of December 4, 2014 No. 506
About approval of Rules of provision of the academic leaves by the student in the organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education
According to the subitem 17) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 27, 2007 "About education" I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of provision of the academic leaves by the student in the organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education.
2. To department of the higher, postgraduate education and international cooperation (Shaymardanov Zh. K.):
To provide 1) in accordance with the established procedure state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide official publication of this order in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;
3) to provide placement of this order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-minister Balykbayev T. O.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
A. Sarinzhipov
It is approved Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan February 21, 2015 |
__________ T. Duysenova |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2014 No. 506
1. These rules of provision of the academic leaves by the student in the organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education (further - Rules) are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2007 "About education" and determine procedure for provision of the academic leaves by the student in the organizations of technical and professional, postsecondary education (further - the organizations of education).
2. The academic leave is granted to students on the basis:
1) the conclusions of the medical and advisory commission (further - VKK) under the out-patient and polyclinic organization by duration for from 6 to 12 months due to illness according to form 035-1/U of primary medical documentation of the organizations of health care approved by the order of the acting minister of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 23, 2010 No. 907 "About approval of forms of primary medical documentation of the organizations of health care" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 6697) (further - the Order No. 907);
2) decisions of the Centralized medical and advisory commission (further - TsVKK) the antitubercular organization in case of disease tuberculosis lasting term no more than 36 months according to the TB 01/U form - category IV of primary medical documentation of the organizations of health care approved by the Order No. 907;
3) the agenda about appeal on military service in case of appeal on military service in form according to appendix of 4 Rules of military accounting of the persons liable for call-up and recruits approved by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 24, 2017 No. 28 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 14881) (dalee-Prikaz No. 28);
4) the certificate of birth, adoption (adoption) of the child before achievement of age of three years by it in forms according to appendices 8 and 12 of the order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 12, 2015 No. 9 "About approval of forms of assembly books of state registration of acts of civil status and forms of the certificates granted based on entries in these books" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 10173) (dalee-Prikaz No. 9).
3. For registration of the academic leave the student provides the statement addressed to the head of the organization of education in form according to appendix 1 to these rules, the identity document and the relevant documents depending on the bases specified by Item 2 of these rules.
In case of documents acceptance the employee of the organization of education verifies authenticity of copies with originals of documents and returns originals to the applicant.
The employee of the organization of education refuses reception of an application in cases of establishment of unauthenticity of documents, their discrepancies to the requirements established by these rules, incomplete document package according to the list, stipulated in Item 2 these rules.
4. In case of the positive decision based on the submitted documents the head of the organization of education within two working days issues the order on provision to the student of the academic leave with indication of its terms of the beginning and the termination.
5. The head of the organization of education sends the copy of the order on provision of the academic leave to the student according to the state educational order financed from the republican budget to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan or the relevant industry ministry within three working days, and financed from the local budget - to local executive bodies in the field of education, for adjustment of the corresponding amount and terms of financing.
6. After exit from the academic leave the student submits the application addressed to the head of the organization of education in form according to appendix 2 to these rules, the identity document and the document confirming possibility of continuation of training in this specialty (the certificate of VKK (TsVKK) of the state of health from the organization of health care for the form approved by the Order No. 907, the military ID in form according to appendix 8 of the Order No. 28, the certificate of birth, adoption (adoption) of the child in forms according to appendices 8, 12 Orders No. 9). In case of documents acceptance the employee of the organization of education verifies authenticity of copies with originals of documents and returns originals to the applicant.
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