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Approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 22, 1994 , No. 2015-XII


(as amended on 17-07-2024)

Section one. General provisions

Chapter I. Basic provisions

Article 1. Legislation on the administrative responsibility

The legislation on the administrative responsibility consists of of this Code, the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the laws of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, resolutions of the Jokargi Kenes and Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, decisions regional and Tashkent city Councils of People's Deputies, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent.

Provisions of this Code extend also to administrative offenses, responsibility for which making is provided by the acts of the legislation which are not included in this Code.

Article 2. Tasks of the legislation on the administrative responsibility

The legislation on the administrative responsibility has the tasks protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, property, the state and public order, the environment, ensuring social justice and legality for the benefit of welfare of the person and society, timely and objective hearing of cases about administrative offenses, and also the prevention of these offenses, education of citizens in the spirit of observance of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

For implementation of these tasks this Code determines what action or failure to act is administrative offense what administrative punishment, what body (official) and in what procedure it can be applied to person who made administrative offense and is performed.

Article 3. Principles of the legislation on the administrative responsibility

The legislation on the administrative responsibility is based on the principles of legality, equality of citizens before the law, democratism, humanity, justice and inevitable responsibility for fault.

Article 4. Competence of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the legislation on the administrative responsibility

Determination is under authority the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of the legislation on the administrative responsibility:

principles and establishment of general provisions of the legislation on the administrative responsibility;

the actions or bezdeystviye involving the administrative responsibility of system of bodies (officials), representatives to consider cases on administrative offenses, procedure for production on the these cases and execution of the issued decrees;

competences of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the legislation on the administrative responsibility;

circle of questions on which representative bodies of the power and hokima of areas, the city of Tashkent can make the decisions providing the administrative responsibility.

Article 5. Competence of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the legislation on the administrative responsibility

Establishment is under authority the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the field of the legislation on the administrative responsibility:

the administrative responsibility concerning protection of public order if they are not settled by this Code, and also concerning disaster management and epidemics;

rules for which violation there comes responsibility under Articles 90, of 109, of 110, of 161, of Article part two 164, to article 168 of this Code.

Article 6.

No. ZRU-638 is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 28.09.2020

Article 7. Prevention of administrative offenses

State bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, public associations are developed and perform the actions directed to the prevention of administrative offenses, identification and elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting their making on education of citizens in the spirit of consciousness, discipline, observance of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Public authorities on places, providing according to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and with the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan legality, law and order and safety of citizens, coordinate work of all state bodies and public associations on the prevention of administrative offenses in the territory, direct activities of law-enforcement bodies, commissions on questions of children and other bodies accountable to them designed to combat administrative offenses.

Article 8. Law enforcement in case of application of corrective actions for administrative offenses

Nobody can be subjected to corrective action in connection with administrative offense differently as on the bases and according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

Production on cases on administrative offenses is performed on the basis of respecting the rule of law.

Application by the bodies authorized on that and officials of measures of administrative influence is made within their competence.

Observance of requirements of the legislation in case of application of corrective actions for administrative offenses is provided with systematic control from authorized higher bodies and officials, public prosecutor's supervision, the appeal right.

Article 9. Operation of the legislation on the administrative responsibility

Person who made administrative offense is subject to responsibility based on the legislation existing in time and in the place of making of offense, except as specified, provided by part three of this Article.

Person who made administrative offense on the vessel which is under the flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan or attributed to the port of the Republic of Uzbekistan and being in open air or water space outside the Republic of Uzbekistan is subject to the administrative responsibility under this Code if other is not provided by the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also the persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Uzbekistan are subject to the administrative responsibility according to this Code if they made offense in the territory of foreign state and stipulated in Article 47-6 of this Code were not made responsible according to the legislation of this state for making of administrative offense.

The acts mitigating or eliminating responsibility for administrative offenses have retroactive force, that is extend also to the offenses made to the publication of these acts. The acts establishing or strengthening responsibility for administrative offenses have no retroactive force.

Production on cases on administrative offenses is conducted based on the legislation existing in time and in the place of consideration of the case about offense.

Section second. Administrative offense and administrative responsibility

General part

Chapter II. Administrative offense

Article 10. Concept of administrative offense

Administrative offense action or failure to act for which the legislation provides the administrative responsibility is recognized encroaching on the personality, the rights and freedoms of citizens, property, the state and public order, the environment illegal, guilty (intentional or careless).

The administrative responsibility for offenses provided by this Code comes if these violations in character do not involve criminal liability.

Article 11. Making of administrative offense is intentional

The administrative offense is recognized committed intentionally if person which made it understood illegal nature of the action or failure to act, expected its harmful effects, wished or consciously allowed their approach.

Article 12. Making of administrative offense on imprudence

The administrative offense is recognized committed on imprudence if person which made it expected possibility of approach of harmful effects of the action or failure to act, but thoughtlessly expected their prevention, or did not expect possibility of approach of such effects though it shall and could expect them.

