready different welders, brands are put only from the outer side through fraction, in numerator brand of the welder - from the outer side of seam, in denominator - from the inside. If welded connections of vessel are carried out by one welder, then it is allowed to brand the welder about the plate or other open site. At longitudinal seams the brand is in the beginning and at the end of seam at distance of 100 mm from ring seam. One is allowed to brand the feedwell with longitudinal seam less than 400 mm long. For ring seam the brand is made in the place of crossing of ring seam with longitudinal and further through each 2 mm, at the same time at least two brands on each seam are put. It is branded from the outer side. The branding of longitudinal ring seams of vessels with wall thickness less than 4 mm is allowed to be made the electrograph or indelible paints.
85. Vessels in which walls in the course of production, (when rolling, stamping, welding and so on) emergence of tension, vessels which durability is reached by heat treatment is possible are subject to heat treatment.
86. Vessels and their elements from carbonaceous and low-alloyed manganic staly, made using welding, stamping or rollings are subject to heat treatment if:
1) the nominal thickness of wall of cylindrical or conic element of the bottom, flange or branch pipe of vessel in the place of their welded connection more than 36 mm for carbonaceous staly and more than 30 mm for low-alloyed manganic and kremnemargantsovisty;
2) wall thickness S cylindrical or conic elements of vessel (branch pipe), made of sheet steel by rolling, exceed the size calculated on formula:
S = 0,009 (D + 1200);
where D - the minimum internal diameter, mm;
3) they are intended for operation in the circles causing corrosion cracking.
The reasons and conditions of corrosion destruction of metal from action of the circle for which the vessel is designed are reflected in the passport;
4) the bottoms, irrespective of thickness, are made by cold stamping or cold flanging;
5) the bottoms and other elements are stamped rolled) in hot with the end of stamping (rolling) at temperature below 700 ° C.
87. Vessels and their elements from the low-alloyed hromomolibdenny, hromomolibdenovanadiyevy type staly, martensitic class and two-layer with the main layer from staly this type and class, made using welding, is exposed to heat treatment irrespective of diameter and thickness of wall.
88. The mode of heat treatment of vessels and their elements from staly austenitic class and two-layer staly with the main layer from staly the carbonaceous and low-alloyed manganic and kremnemargantsovisty type with corrosion-resistant layer from staly austenitic class is specified in design documentation.
89. Heat treatment of vessels in parts with the subsequent local heat treatment of the closing seam is allowed.
90. In the presence of the requirement for resistance to corrosion cracking application of local heat treatment of vessel in coordination with the certified organization is possible.
91. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
92. The organization making welding of vessels and their elements exercises quality control of welded connections.
93. For establishment of methods and amount of control of welded connections the group of vessel depending on the settlement pressure, temperature of wall and nature of the circle is determined by appendix 3 to these rules. If in the table there are no specified combinations of parameters on pressure and temperature, for determination of group it is necessary to be guided by the maximum parameter.
94. Temperature of wall is determined based on heattechnical calculation or results of measurements, in the absence of these data is accepted to the equal temperature of the circle adjoining to vessel wall.
95. Quality control of welded connections is made by the following methods:
1) external survey and measurement;
2) ultrasonic defectoscopy;
3) radiography (rentgeno-gammagrafirovaniye and another);
4) radioskopiya;
5) mechanical testing;
6) metalgraphical research;
7) testing for firmness against intercrystalline corrosion;
8) hydraulic testing;
9) pneumatic testing;
10) by other methods (magnitografiy, color defectoscopy, stiloskopirovaniye, measurement of hardness, determination of content in metal of seam of ferritic phase, acoustic issue and another) if it is provided by standards.
96. Final quality control of welded connections of the vessels which are exposed to heat treatment is made after carrying out heat treatment.
97. Data on control of welded connections of basic elements of vessels are entered in the passport of vessel.
98. All welded connections of vessels and their elements for the purpose of detection of the following defects in them are subject to external survey and measurements:
1) cracks of all types and directions;
2) fistulas and porosity of outside surface of seam;
3) undercuts;
4) flows, burn-throughs, not zaplavlenny craters;
5) shift and joint withdrawal of edges of the welded elements over the regulations provided by these rules;
6) not linearity of the connected elements;
7) discrepancies of form and sizes of seams to requirements of technical documentation.
99. Before external survey the surface of welded seam and sites of the main metal at least 20 mm wide adjoining to it in both parties from seam are smoothed out from slag and other pollution.