Article 13. Age on reaching which there comes the administrative responsibility

Persons which reached by the time of making of administrative offense of sixteen-year age are subject to the administrative responsibility if other is not provided by this Code.

Article 14. Responsibility of minors for administrative offenses

The measures provided by Regulations on the commissions on questions of children are applied to persons aged from sixteen up to eighteen years who made administrative offenses.

In case of making by these persons of the administrative offenses provided by Articles 61, 116-1, 116-2, 116-3, 125, 125-1, 126, of 127, of 128, 128-1, 128-2, 128-3, 128-4, 128-5, 128-6, 129, of 130, of 131, of 132, of 133, of 134, of 135, 135-1, 136, of 138, of 183, of 185, 185-1, 185-2, 185-3, 194, 194-1, 196-1, 209-1, 218, of 220, of 221 of this Code they are subject to the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice. Taking into account nature of committed offense and the identity of the offender of case in the relation of specified persons (except for persons who made the offenses provided by Articles 194, of 194-1 and 196-1 of this Code) can be transferred, and made offense, stipulated in Article 61 of this Code, are subject to transfer for consideration of the district (city) commissions on questions of children.

Article 15. Administrative responsibility of officials

Officials are subject to the administrative responsibility for making of the administrative offenses connected with non-compliance with statutory rules in the field of protection of procedure for management, the state and public order, the environment, health of the population and other rules which ensuring accomplishment belongs to their service duties.

The official the person designated or elected constantly, temporarily or on special power, performing functions of the public agent or performing organizational administrative, administrative functions in state bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, at the companies, organizations, the organizations, irrespective of patterns of ownership and authorized on making of legally significant actions is recognized, and person performing the specified functions in the international organization or in legislative, executive, administrative or judicial authority of foreign state is equal.

The public agent the person which is representing state body of the power, constantly or temporarily performing certain functions and within the competence having the right of making of actions or returns of the orders obligatory for the majority or all citizens or officials is recognized.

Article 16. The administrative responsibility of the military personnel and other persons to whom operation of disciplinary charters extends

Military personnel and persons liable for call-up called on charges, and also face of the private and the commanding structure of law-enforcement bodies and National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan bear responsibility for administrative offenses under disciplinary charters. About execution of court resolutions and acts of other bodies, traffic regulations, rules of hunting, fishery and protection of fish inventories, customs rules these persons bear the administrative responsibility for non-execution of the executive document, violation of the law in accordance with general practice. Administrative detention cannot be applied to specified persons. The penalty cannot be applied to the military personnel of compulsory military service.

Others, except specified in part one of this Article, person to whom operation of disciplinary charters or special regulations on discipline extends, in the cases which are directly provided by them bear for making of administrative offenses disciplinary responsibility, and in other cases the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice.

Article 17. Administrative responsibility of foreign citizens and stateless persons

The foreign citizens and stateless persons who are in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan are subject to the administrative responsibility in accordance with general practice.

This Code is applied to persons who are immune in the part which is not contradicting international treaties and agreements which participant is the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 17-1. The administrative responsibility of persons for road traffic offenses fixed by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing

In case of fixing by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing of road traffic offense of the administrative responsibility the owner of the vehicle is subject.

In case of fixing by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing of the road traffic offense made with use of the vehicle belonging to the legal entity, person responsible for operation of the vehicle of the legal entity is subject to the administrative responsibility.

In case of fixing of road traffic offense by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing frequency of offense is not considered, except for the case provided by part three of Article 32-1 of this Code.

The owner of the vehicle is exempted from the administrative responsibility for the road traffic offense fixed by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing, made with use of the vehicle belonging to it if during consideration of the complaint made about the resolution on administrative prosecution person in whose ownership at the time of fixing of offense there was the corresponding vehicle is identified, or this vehicle was disposed from its ownership as a result of illegal actions of other persons.

In case of fixing by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing of the administrative offenses made by vehicles of field and special services, and also vehicles accompanied with them with use of priority according to traffic regulations and in case of production of documents, the urgent office tasks certifying accomplishment, the administrative offense of drivers is recognized committed emergency condition, and administrative case is dismissed according to Article of 271 of this Code.

In case of fixing by the special automated technical means of photo and video fixing of the administrative offenses made by transport drivers, which gave way to vehicles of field and special services for ensuring their free journey approaching with the switched-on flashing indicator of blue or red or blue and red colors and special sound signals, the administrative offense of drivers is recognized committed condition of emergency and administrative case is dismissed according to Article of 271 of this Code

Article 17-2. The administrative responsibility of persons for the offenses fixed by the Single automated information system of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In case of making of the administrative offenses provided by part two of Article 227-10 and part three of Article 227-13 of this Code, the customs applicant or his authorized representative is subject to the administrative responsibility.