100. Survey and measurements of welded connections are performed from the outside and internal parties on all extent of seams. In case of impossibility of survey and measurement of welded connection from two parties, its control is made according to the procedure, provided in the project.
101. Ultrasonic defectoscopy and radiation control is made for the purpose of detection of welded internal defects.
102. Control method (ultrasonic defectoscopy, radiation control, both methods in combination) are chosen proceeding from possibility of ensuring more complete and exact detection of unacceptable defects taking into account features of physical properties of metal, familiarity of this control method for specific type of welded connections.
103. The control amount ultrasonic defectoscopy, by radiation method of the joint, angular, tavrovy and other welded connections of vessels and their elements (the bottoms, feedwells, unions, hatches, flanges and others), including connections of hatches and unions with the vessel body, corresponds to the indicators specified in appendix 4 to these rules.
104. Seams of welding of the strengthening rings are controlled on all length of outside and internal seam. The amount of control belongs to each welded connection. Places of interfaces (crossings) of welded connections are subject to control ultrasonic defectoscopy or by radiation method.
105. Welded connections of the vessels supplied with quick-detachable covers are subject to control ultrasonic defectoscopy or by radiation method of 100% irrespective of the established group of vessel.
106. For vessels of 3 and 4 groups of the place of radiation or ultrasonic control are established by the manufacturer after the end of welding works on results of external survey about what the corresponding entry in the passport of vessel is made.
107. Before control of the respective site welded connections are marked so that they could be found on control charts and radio graphical pictures.
108. In case of detection of unacceptable defects in the welded connections subjected to check by ultrasonic defectoscopy or radiation method of less than 100%, the same seams of this product are subject to mandatory control and the same methods.
109. In case of impossibility of implementation of ultrasonic defectoscopy, radiation control because of unavailability of separate welded connections and in case of inefficiency of these control methods (in particular, seams of welding of unions and pipes with an internal diameter less than 100 mm) quality control of these welded connections is made by the certified organization.
110. Ultrasonic defectoscopy and radiation control of joint welded connections in case of reasons in the project is replaced with other effective method of nondestructive control.
111. Control of mechanical properties, testing for firmness against intercrystalline corrosion and metalgraphical research of welded connections are made on the samples made of control welded connections.
112. Control welded connections are identical to controlled production welded connections (on steel brands, thickness of leaf or the sizes of pipes, form of cutting of edges, welding method, welding materials, seam provision, the modes and temperature of heating, heat treatment) and are executed by the same welder and on the same welding equipment along with controlled production connection.
113. When welding control connections (plates) intended for check of mechanical properties to take carrying out testing for resistance against intercrystalline corrosion and metalgraphical research, plate to the welded elements so that the seam of control plates was continuation of seam of the welded product.
114. Welding of control plates is allowed to make for check of connections of elements of vessels to which the tack of plates is impossible separately from them, with obligatory observance of all conditions of welding of controlled joint connections.
115. In case of the automatic (mechanized) welding of vessels on each vessel one control connection cooks. In case of manual welding of vessels by several welders each of them welds on one control connection on each vessel. If during working shift on one engineering procedure several same vessels cook, it is allowed to execute one control connection on all batch of the vessels welded in this change.
116. For quality control of welded connections in tubular elements with joint seams at the same time with welding of the last control joints for carrying out testing of mechanical properties of connections are produced in the same working conditions. The number of control joints constitutes 1% of total number of the same joints welded by each welder, but at least one joint on each welder.
117. Welding of control connections in all cases is performed by the welders who were carrying out controlled welded connections on vessels.
118. The amount of control connections is produced for cutting of samples from them for all provided types of mechanical testing, testing for firmness against intercrystalline corrosion, metalgraphical research, for re-testing.
119. Samples (shlif) are cut out from control angular and tavrovy connections only for metalgraphical research.
120. Control welded connections are exposed to ultrasonic defectoscopy or radiation control on all length. If in control connection the defects, all production welded connections provided to these connections and not subjected before defectoscopy are found are subject to check by nondestructive control method on all length.
121. Control joint connections with the purpose of check of compliance of their mechanical properties, to requirements of these rules and specifications of production are subjected to mechanical tests.
122. Obligatory types of mechanical testing:
1) on static stretching - for vessels of all groups;
2) on static bend or flattening - for vessels of all groups;
3) on shock bend for the vessels intended for work with pressure more than 5 MPas (50 kgfs/cm 2) to temperature above 450 °C and the vessels made from staly inclined to podkalka when welding steel, inclined to podkalka when welding, are specified in the table 2 of appendix 15 to these rules.