In case of making of the administrative offense provided by part one of Article 227-16 of this Code, person which assumed obligation to customs authority is subject to the administrative responsibility.

In case of making of the administrative offense provided by part two of Article 227-22 of this Code, the declaring person, at the same time is subject to the administrative responsibility if this offense is made owing to specifying of unreliable information in the documents submitted for customs clearance, then the customs applicant who submitted the relevant documents and information or his authorized representative is subject to the administrative responsibility.

By consideration of administrative cases on the violations of the customs legislation fixed by the Single automated information system of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, frequency of committed offense is not taken into account, except for the case provided by part three of Article of 321 of this Code.

Article 17-3. The administrative responsibility of persons for the offenses fixed through the Single automated information system of tax authorities

For making of the offenses provided by parts two and the fifth article 175 of this Code, fixed through the Single automated information system of tax authorities, the head of the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur is subject to the administrative responsibility

Article 18. Justifiable defense

Are not administrative offense of action, provided by this Code or other regulations establishing the administrative responsibility, but made in condition of justifiable defense, that is in case of protection of the personality or the rights of the defending or other person, interests of society and the state against illegal encroachment by causing encroaching harm if at the same time exceeding of limits of justifiable defense was not allowed.

Article 19. Emergency

Are not administrative offense of action, the harm to the rights and the interests protected by the law provided by this Code or other regulations, done, made in emergency condition that is for elimination of the danger threatening to the personality or the rights of this person or other citizens, to interests of society or state if danger could not be under the circumstances eliminated with other means and if the damage suffered is less considerable, than prevented.

Article 20. Diminished responsibility

Person who during making of illegal action or failure to act was in diminished responsibility condition is not subject to the administrative responsibility, that is could not realize value of the actions (failure to act) or direct them owing to chronic or temporary mental disturbance, weak-mindedness or other disease state.

Article 21. Release from the administrative responsibility in view of insignificance of offense

In case of insignificance of committed administrative offense the court can exempt the offender from the administrative responsibility and be limited to the prevention. If other body (official) considering case on administrative offense comes to conclusion about insignificance of committed administrative offense, then case is taken to court for the solution of question of release of the offender from the administrative responsibility according to the procedure, stipulated in Clause 308-1 of this Code.

Article 21-1. Physical or mental compulsion or threat

Person which did the harm to the rights and the interests protected by this Code caused as a result of physical or mental compulsion or threat of application of such coercion is not subject to the administrative responsibility if owing to such coercion person could not direct the actions (failure to act).

The question of the administrative responsibility for damnification to the rights and interests protected by this Code, put as a result of physical or mental compulsion or threat of application of such coercion owing to which person kept opportunity to direct the actions (failure to act), is solved taking into account provisions of article 19 of this Code.

Article 21-2. Release from the administrative responsibility in connection with conciliation

Person, the made administrative offense, stipulated in Article 40 (slander), Article 41 (insult), Article 45 (violation of inviolability of home of citizens), Article 46 (disclosure of the data able to cause moral or material damage to the citizen), Article 46-1 (violation of personal privacy), Article 52 (causing slight injury), Article 61-2 (intentional destruction or damage of property), Article 104 (potrava of crops, spoil or destruction of the reaped crop of crops which is in the field, damage of plantings), Article 133 (the violation by transport drivers of traffic regulations which entailed causing to the victim of slight injury or essential material damage), Article 134 (the violation by drivers of traffic regulations which entailed damage of vehicles or other property), Article 183 (disorderly conduct), by Article 200 (arbitrariness) of this Code, it can be exempted from the administrative responsibility if it admitted the guilt, conciliated with the victim and smoothed down the harm done to it.

The body (official) considering case on administrative offense issues the decree on the direction of case in court for the solution of question of release from the administrative responsibility in connection with conciliation of the parties according to Article 313-1 of this Code.

Person who made the offense provided by part one of this Article, repeatedly within year is not subject to release from the administrative responsibility in connection with conciliation of the parties.

Chapter III. Chapter III. Administrative punishment and enforcement power

Article 22. Purposes of administrative punishment

Administrative punishment is measure of responsibility and is applied for the purpose of education of person who made administrative offense in the spirit of observance and respect of the laws, and also the prevention of making of new offenses by both the offender, and other persons.

Article 23. Types of administrative punishments

For making of administrative offenses the following administrative punishments can be applied:

1) penalty;

2) paid withdrawal of the subject which was the tool of making or direct subject of administrative offense;

3) confiscation of the subject which was the tool of making or direct subject of administrative offense;

4) deprivation of the special right granted to this person (the rights of control of vehicles, the hunting rights);

4-1) obligatory attraction to paid social jobs;

5) administrative detention.

6) administrative expulsion of foreign citizens and stateless persons out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The administrative punishments listed in Items 2 - 6 parts one of this Article, can be established only by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 24. Main and additional administrative punishments

Paid withdrawal, confiscation of objects and deprivation of the special right (the right of control of vehicles) can be applied in quality as the main, and additional administrative punishments, other administrative punishments provided in Article 23 of this Code can be applied only as the main.

For one administrative offense the main or main and additional penalty can be imposed.

Article 25. Penalty

The penalty is the cash collection in the income of the state imposed on person guilty of making of administrative offense.

The size of penalty is determined proceeding from the basic settlement size established at the time of making of administrative offense, and in case of the lasting offense - at the time of its detection.

The minimum size of the penalty imposed on citizens cannot be less one fiftieth part, and on officials the one tenth part of the minimum size of the salary suffices.

The maximum size of the penalty imposed on citizens and employees cannot exceed five, and on officials - ten basic settlement sizes. For separate offenses the penalty to four hundred fifty minimum sizes of the salary can be established.

The maximum size of the penalty established by decisions of public authorities on places according to article 6 of this Code cannot exceed three basic settlement sizes - on citizens and five - on officials.

Article 26. Paid withdrawal

Paid withdrawal of the subject which was the tool of making or direct subject of administrative offense consists in its forced withdrawal and the subsequent realization with transfer of the realized sum to the former owner less selling expenses of the withdrawn subject.

Paid withdrawal of hunting firearms, hunting pneumatic weapon and ammunition to it cannot be applied to persons for whom hunting is the main source of existence.

The procedure for application of paid withdrawal and types of the objects which are subject to withdrawal are established by this Code and other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 27. Confiscation

Confiscation of the subject which was the tool of making or direct subject of administrative offense consists in the forced non-paid address of this subject to property of the state and is applied by district (city) criminal court judge. The subject which is not property of the offender, except for the things withdrawn from circulation is not subject to confiscation.

Confiscation of hunting firearms, hunting pneumatic weapon and ammunition to it, other tools of hunting cannot be applied to persons for whom hunting is the main source of existence.

The procedure for application of confiscation is established by this Code and other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 28. Deprivation of the special right

Deprivation of the special right granted to this person (the rights of control of vehicles, the hunting rights), is applied by district (city) criminal court judge for a period of up to three years. Term of deprivation of such right cannot be less than fifteen days.

Deprivation of the right of control of vehicles cannot be applied to persons who use vehicles in connection with disability, except as specified making of the administrative offenses provided by part five of Article 128-3, part three of Article 128-4, Article part one 131, part one of article 136 of this Code.

Deprivation of the right of hunting cannot be applied to persons for whom hunting is the main source of existence.

Article 28-1. Obligatory attraction to paid social jobs

Obligatory attraction to paid social jobs consists in forced involvement of the offender to accomplishment of socially useful social jobs which is appointed by courts for a period of eight hours till two hundred forty o'clock. If the offender studies, social jobs will be performed in non-study time.

Places (objects) on which offenders can leave paid social jobs and type of paid social jobs are determined by the bodies knowing execution of this punishment - divisions of probation of law-enforcement bodies.

Paid social jobs are not applied to the persons which reached retirement age, did not reach eighteen years, to the expectant mothers, women having children under three years, to persons with disability of the first and second groups, to persons having permanent job, to the military personnel.

Fifty percent of the salary of persons involved in paid social jobs go for debt repayment according to maintenance obligations.

In case of evasion of the offender from serving sentence the court replaces not served sentence of paid social jobs with punishment at the rate of one day of administrative detention in four hours of paid social jobs or penalty in the amount of one basic settlement size in eight hours of paid social jobs. At the same time the term of administrative detention shall not exceed fifteen days, and the size of penalty shall not exceed the twentyfold size of basic settlement size.

Evasion time from serving sentence of the served sentence is not set off in time.

Article 29. Administrative detention

Administrative detention is applied for a period of three up to fifteen days, and in the conditions of emergency rule for infringement of public order - up to thirty days. Administrative detention is appointed by district (city) criminal court judge, and in the conditions of emergency rule - as well the military commandant or the chief of law-enforcement body.

Administrative detention cannot be applied to the expectant mothers, women having children under three years, to persons which are bringing up alone the child aged up to fourteen years to persons which did not reach eighteen years to persons with disability of the first and second groups.

Article 29-1. Administrative expulsion of foreign citizens and stateless persons out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Administrative expulsion of foreign citizens and stateless persons out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan consists in forced or their controlled independent departure with the subsequent restriction in the right to entry into the Republic of Uzbekistan with term from one to three years. Administrative expulsion is applied by district (city) criminal court judge.

Administrative expulsion of foreign citizens and stateless persons out of limits of the Republic of Uzbekistan can be applied in case of making of the offenses provided by Articles 51-2, 51-8, 51-9, 56, of 57, of 58, part one of Article 61-1, Articles 94, 165-1, 184-2, 184-3, 189, 189-1, 201, 202-1, parts three and the fourth Article 224-1, parts seven and the eighth Article 225, Articles 239, of 240, of 241 of this Code.