4) on shock bend - for vessels 1, of 2, is lower than 3 groups intended for work at temperature minus 20 ° C.
123. Testing for shock bend of welded connections are made for vessels and their elements with thickness of wall of 12 mm and more at temperature of 20 ° C, on shock bend at working temperature.
124. Are cut out from each control welded connection:
1) two samples for testing for static stretching;
2) two samples for testing for static bend or flattening;
3) three samples for testing - on shock bend.
125. Testing for static bend of control joints of tubular elements of vessels with conditional pass of pipes less than 100 mm and wall thickness less than 12 mm are allowed to be replaced with testing for flattening.
126. Temporary resistance to gap of metal of welded seams in case of 20 ° C corresponds to the values established in technical documentation on the main metal.
127. When testing steel welded connections for static bend, the received indicators shall be provided not below, in appendix 5 to these rules.
128. Testing of welded connections for shock bend is made on samples with cut on axis from its disclosure if the place of cut is not specified on production of vessel.
129. Value of impact strength of steel welded connections correspond to indicators specified in appendix 6 to these rules.
130. When testing welded connections of pipes for flattening indicators are not lower than the corresponding minimum admissible indicators established in standards for pipes of the same range and from the same material.
131. When testing for flattening of samples from pipes with longitudinal welded seam, the seam is in the plane perpendicular to the direction of rapprochement of walls.
132. Indicators of mechanical properties of welded connections are determined as arithmetic-mean value of results of testing of separate samples. The general result of testing is considered unsatisfactory if at least one of samples when testing for stretching, static bend or flattening showed the result different from the established regulations towards decrease more than for 10%. When testing for shock bend results are considered unsatisfactory if at least one sample showed result below minus 40 ° C decrease in impact strength to 25 Joule on centimeter square Is allowed on one sample of KCU (further - J/cm 2), (2,5 of kgf of m/cm 2) or KCV to 20 J/cm2 (2 kgfs · m/cm 2).
133. In case of receipt of unsatisfactory results on one of types of mechanical testing this type of testing repeats on doubled quantity of the samples which are cut out from the specified control joints. In case of impossibility of cutting of samples from the specified joints repeated mechanical testing are carried out on the production joints executed by the same welder which are cut out from controlled product. If in case of re-testing at least on one of samples the indicators which are not satisfying to the established regulations are received, quality of welded connection is considered unsatisfactory.
134. Control joint, tavrovy and angular welded connections of vessels and their elements are exposed to metalgraphical research:
1) intended for work with pressure more than 5 MPas (50 kgfs/cm 2), or at temperature over 450 ° C, or temperature is lower minus 40 ° C, irrespective of pressure;
2) made from alloyed staly, inclined to podkalka when welding; two-layer staly; staly, hot cracks, inclined to education. Became, inclined to formation of hot cracks, are established by the project.
135. Metalgraphical researches are allowed be not to conducted for vessels and their elements up to 20 mm thick made from staly austenitic class.
136. Samples for metalgraphical researches of welded connections include all sections of seam, both zones of thermal influence of welding adjoining to them sites of the main metal, podkladny ring if that was applied when welding and is not subject to removal.
137. For metalgraphical researches of welded connections of elements with thickness of wall of 25 mm it is also more allowed to include only part of section of connection. At the same time distance from the line of alloyage to the brim sample at least 12 mm, and the area of the controlled section of 25 x 25 mm.
138. In case of production of samples for research of tavrovy and angular welded connections of pipe elements control connections are cut along axis of pipe (union).
139. In case of receipt of unsatisfactory results of metalgraphical research conducting re-testing on two samples which are cut out from the same control connection is allowed. In case of receipt of unsatisfactory results in case of repeated metalgraphical researches seams are considered as unsatisfactory.
140. If in case of metalgraphical research in control welded connections, the checked ultrasonic defectoscopy or radiation method and acknowledged suitable, find internal defects which are revealed by this method of nondestructive control, all production welded connections checked by this non-destructive testing inspector 100% are subject to check, the same method of defectoscopy. At the same time new quality check of all production joints is performed by other, more experienced and skilled non-destructive testing inspector.
141. Metal of seam and zone of thermal influence shall be resistant against intercrystalline corrosion for the vessels made from staly austenitic, ferritic, austenitic and ferritic classes and two-layer steel with corrosion-resistant layer from austenitic and ferritic steels.