Administrative expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is not applied to the foreign citizens and stateless persons having obligations on payment of the alimony to the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 29-2. Application of enforcement power of medical nature in the conditions of origin and distribution quarantine and other infections, dangerous to the person

The enforcement power of medical nature in the form of treatment or content in quarantine can be applied in the presence of the corresponding medical bases by bodies of the state sanitary inspection to person who made in the conditions of origin and distribution quarantine and other infections, dangerous to the person, the offense connected with abuse of regulations of fight against epidemics.

The enforcement power of medical nature is applied together with purpose of administrative punishment for up to thirty days and performed in the places determined by bodies of the state sanitary inspection.

Execution of enforcement power of medical nature is provided with bodies of the state sanitary inspection, internal affairs and National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Chapter IV. Application of administrative punishment

Article 30. General rules of application of administrative punishment

Collection for administrative offense is applied in the limits and procedure established by this Code and other regulations.

In case of application of collection nature of committed offense, the identity of the offender, the degree of his fault, property status, circumstances mitigating and aggravating responsibility are considered.

Article 31. The circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility

The circumstances mitigating the administrative responsibility are:

1) frank repentance of the guilty person;

2) prevention by the guilty person of harmful effects of offense, voluntary compensation of damage or elimination of damage suffered;

3) making of offense under the influence of heat passion or in case of confluence of difficult personal, family or other circumstances;

4) making of offense under the influence of threat, coercions or owing to job, material or other dependency;

5) making of offense by the minor;

6) making of offense by the expectant mother or person which is bringing up alone the child aged up to fourteen years.

The body (official) considering case on administrative offense can recognize mitigating and other circumstances.

Article 32. The circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility

The circumstances aggravating the administrative responsibility are:

1) continuation of delinquent behavior, despite requirements of persons authorized on that to stop it;

2) making of homogeneous offense, repeated within year, for which person was already exposed to administrative punishment and is equal making of offense by person having criminal record;

3) involvement of the minor in offense;

4) making of offense group of persons;

5) making of offense in the conditions of natural disaster or in case of other force majeure;

6) making of offense in state of intoxication. The body (official) applying administrative punishment depending on nature of administrative offense can not recognize this circumstance aggravating.

Article 33. Application of softer administrative punishment

Court in case of application of administrative punishment, considering the circumstances mitigating responsibility, and financial position of the offender can apply collection below the lowest limit provided in sanctions of Articles of the Special part of this Code or other, softer collection which is not provided by this Article with obligatory specifying of motives and the bases. Other body (official) considering case on administrative offense, considering the circumstances mitigating responsibility, and financial position of the offender directs case for the solution of question of application of softer administrative punishment to court according to the procedure, stipulated in Clause 308-1 of this Code.

Article 34. Application of administrative punishment for making of several offenses

In case of committing by person of two or more administrative offenses administrative punishment is applied for each offense separately.

If person made several administrative offenses, cases on which are at the same time considered by the same body (official), then the final collection applied to this person is determined within the sanction providing more strict administrative punishment.

If person made action (failure to act) for which the administrative responsibility under several Articles of the Special part of this Code, cases on which are considered by different bodies (officials), is provided, then collection is applied within the sanction providing more strict administrative punishment.

If person made action (failure to act) for which the administrative responsibility under the relevant article of the Special part of this Code is provided, with involvement of the minor in making of administrative offense (Article 188-1 of this Code), then case papers for consideration are brought to trial.

In the cases provided by parts two, third and fourth this Article one of the additional penalties provided by responsibility clauses for any of committed offenses can be attached to the main collection

Article 35. Calculation of terms of administrative detention and deprivation of the special right

The term of administrative detention is estimated for days, deprivation of the special right - days, months, years.

Article 36. Terms of application of administrative punishment

Administrative punishment can be applied no later than two months from the date of making of offense, and in case of the lasting offense - one year from the date of its detection.

In case of refusal in initiation of legal proceedings or the termination of criminal case, but in the presence in actions of the offender of signs of administrative offense, administrative punishment can be applied no later than one month from the date of decision making about refusal in excitement or the termination of criminal case if the terms provided by part one of this Article did not expire.

The terms provided in this Article do not extend to cases of application of the confiscation of objects made on the basis of the customs legislation.

Article 37. The term after which person is considered not being exposed to administrative punishment

If person subjected to administrative punishment within year from the date of the end of execution of collection did not make new administrative offense, then it is considered not being exposed to administrative punishment.

Article 38. Assignment of obligation to indemnify the caused loss

Person who made administrative offense shall indemnify the loss caused by administrative offense.