142. Results of testing for firmness against intercrystalline corrosion register in the passport of vessel.
143. All vessels after production periodically are subject to hydraulic testing.
144. The vessels having protective coating (enameled lining) or isolation, are subjected to hydraulic test before imposing of covering or isolation.
145. The vessels having outside casing are subjected to hydraulic test before installation of casing.
146. Hydraulic testing of vessels, except for cast, is carried out by the trial pressure of the RPR determined by formula:
147. Hydraulic testing of the details made of casting shall is carried out by the trial pressure determined by formula:
148. Hydraulic testing of cryogenic vessels in the presence of vacuum in insulating space is carried out by the trial pressure determined by formula:
The RPR = 1,25P - MPa 0,1, (1,25P - 1, kgf/cm 2).
149. Hydraulic testing of vertically established vessels is allowed to be carried out in horizontal position on condition of ensuring durability of the body of vessel for what calculation on durability is carried out according to the project. At the same time pressure is accepted taking into account the hydrostatic pressure operating on vessel in the course of its operation.
150. In the combined vessels with two and more, working cavities expected different pressure, each cavity the equal trial pressure determined depending on the settlement pressure of cavity is subjected to hydraulic test. The procedure for carrying out testing shall be specified in the engineering design and is specified in the instruction of the manufacturer for installation and operation of vessel.
151. When filling vessel with water air shall be removed completely.
152. Water with temperature not lower than 5 ° C and not higher than 40 ° C is applied to hydraulic testing of vessels if there are no other instructions in the project.
153. The difference of temperatures of wall of vessel and air during testing shall not cause losses of moisture on surface of walls of vessel.
154. In coordination with developer of design documentation of vessel instead of water it is allowed to use other liquid.
155. Pressure in the tested vessel should be increased smoothly. Speed of rise in pressure is specified in the mounting and operating guide.
156. Use of compressed air or other gas for rise in pressure is not allowed.
157. Pressure when testing is controlled by two manometers. Both manometers are chosen one type, limit of measurement, identical classes of accuracy, the division price.
158. Hold time of vessel under trial pressure is established by developer of the project. In the absence of the specified data in the project, hold time is accepted according to appendix 7 to these rules.
159. After endurance under trial pressure, pressure is reduced to settlement in case of which examine outside surface of vessel, all its demountable and welded connections.
160. Pressure decrease should be made smoothly. Speed of pressure decrease is specified in the mounting and operating guide.
161. External impacts on walls of the body, welded and demountable connections of vessel during testing it is not allowed.
162. The vessel is considered passed hydraulic test if it is not revealed:
1) leaks, cracks, slezok, sweating in welded connections and on the main metal;
2) leaks in demountable connections;
3) visible residual deformations.
163. The vessel and its elements in which when testing defects are revealed after their elimination are subjected to repeated hydraulic tests trial pressure, established by these rules.
164. The hydraulic testing which is carried out at manufacturer shall is made on specially - the test bench.
165. Hydraulic testing is allowed to be replaced pneumatic, on condition of control of this testing with method of acoustic issue.
166. Pneumatic testing are carried out on the production schedules providing security measures.
167. Pneumatic testing of vessel are carried out by compressed air or inert gas.
168. The size of trial pressure is accepted to the equal size of trial hydraulic pressure. Hold time of vessel under trial pressure is established by developer of the project, but at least 5 minutes.
Then pressure in the tested vessel decreases to settlement and the vessel with check of hermeticity of its seams and demountable connections, soap solution or in a different way is examined.
169. Value of trial pressure and results of testing are entered in the passport of vessel by person who was carrying out these testing.
170. In welded connections of vessels and their elements the following defects are not allowed:
1) cracks of all types and the directions, the seam located in metal, through alloyage and in okoloshovny zone of the main metal, including microcracks, revealed in case of microresearch;
2) not provara (not alloyage) in the welded seams located in seam root or on connection section (between separate rollers and layers of seam and between the main metal and metal of seam);
3) undercuts of the main metal, time, slag and other inclusions which sizes exceed the admissible values specified in the specifications and technical documentation;
4) flows (accumulate);
5) not certified craters and burn-throughs;
6) fistulas;
7) the shift of edges over the regulations provided by these rules.
171. Quality of welded connections is considered unsatisfactory if in them in case of any kind of control the internal and outside defects which are going beyond the regulations established in appendix 18 to these rules are found.
172. The defects found in the course of repair or installation are eliminated with the subsequent control of the corrected sites. Methods and quality of elimination of defects shall ensure necessary reliability and safety of work of vessel.
173. Each vessel is delivered by manufacturing plant with the passport according to appendix 23 to these rules and the instruction for installation and repair.
174. On each vessel the plate executed according to GOST 12971 "Plates rectangular for the machinery and appliances" fastens.
175. For management of work and providing safe service conditions vessels depending on appointment are equipped:
1) the shutoff or locking regulating valves;
2) devices for measurement of pressure;
3) devices for measurement of temperature;
4) safety devices;
5) indexes of level of liquid.
176. The vessels supplied with quick-detachable locks have the safety devices excluding possibility of inclusion of vessel under pressure in case of incomplete closing of cover and its opening in the presence in pressure vessel.
177. The shutoff and locking regulating valves are established on the unions which are directly attached to vessel or on the pipelines which are bringing to vessel and taking away from it working environment. In case of consecutive connection of several vessels installation of such fittings between them is determined by the project.
178. No. 29 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 19.01.2023
179. On flywheel of shutoff valves the direction of its rotation when opening or closing armature is specified.
180. In case of operation of vessels for explosive, flammable substances, substances 1 and 2 of classes of danger in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 "Occupational safety standards system. Hazardous substances Classification and general requirements of safety" evaporators with fire, gas heating shall have on the bringing line from the pump, the compressor the backpressure valve which automatically is closed pressure from vessel. The backpressure valve is established between the pump (compressor) and shutoff valves of vessel.
181. Fittings with conditional pass more than 20 mm manufactured of the alloyed steel or non-ferrous metals have the passport (certificate) in which it is specified data on the chemical composition, mechanical properties, the modes of heat treatment and results of quality control by nondestructive methods.
182. Each vessel and independent cavities with different pressure are supplied with manometers of direct action. The manometer is allowed to be established on the union of vessel or the pipeline to shutoff valves.
183. Manometers have accuracy class not below: 2,5 - in case of the worker of pressure of vessel to MPa 2,5 (25 kgfs/cm 2); 1,5 - with working pressure of vessel over MPa 2,5 (25 kgfs/cm 2).
184. The manometer is chosen, with scale that the size of measurement of working pressure was in the second third of scale.
185. Red line at the level of division of size of the working pressure corresponding to service conditions is caused on scale of the manometer. Instead of red line, to the body of the manometer the metal plate painted in red color and skintight to manometer glass fastens.
186. The manometer is established so that its indications clearly were visible to service personnel.
187. Nominal diameter of the body of the manometers established at the height up to 2 meters (further - m) from the level of the platform of observation of them at least 100 mm, at the height from 2 to 3 m, at least 160 mm.
188. Installation of manometers at the height more than 3 m from the level of the platform is not allowed.
189. Between the manometer and vessel the three-tradable crane or the device replacing it allowing to carry out recurring inspection of the manometer by means of control is established. The manometer depending on working conditions and properties of the circle which is in vessel is supplied with the siphon tube, the oil buffer or other devices protecting it from direct impact of the circle, temperature and ensuring functioning of the manometer.
190. On the vessels working under pressure above MPa 2,5 (25 kgfs/cm 2) at temperature of circle above 250 °C, with the explosive environment or hazardous substances of 1 and 2 classes of danger in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 "Occupational safety standards system. Hazardous substances. Classification and general requirements of safety" instead of the three-tradable crane are established separate the union with locking body for connection of the second manometer.
191. On portable vessels installation of the three-tradable crane is determined by developer of the project.
192. Manometers and pipelines connecting them to vessel are protected from freezing.
193. Manometers are not allowed to application in the following cases:
1) there is no verification mark;
2) if the term of checking of the manometer expired;
3) if the arrow of the manometer in case of its shutdown does not return to zero mark of scale to the value exceeding half blundered for this manometer;
4) if glass is broken or there are damages of the manometer which can affect correctness of its indications.
194. Checking of manometers with their sealing or branding to be made at least once in 12 months. At least once in 6 months the owner of vessel makes check of working manometers by the control manometer with signing up of results in magazine of control checks. In the absence of the control manometer it is allowed to make additional check the checked working manometer having identical scale and class of accuracy with the checked manometer.
195. The vessels working at the changing temperature of walls are supplied with devices for control of speed and uniformity of warming up on length and height of vessel (thermometers, thermocouples, pyrometers, thermopoints, thermal imagers) and reference points (indexes) for control of thermal movements.