If the property damage caused as a result of making of administrative offense to the physical person, the company, organization, the organization, self-government institutions of citizens or the state does not exceed the established basic settlement size, then the body (official) in case of application of collection has the right to resolve issue of compensation by the guilty person of this damage, and criminal court judge - irrespective of its size.

In other cases compensation of the property damage caused by administrative offense is solved according to the procedure of civil legal proceedings.

Article 39. Discharge of duty for which failure to carry out administrative punishment was applied

Application of administrative punishment does not exempt person who made administrative offense from discharge of duty for which failure to carry out administrative punishment was applied.

Special part

Chapter V. The administrative responsibility for the offenses encroaching on the rights and freedoms of citizens

Article 40. Slander

Slander, that is distribution of obviously false, dishonoring other person fabrications,

attracts imposing of penalty from twenty up to sixty basic settlement sizes.

Article 41. Insult

Insult, that is intentional humiliation of honor and advantage of the personality,

attracts imposing of penalty from twenty up to forty basic settlement sizes.

Article 41-1. Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment, that is making concerning person single rough or numerous, undesirable to it and degrading his honor and advantage of the actions of sexual nature expressed in the description of its appearance or constitution, gesticulation, touch, challenge having sexual tendency -

attracts imposing of penalty from two up to five basic settlement sizes or administrative detention up to five days.

The same offenses made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment -

attract imposing of penalty from five up to seven basic settlement sizes or administrative detention up to fifteen days.

Article 42. Violation of the law about state language

Violation of the rights of citizens at free choice of language in education and training, creation of obstacles and restrictions in use of language, neglect to state language, and also to other languages of the nations and nationalities living in the Republic of Uzbekistan

attracts imposing of penalty from one up to two basic settlement sizes.

Article 43. Violation of the law about appeals of physical persons and legal entities

Illegal refusal in acceptance and consideration of appeals of physical persons and legal entities, violation without valid excuse terms of their consideration, not direction of the answer in written or electronically, adoption of the decision contradicting the legislation on appeals of physical persons and legal entities, failure to provide of recovery of the violated rights of physical persons and legal entities, execution of the decision made in connection with the address -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from one up to three basic settlement sizes.


Article 44. Unreasonable refusal in acquaintance with documents

Unreasonable refusal in provision to the citizen of access to the documents, decisions and other materials affecting its rights and interests

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from one up to two basic settlement sizes.

Article 45. Violation of inviolability of home of citizens

Illegal entry into the dwelling against the will of persons living in it made not by the official

attracts imposing of penalty from one third up to one basic settlement sizes.

Article 46. Disclosure of the data able to cause moral or material damage to the citizen

Disclosure of medical or trade secret, mystery of correspondence and other messages, notarial actions, banking activities and savings, and equally in other data able to cause moral or material damage to the citizen, its rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the absence of signs of offense, stipulated in Article 46-1 of this Code,

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from one second to two, and on officials - from two up to five basic settlement sizes.

Article 46-1. Violation of personal privacy

Illegal collecting or distribution of the data on private life of person which are its personal or family secret without its consent

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to forty basic settlement sizes.

Article 46-2. Violation of the law about personal data

Illegal collection, systematization, storage, change, amendment, use, provision, distribution, transfer, depersonalization and destruction of personal data, and non-compliance when processing personal data of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan with use of information technologies, including is equal in the world information Internet, requirements for collection, systematization and storage of personal data on the technical means which are physically placed in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in bases of the personal data registered in accordance with the established procedure in the State register of bases of personal data

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens in the amount of seven, and on officials - fifty basic settlement sizes.

Article 47. Failure in duty on education and training of children

Failure to carry out by the parents or persons replacing them obligations on education and training of minor children, including the entailed making by the minor of administrative offense, -

attracts imposing of penalty from one up to five basic settlement sizes.

The same offenses made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment -

attracts imposing of penalty from five up to ten basic settlement sizes.

Hindrance by the parents or persons replacing them, to receipt of obligatory general average by children, secondary vocational, professional education -

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

Making of the offense provided by part three of this Article, repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment -

attracts imposing of penalty from fifteen up to twenty five basic settlement sizes or administrative detention up to fifteen days.

Article 47-1. Not message in guardianship and custody body of information about children without parental support

Not message in guardianship and custody body of information about children without parental support, the head of organization in whom there are such children or the official of self-government institutions of citizens, and is equal provision of obviously false information on children without parental support by them,

attracts imposing of penalty on the official from three up to seven basic settlement sizes.

Article 47-2. Violation of requirements of the legislation in case of the device of children without parental support

Violation of requirements of the legislation by transfer of children without parental support, on education in family (patronage), adoption (adoption), establishment of guardianship (guardianship) over them or in case of their device in the relevant public institution for orphan children or for children without parental support,

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from two to five, and on officials - from three up to seven basic settlement sizes.