196. Need of equipment of vessels devices for control of speed and uniformity of warming up is determined by length and height of vessel by the manufacturer and it is specified in passports, instructions for installation and operation of vessels.
197. Each vessel is supplied with safety devices from increase in pressure above admissible value.
198. As safety devices, are applied:
1) spring safety valves;
2) rychazhno - cargo safety valves;
3) the pulse safety devices consisting of the main safety valve and the managing pulse valve of direct action;
4) safety devices with the collapsing membranes (membrane safety devices);
5) setup and adjustment of safety valves before installation is carried out at stands by person designated by the order on the organization. With record of results of the carried-out adjustment in register.
199. Installation of lever and cargo valves on portable vessels is not allowed.
200. The design of the spring valve excludes possibility of tightening of spring over the established size, and the spring is protected from heating (chilling) and direct impact of working environment if it has harmful effect on spring material.
201. The design of the spring valve provides the device for check of operability of operation of the valve in working order by forced opening it in operating time. Installation of safety valves without the device for forced opening is allowed if the last is not allowed on properties of environment (explosive, combustible, substances 1 and 2 of classes of danger) or under the terms of engineering procedure. In this case check of operation of valves is performed at stands. Frequency of this check is established by technical guidance of the organization proceeding from ensuring reliability of operation of valves between their checks.
202. If the permitted pressure of vessel is equal or more than pressure of the feeding source in vessel, the possibility of increase in pressure from chemical reaction or heating is excluded, then installation on it the safety valve and the manometer is not required.
203. The vessel, the calculated one pressure less than pressure of the source feeding it, shall have on the bringing pipeline the automatic reducing device with the manometer and the safety valve installed on the side of smaller pressure after the reducing device. In case of installation of the bypass line (bypass) it is equipped with the reducing device.
204. For group of the vessels working with the same pressure installation of one reducing device with the manometer and the safety valve on the general bringing pipeline to the first branch is allowed to one of vessels. In this case installation of safety devices on vessels is not required if in them the possibility of increase in pressure is excluded.
205. In case the automatic reducing device owing to physical properties of working environment does not work, installation of the regulator of expense is allowed. At the same time pressure upward protection is provided.
206. The number of safety valves and their handling capacity are chosen by calculation according to GOST 12.2.085-2017 "Armature pipeline. Safety valves. Choice and calculation of handling capacity".
207. The safety valve is delivered by the manufacturer with the passport and the operation manual.
208. In the passport along with other data, the valve consumption factor for the compressed and incompressible circles, the area to which it is carried is specified.
209. Each safety membrane has factory brand with indication of pressure of operation and the operation temperature allowed by the worker.
210. The passport is issued on all batch of the same membranes sent to one consumer.
211. Setup and adjustment of safety valves is made according to GOST 12.2.085-2017 "Armature pipeline. Safety valves. Choice and calculation of handling capacity".
212. Safety valves are established on the branch pipes or pipelines which are directly attached to vessel. Connecting pipelines of safety valves are protected from freezing in them working environment.
213. In case of installation on one branch pipe (pipeline) of several safety valves the cross-sectional area of branch pipe is at least total 1,25 of the area of section of the valves established on it.
214. In case of determination of section of connecting pipelines more than 1000 mm long the size of their resistance is considered.
215. Selection of working environment from branch pipes (and on sites of connecting pipelines from vessel to valves) on which safety valves are established, is not allowed.
216. Safety valves are placed in the places available to their servicing.
217. Installation of fittings between vessel and the safety valve, behind the safety valve, is not allowed.
218. Armature before (behind) the safety valve is allowed to be established, on condition of installation of two safety valves and the blocking excluding possibility of simultaneous shutdown of both safety valves. In this case each of safety valves has handling capacity, stipulated in Item 206 these rules.
219. In case of installation of group of safety valves and armature before (behind) them blocking is carried out so that in case of any, the option of shutdown of valves provided by the project, the remaining included, safety valves had total handling capacity of stipulated in Item 206 these rules.
220. Discharge pipelines of safety valves and pulse lines in places of possible accumulation of condensate are equipped with drainage devices for removal of condensate.
221. Installation of locking bodies or other armature on drainage pipelines, is not allowed. The environment coming to safety valves and drainages is allotted to the safe place.
222. Membrane safety devices are established:
1) instead of lever and cargo and spring safety valves when these valves in operating conditions of the specific circle are not used owing to their inertance or other reasons;
2) in front of safety valves in cases when safety valves do not work owing to harmful effects of working environment (corrosion, erosion, polymerization, crystallization, prikipaniye, freezing) or possible leakages via the closed valve vzryvo-and fire-dangerous, toxic, ecologically harmful and other circles;
3) in parallel with safety valves for increase in handling capacity of systems of dumping of pressure;
4) on the output party of safety valves for prevention of harmful effects of working environments from waste system and for exception of influence of fluctuations of counter-pressure from this system on the accuracy of the worked safety valves.
223. Installation of membrane safety devices and their design is determined in design documentation.
224. Safety membranes are established in the tightening devices intended for them.
225. Safety valves in use are periodically checked for operability of their action by purge in working order or check of setup at the stand.
226. The procedure and review periods of operability of valves depending on conditions of engineering procedure are specified in the maintenance instruction of safety valves.
227. Indexes of level are applied to control of level of liquid in the vessels having limit of the Section of circles. Except indexes of level, on vessels it is allowed to establish sound and other signaling devices and blocking on level.
228. Indexes of level are established vertically or obliquely according to management of the manufacturer, at the same time visibility of level of liquid is provided.
229. On the vessels warmed by flame or hot gases at which perhaps lowering of the level of liquid is lower than admissible at least 2 indexes of level of direct action are established.
230. The quantity and installation sites of indexes of level are determined by the project.
231. On each index of level it is specified admissible upper and lower levels.
232. The top and lower admissible level of liquid in vessel is established according to design documentation. Height of the transparent index of level of liquid on 25 mm at least, below lower above upper admissible levels of liquid.
233. In case of installation of several indexes on height to place them so that they provided continuity of indications of level of liquid.
234. Indexes of level are supplied with armature (cranes and gates) for their disconnection from vessel and purge.
235. In case of application in indexes of level as transparent element of glass for protection of personnel from injuring in case of their gap, the protection device is provided.
236. Vessels are established on the open areas in the places excluding accumulation of people or in separate buildings.
237. Installation of vessels is allowed:
- in the rooms adjoining factory buildings on condition of their department from the building main wall;
- in production rooms, in case of reasons by the project;
- with burying in soil on condition of ensuring access to armature and protection of walls of vessel against soil corrosion and corrosion by the wandering currents.
238. The vessels which are registered in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety and in local executive body are not established in residential, public and household buildings, in the rooms adjoining them.
239. Installation of vessels shall exclude possibility of their capsizing.
240. Installation of vessels is provided with possibility of survey, repair, their cleaning from the internal and outer side.
241. For convenience of servicing of vessels platforms and ladders are arranged. To survey and repair of vessels it is allowed to apply cradles and other devices.
242. The specified devices shall not break durability and stability of vessel, and their welding to vessel is carried out according to these rules.
243. Registration of vessels, operated on hazardous production facilities and on social infrastructure objects before start-up in work, is made according to the Rules of registration and removal from accounting of hazardous production facilities and dangerous technical devices approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2021 No. 485 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 24574) (further - Rules of registration and removal from accounting of hazardous production facilities and dangerous technical devices).
244. Are not subject to registration:
1) the vessels of the first group working at temperature of wall not above 200 °C which have work of pressure in MPa (the kgf/cm 2) on capacity in m3 (liters) does not exceed 0,05 (500), and vessels 2, 3, 4 groups working at temperature stated above which have work of pressure in MPa (the kgf/cm 2) on capacity in m3 (liters) does not exceed 1 (10000). The group of vessels is determined by appendix 3 to these rules.
2) devices of airdividing installations and separation of the gases located in heat-insulating casing (regenerators, columns, heat exchangers, condensers, adsorbers, separators, evaporators, filters and heaters);
3) vessels of refrigeration units and refrigerating blocks as a part of technology installations;
4) reservoirs of air electric switches;
5) the vessels which are a part of the system regulations, lubricants and consolidations of turbines, generators and pumps;
6) barrels for transportation of the liquefied gases, the cylinders with a capacity up to 100 l inclusive established stationary, and also intended for transportation and (or) the storages compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases;
7) generators (reactors) for receipt of hydrogen used by hydrometeorological service;
8) the vessels included in the closed system of oil and gas extraction (from well to the bulk distribution line);
9) vessels for storage or transportation of the liquefied gases, liquids and the loose bodies which are under pressure, periodically in case of their emptying;
10) vessels with compressed and liquefied by gases, intended for providing vehicles with fuel of engines on which they are established;
11) the vessels established in underground excavations;
12) the vistsenny and other filters established on gas pipelines, gas distribution stations, Items and installations.