Article 47-3. Violation of the law about age of consent or procedure for marriage

The introduction in the actual marriage relations with person which did not reach age of consent

attracts imposing of penalty from five up to ten basic settlement sizes.

Issue in marriage or marriage of person which did not reach age of consent, the parents or persons replacing them

attracts imposing of penalty from seven up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

Departure of religious practice on marriage between persons whose scrap is not registered in the procedure established by the law, including with person which did not reach age of consent -

attracts imposing of penalty from fifteen up to thirty basic settlement sizes.

Article 47-4. Evasion from content of minors or disabled persons

Evasion from content, that is failure to pay over two months in total subject to collection by a court decision or to the writ of funds for content of the minor or disabled person needing financial support -

attracts administrative detention for fifteen days or obligatory attraction to paid social jobs till hundred twenty o'clock or imposing of penalty in the amount of twenty basic settlement sizes on persons to whom according to this Code these types of administrative punishments cannot be applied.

Person which for the first time made offense is exempted from liability if it during consideration of the case about administrative offense voluntarily paid debt on maintenance obligations.

Article 47-5. Evasion from content of parents

Evasion from content, that is failure to pay by full age persons over two months in total the funds for content of the disabled and needing financial support parents or persons replacing them which are subject to collection by a court decision, -

attracts administrative detention for fifteen days or obligatory attraction to paid social jobs till hundred twenty o'clock or imposing of penalty in the amount of twenty basic settlement sizes on persons to whom according to this Code these types of administrative punishments cannot be applied.

Person which for the first time made offense is exempted from liability if it during consideration of the case about administrative offense voluntarily paid debt on maintenance obligations.

Article 47-6. Leaving of the child without supervision in the territory of foreign state

Leaving of the child having nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan, without supervision in the territory of foreign state the father, mother or person replacing them, or the accompanying person, -

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to fifty basic settlement sizes.

When considering the case about administrative offense about leaving of the child without supervision in the territory of foreign state, the court assigns to person who made this administrative offense, obligation on return of the child to the Republic of Uzbekistan from the territory of foreign state with establishment of the maximum term in thirty days or to taking measures to elimination of offense. At the request of the father, mother or person, them the replacing or accompanying person, this term can be prolonged for thirty days.

Article 47-7. Non-execution by parents of obligations to destination guardian or custodian to the minor children

Non-execution by parents of obligations to destination the guardian or the custodian to minor children in case of temporary absence of parents at the place of residence or for the period when they cannot carry out the parental responsibilities, -

attracts imposing of penalty in the amount of one up to five basic settlement sizes.

The same offenses made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment -

attract imposing of penalty from five up to ten basic settlement sizes.

Article 47-8. Promotion of cohabitation to two or more wives

Promotion of cohabitation to two or more wives, distribution of views, the ideas or appeals of such content, and also encouragement of such actions, -

attracts imposing of penalty from fifteen up to thirty basic settlement sizes or administrative detention up to fifteen days.

Article 48. Abuse of the tutorial right

Use of guardianship or custody in the mercenary purposes to the detriment of sponsored or its leaving without supervision and necessary financial support,

attracts imposing of penalty from two up to five basic settlement sizes.

Article 49. Violation of the law about work and labor protection

Violation by the official of the legislation on work and labor protection

attracts imposing of penalty from five up to ten basic settlement sizes.

The same offense made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment, except for obviously wrongful dismissal from work

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

Making of the offense provided by part one of this Article concerning the minor

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to twenty basic settlement sizes.


Article 49-1. Violation of requirements about inadmissibility of use of work of minors

Use of work of the minor at works which can do harm to his health, safety or morality,

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to twenty basic settlement sizes.

Article 49-2. Failure to meet requirements of the legislation on obligatory civil liability insurance of the employer

Failure to meet requirements of the legislation on obligatory civil liability insurance of the employer

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from seven to ten, and on officials - from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

The same offense made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from ten to fifteen, and on officials - from fifteen up to thirty basic settlement sizes.

Article 49-3. Evasion from obligation on allowance payment on temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth

Evasion from obligation on allowance payment on temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth in the sizes established by the legislation

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

The same offense made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment

attracts imposing of penalty from fifteen up to thirty basic settlement sizes.

Article 49-4. Violation of procedure for attraction and use of foreign labor power in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Violation of procedure for attraction and use of foreign labor power in the Republic of Uzbekistan

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from five to ten, and on officials - from ten up to twenty five basic settlement sizes.

The same offense made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from ten to fifteen, and on officials - from twenty five up to fifty basic settlement sizes.

Article 50. Violation of the law about employment of the population

Failure to carry out of decisions of public authorities on places on creation of the minimum quantity of workplaces for employment of persons to which the state provides additional guarantees,

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from ten up to twenty basic settlement sizes.