245. No. 148 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 06.05.2022
246. No. 148 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 06.05.2022
247. Registration of the vessels which are working under pressure, not having the passport of the manufacturer is made based on the duplicate of the passport constituted by the certified organization.
248. The passport, the instruction and other operational documentation delivered with vessel is submitted in state language and in Russian languages.
249. Results of inspection of the vessels which fulfilled normative service life of the inspection of the vessels working under pressure executed according to the Instruction for carrying out with the expired service life for the purpose of determination of possibility of their further operation approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 29, 2021 No. 480 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 24562) are provided in case of registration and are stored at the operating organization throughout the entire period of operation of vessel.
250. In case of shift of vessel on the new place and by transfer of vessel to other owner, in case of modification of the scheme of its inclusion, vessel before start-up in work, it is struck off the register and registered according to Rules of registration and removal from accounting of hazardous production facilities and dangerous technical devices, in the place of operation.
Action of this regulation does not extend to the portable/mobile vessels mounted on the chassis of vehicles.
251. In case of refusal in the registration of vessel operating the organizations the notification according to Rules of registration and removal from accounting of hazardous production facilities and dangerous technical devices goes.
252. Vessels to which actions of these rules extend are exposed to engineering certification after installation before start-up in work and periodically in use according to the Instruction for carrying out engineering certification of the vessels, tanks, barrels and cylinders working under pressure, approved by the order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 16, 2021 No. 398 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 24019).
253. The amount, methods and frequency of engineering certification of vessels (except for cylinders) is determined by the manufacturer.
254. Survey of cylinders is carried out by technique of developer of designs of cylinders in which frequency of survey and regulation of rejection are specified.
255. In case of lack of such instructions, engineering certification is made according to the requirements stated in Item 253 and 254 of these rules and in tables 1, of 2, of 3, of 4, of 5, of the 6th appendix 12 to these rules.
256. Vessels in which action of the circle causes deterioration in the chemical composition and mechanical properties of metal vessels at which wall temperature during the work exceeds 450 ° C shall be exposed to additional survey according to production schedules. Results of additional surveys are entered in the passport of vessel.
257. The vessels working under pressure of hazardous substances (liquid and gases) 1, 2, 3, 4 classes of danger in accordance with GOST 12.1. 007-76, "Occupational safety standards system. Hazardous substances. Classification and general requirements of safety", are exposed to engineering certification on hermeticity air or inert gas under pressure equal to working pressure.
Engineering certification is carried out according to production schedules to terms, established in tables 1, of 2, of 3, 4 appendices 12 to these rules.
258. Before internal survey and hydraulic testing the vessel stops, cooled (gets warm), exempted from the filling working environment, is disconnected by caps from all pipelines connecting vessel to source, pressure cleared to metal.
259. Lining, isolation and other types of protection against corrosion in parts or in full are removed if there are signs specifying possibility of defects of metal of vessels under protective coating (not the density of lining, traces of blotting of isolation and another). The electrical heating and the drive of vessel are disconnected.
260. The vessels having protective coating (enameled lining) or isolation, are subjected to hydraulic test before imposing of covering or isolation.
261. The vessels having outside casing are subjected to hydraulic test before installation of casing.
262. The vessels working with hazardous substances of 1 and 2 classes of danger in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76 "Occupational safety standards system. Hazardous substances Classification and general requirements of safety", prior to internal survey and performance of works, are exposed to processing (to neutralization, decontamination) according to production schedules.
263. Extraordinary survey of the vessels which are in operation is carried out in the following cases:
after reconstruction, in case of repair of vessel using welding, in case of the soldering of the elements working under pressure (the feedwell, the bottom, cover, entrance and output collector);
after complete replacement and flaring of pipes of surface of heating (chilling) of vessel;
if the vessel was not operated more than 12 months;
if the vessel was dismantled and established on the new place;
before imposing on protective coating vessel walls;
if such survey is necessary at the discretion of person responsible for supervision of technical condition and operation of vessel.
264. Engineering certification of vessels, tanks, cylinders and barrels is made on special repair and test Items, in the companies of manufacturers, the filling stations and at the companies owners of vessels, tanks, cylinders and barrels.
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