Unreasonable refusal in employment of persons directed to the companies in organizations and the organizations by local authorities for work in the presence of free workplaces (vacant positions), and also for employment on workplaces on account of the established minimum quantity of workplaces, and equally earlier declared faces directed to professional training, retraining and advanced training

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from ten up to twenty basic settlement sizes.

Making of the offenses provided by parts one and the second this Article, repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from twenty up to thirty basic settlement sizes.

Article 50-1. Violation of the law about private employment agencies

Violation by the official of the legislation on private employment agencies

attracts imposing of penalty from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

Failure to provide by officials of private employment agencies of data on their activities in the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and is equal misstatement supplied or violation of terms of submission of the information

attracts imposing of penalty from fifteen up to twenty basic settlement sizes.

Making of the offenses provided by parts one and the second this Article, repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment

attracts imposing of penalty from twenty five up to thirty basic settlement sizes

Article 51. Administrative coercion to work

Administrative coercion to work in any form, except as specified, provided by the law,

attracts imposing of penalty from fifty up to hundred basic settlement sizes.

The same offense made concerning the pedagogical employee of the educational organization -

attracts imposing of penalty from hundred up to hundred fifty basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-1. Violation of the law about the rights of persons with disability 

Non-execution of requirements for creation of conditions to persons with disability for easy access to buildings, constructions, transport, information and means of communication, including information and communication technologies and systems, and also on the equipment owners of hotels at least one number from the general number of rooms available to persons with disability using wheelchair -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

The same offense made repeatedly within year after application of administrative punishment -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from fifteen up to thirty basic settlement sizes.

Chapter V-1. The administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of the organization and elections and referendum

Article 51-2. Intervention in activities of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the electoral commissions, commissions on holding referendum

Intervention in activities of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the electoral commissions, commissions on holding referendum, and is equal creation of obstacles to their work, -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from ten up to fifteen basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-3. Non-execution of decisions of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the electoral commissions, commissions on holding referendum

Non-execution of decisions of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the electoral commissions, commissions on holding referendum, and equally illegal refusal in consideration of their addresses, violation without valid excuse terms of their consideration -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from three up to seven basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-4. Violation of the rights of the candidate, authorized representative, observer or authorized representative of political party

Violation of the rights of the candidate, authorized representative, observer or authorized representative of political party, -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from five up to ten basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-5. Violation of conditions and procedure for carrying out election propaganda, propaganda on the questions submitted for referendum

Violation by the candidate, authorized representative, representative of political party, the official of conditions and procedure for carrying out election propaganda, propaganda on the questions submitted for referendum -

attracts imposing of penalty from seven up to ten basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-6. Distribution of false information about candidates, political parties

Publication or distribution by different ways of obviously false information about the candidate, political party for the purpose of impact on election results -

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from three to five, and on officials - from five up to ten basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-7. Intentional destruction or damage of information and propaganda materials during preparation and elections or referendum

Intentional destruction or damage of the information, propaganda materials placed on buildings, constructions or in other places during preparation and elections or referendum -

attracts imposing of penalty from three up to seven basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-8. Violation of procedure for financing of elections or referendum

Violation of procedure for financing of elections or referendum -

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from five to ten, and on officials - from ten up to twenty basic settlement sizes.

Article 51-9. Violation of procedure for publication (promulgation) of survey results of public opinion, forecasts of election results or referendum

Violation of procedure for publication (promulgation) of survey results of public opinion, forecasts of election results or referendum, and also other researches connected with elections or referendum -

attracts imposing of penalty on officials from fifteen up to twenty basic settlement sizes.


Chapter VI. The administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of public health care

Article 52. Causing slight injury

Careless causing slight injury,

attracts imposing of penalty from one up to two basic settlement sizes.

The intentional causing slight injury which did not entail short-term disorder of health or insignificant permanent disability in the absence of offense signs, stipulated in Article 59-2 of this Code

attracts imposing of penalty from two up to four basic settlement sizes.

Article 53. Violation of the sanitary legislation

Violation of the sanitary legislation, sanitary standards, rules and hygienic standard rates,

attracts imposing of penalty on citizens from five to ten, and on officials - from fifteen up to twenty basic settlement sizes.

Article 54. Abuse of regulations of fight against epidemics

Stay in public places without mask in the conditions of origin and distribution quarantine and other infections, dangerous to the person, contrary to special requirements of authorized body

attracts imposing of penalty up to five basic settlement sizes.

Violation of the obligatory rules established for the purpose of the prevention of origin or distribution quarantine and other infections, dangerous to the person, including in the conditions of origin and distribution quarantine and other infections, dangerous to the person, non-compliance with internal rules and procedures of medical institution and failure to carry out without valid excuse requirements about passing of physical examination and treatment, arrival in the places determined for passing of quarantine and not escape of these places during the established period, disclosure of information about persons with whom there was contact and places of visit in the period of risk of infection with disease, and also other legal requirements of bodies of the state sanitary inspection


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